Wise Beyond Your Fears with Sherryl Lin
We all need a friend that helps us look at ourselves with brutal honesty to navigate the twists and turns of real life. What if the friend were a great book? Do you want to live an unencumbered life? My guest today helps us understand the transitory nature of our experiences, thoughts, and emotions. She invites us to stop running away from fear and other challenging feelings, and instead choose to embrace the fullness of our human experience, knowing we are free to choose how we experience life. In approaching life this way, we become Wise Beyond Our Fears.
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Sherryl Lin has vivid memories of being a young child with a pure, loving heart who knew that everything was possible. She knew that she had intuitive abilities back then, but being that there was no one to explain to her what she was experiencing, she shut that part of herself down. Sherryl Lin was always interested in spirituality and spent much of her early adult life looking for the next teacher or guru who, she was certain, had the answers she was looking for.
Everything shifted when, through a series of mystical, awakening experiences, Sherryl Lin began to remember her connection to higher levels of consciousness and her abilities accelerated at an exponential rate. Sherryl assists her clients to move to the next level in all areas of their lives, including their health, business, life purpose, and relationships. As a Medical Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Guide, she reads the energy beneath your words, working deeply at the cellular level as a Spiritual Conduit, bringing you back into alignment with the truth of who you really are.