Unlock Your Highest Potential:
A Private, Exclusive Mentoring Experience

Are you feeling called to something deeper? Perhaps you’ve achieved great success in your career and life, yet there’s an undeniable pull toward something more—a longing for purpose, connection, and a profound sense of meaning that goes beyond material success.

You’re not alone. This moment of awakening is an invitation—a doorway into a new chapter of your life where personal transformation meets collective evolution. And it’s exactly where our work begins.

A High-End, Life-Changing Opportunity

Imagine stepping into a year-long, immersive journey that aligns your personal awakening with the shift happening across the planet. This opportunity is a private, exclusive mentoring program designed for high-functioning, successful individuals who are ready to reimagine their lives, awaken to their soul’s true purpose, and make a high-impact shift that touches the lives of many.

This isn’t just another self-development program. It’s an invitation to completely transform—from the inside out—guided by a mentor who can help you access the still, small voice of divine guidance, stabilize higher frequencies of consciousness, and align your life with the greater cosmic plan.

Step into Your Evolutionary Leadership

Hello Friends, Visionaries, and Change-Makers,

It’s my passion and joy to serve conscious evolution by supporting leaders who are influencing change. The complex challenges we face today will not be solved within the same consciousness or outdated systems that created them. We’re being invited to rise above, to step into our highest potential, and to co-create solutions grounded in unity, love, and coherence. As an advocate and co-evolutionary partner for those who recognize the global shift happening—what some call The Great Turning from separation to unitive consciousness—I joyfully help navigate these transformative times.

I believe we can change the world one initiative, program, or solution at a time. That’s why I support evolutionary thought leaders, change agents, and way-showers with big missions and world-changing visions. Together, we align with evolutionary principles, regenerative structures, and compassionate, co-creative solutions that spark whole-system transformation. These times invite us to come together as one human family, create greater coherence, and collaborate across national, cultural, and ideological differences. Our personal, cultural, and planetary health are interconnected and interdependent.

That’s where my super-powers come in.

It’s hard to describe what I do. I’m not a traditional life coach, business consultant, or spiritual guide. I bring together an academic, scholarly side—a licensed and certified professional—with my deeply spiritual, mystic gifts as a seer and knower, and my creative, artistic side as a visionary in love with beauty and nature. Balancing and integrating these sides gives me a whole unique, embodied perspective that I bring to the leaders I serve. I’ve spent a lifetime studying and playing in consciousness, dwelling on the evolutionary edge and ushering in new frontiers.

If you’re ready to transition your life, work, or projects into a thriving future, I’m here for you. If you seek guidance to transform your world from the inside out (or the outside in), I’m here to serve. If you’re poised to make a huge impact, step into your power to lead change, and become the way-shower you were born to be, let’s connect. If you feel ready for radical, transformative change but don’t know where to begin, start here. I am a mentor, mystic, and muse of conscious evolution.

The Journey: From Awakening to Impact

Over the course of a year, we will work together to help you:

Create a Vision Aligned with Your Soul’s Purpose: Your personal transformation will ripple out into the world, fueling a new reality not only for yourself but for those you’re meant to impact. We’ll craft a bold, evolutionary vision of your future that feels deeply aligned with your highest calling.

Unlock Your Full Potential: With one-on-one, personalized mentoring, I’ll help you access and integrate the next level of your evolution. Together, we’ll unlock your unique gifts and soul’s coding, allowing you to embody your highest potential.

Navigate Chaos with Clarity and Confidence: Through powerful tools and strategies, you’ll learn to turn confusion and uncertainty into opportunities for profound growth and transformation, gaining clarity on how to lead from a place of peace, coherence, and strength.

Co-Create Lasting Impact: This program is designed to help you create significant, second-order change—transformations that go beyond surface-level adjustments and reshape the foundations of your life and legacy. We’ll focus on turning your awakening into real-world action and high-impact contributions.

The World Needs Your Aligned Purpose

Why This Program?

You’re not here to settle for small, incremental changes. You’re ready for a breakthrough—a leap into a new way of being that transforms not only your life but the world around you. This mentoring offers you the space, support, and profound guidance to make that leap. You’ll emerge as a visionary leader, fully embodied and aligned with the heart-centered, spiritual consciousness that’s emerging across the planet.

This program is for those who are serious about their evolution and want to create a significant, lasting impact. It’s for those who are waking up to the deeper call of their soul and are ready to answer it with courage, grace, and clarity.

Step Into Your Highest Calling

If you’re ready to step into the next phase of your life’s journey—one that’s driven by a sense of deep unitive purpose, heart-centered leadership, and spiritual alignment—this is your opportunity to do just that. This is your moment to awaken to who you truly are and contribute to the collective evolution in a way only you can.

Don’t wait. Schedule a conversation with me today to explore if this exclusive, high-impact program is the right fit for you. The world is waiting for your unique contribution. Let’s begin.

How We Work Together

Realize Your Evolutionary Potential

Working with me is not just a coaching experience—it’s a transformative journey into the depths of your potential. I offer a co-creative process that is deeply personalized, tailored to meet your unique needs and aspirations. With over 35 years of professional psychotherapy experience, combined with my intuitive, visionary, and healing gifts, I bring together the best of empirical knowledge and prophetic wisdom to guide you into your expanded possibilities.

Our work together is a partnership, where you become a co-creator of your own evolution. I provide grounded, practical support alongside multi-dimensional guidance, creating a safe, nurturing space for your transformation. Together, we will craft a field of coherence, align with your highest frequency, and tune into the evolutionary purpose that is calling you forward.

Beyond the boundaries of traditional coaching or consulting, our journey will take you down the mystic’s path—where deep connection and sacred union with the foundations of Life allow you to unlock your unique genius and align with the creative flow of the universe. As you awaken to a new level of consciousness, you’ll not only embrace the mysteries of our transforming world, but also embody your role as a leader and change-agent.

Personalized One-on-One Journey

With wholehearted attention and presence, I work with a select number of clients each year, ensuring that we can co-create in real time, responding to what is emerging in your life and leadership. Whether through live sessions, immersive experiences, or a curated repository of resources, our collaboration will be uniquely tailored for you to thrive in these evolutionary times.

As mentor, mystic, and muse, I work with a small, intimate group of inspired and motivated transformational leaders who are poised and ready to co-create positive and amazing things in the world. This exclusive impact opportunity gives us the freedom to get creative, have fun, and push the boundaries of what’s possible as we align with the impulse of conscious evolution.

If you’re ready to step into your power as a way-shower, this  is where we not only explore your highest potential but also bring it to life in ways that create meaningful, lasting change. Together, we’ll design and implement regenerative solutions, compassionate systems, and visionary projects that serve the world and future generations.

This is your chance to be part of the evolutionary change happening on our planet. The call to action has never been clearer—now is the time to do your part for our collective evolution. Will you answer?

Why You Really Want to Work With Me

Yes, my professional bio speaks for itself: decades of global experience, working alongside the world’s leading futurists, visionaries, and transformational leaders. But here’s why you really want to work with me:

I bring more than expertise; I offer a unique ability to tune into the subtle energy and evolutionary flow that’s guiding you. I don’t just read the room—I read the cosmos. I sense the invisible dynamics at play, tapping into higher frequencies and cosmic patterns to help you unlock the insights and breakthroughs you may not even know you’re capable of. You’ll gain access to a level of clarity and alignment that feels out of reach on your own.

I have a unique gift for synthesizing complexity—bridging the seen and unseen, weaving together disparate elements into a unified, coherent whole. I create and maintain an embodied expression of unitive consciousness that helps you access deep wisdom and craft heart-centered solutions. Working with me means not only envisioning your potential but feeling it at a core level, as I mirror back to you the higher frequency that transforms your leadership and your life.

When you partner with me, we won’t just navigate chaos and crises—we’ll transform them into extraordinary opportunities for growth and coherence. Whether you’re leading a personal or organizational shift, I’ll guide you through these pivotal moments with grounded clarity, helping you align with the highest order of possibility.

I don’t just work at the surface level. I help you tap into the deepest layers of your being, accessing the cosmic big picture while bringing it down into actionable, real-world strategies. Together, we’ll unlock radical advancements in consciousness, co-create magical breakthrough solutions, and, ultimately, elevate both your personal evolution and global impact.

This is more than a transformational journey—it’s about embodying your full potential as a leader and a catalyst for collective evolution. You’ll not only play your role in this great unfolding but do so in a way that’s deeply authentic, soul-aligned, and profoundly powerful.

Through our work, I help you access higher states of consciousness, ground your visionary insights into action, and manifest quantum leaps in your leadership.

The truth is, this journey isn’t for everyone. But if you’re ready to step into your highest expression, unlock the unseen potentials within you, and make an exponential impact, we’re going to make magic together.

If you’re ready to move beyond incremental changes and start living on the cutting edge of conscious evolution, let’s co-create something extraordinary together.

Ready to Begin Your Evolutionary Journey?

Take the first step toward your personal and professional transformation. Click the link below to schedule a complimentary discovery session and explore how we can work together to unlock your highest potential.

Schedule Your Discovery Session Now

Or email me at: julie@juliekrull.com

Don’t wait—spaces are limited, and I work with only a select number of clients each year. Let’s co-create the future you were meant to lead.

Conscious and Social Entrepreneurs
Visionaries and Futurists
Thought Leaders and Way-Showers
Teachers and Students
Writers and Speakers
Artists, Mystics, and Musicians
Medical Professionals and Healers
Those at the Top of Their Game
Business and Creative Folk
Sacred Activists and Community Volunteers
Coaches and Mentors
(R)Evolutionaries and Social Architects
Young Pioneers and Wise Elders
Emerging Leaders and Seasoned Stewards
Corporate Executives and Industry Leaders
Those Leading Their Industry
Change-Makers and Game-Changers
Cultural Trend-Setters and Influencers
Philosophers and Philanthropists
Tech Moguls and Engineers
Environmentalists and Nature Lovers
Spiritual Leaders and Mentors
Quiet Luminaries and Light Workers
Those with a Pioneering Spirit

What Clients and Colleagues Say...

"Julie Krull offers gifts of unique insight that opens a world of possibility... Julie paints a portrait of what can and must be."
Dr. Jean Houston

Author, scholar, philosopher and researcher in Human Capacities

From the vast spectrum of her studies and understanding, to the drama of change and transformation, Julie Krull offers gifts of unique insight that opens a world of possibility. She shows that what is needed now is our willingness to co-create a new personal and social paradigm, in which humanity and the Earth are each enhanced within the context of a collective destiny. As the membrane of old forms breaks down, a more complex and inclusive global organism comes into being. As living cells within this new organism, we are rescaled to earth-wide proportions in our responsiveness and our responsibilities. With deep understanding and kindness, Julie paints a portrait of what can and must be. Listeners and clients are called to participate in a higher enterprise–to become the change that makes the change.
"Dr Julie Krull is truly a beautiful, inspirational and embodied soul model of unitive and evolutionary awareness..."
Dr. Jude Currivan

Cosmologist, co-founder of WholeWorld-View and author of The Cosmic Hologram and The Story of Gaia

“Dr Julie Krull is truly a beautiful, inspirational and embodied soul model of unitive and evolutionary awareness. Julie’s empathic and profound wisdom and compassion shine through all she is and does with wonder-full expertise and dedication and all-ways in service ‘for the good of the whole’.”
"Julie Krull is a masterful moderator, interviewer, and orchestrator of meaningful conversations..."
Dr. Robert Atkinson

Award-winning author of The Story of Our Time and A New Story of Wholeness, and founder of StoryCommons and One Planet Peace Forum

“Julie Krull is a masterful moderator, interviewer, and orchestrator of meaningful conversations, an award-winning author, a wise midwife for all things connected, a pioneering visionary advocate for the good of the whole, a truly remarkable being, and a friend extrordinaire. One Planet Peace Forum is extremely grateful for her role as an advisor and emcee from its beginning. She is a renaissance woman for the dawning unitive age. Let her inspire and guide you or your organization in ways unimaginable.”
“Dr. Julie Krull is that rare being who is willing to dive so fully into embodying the unitive experience that one always sees her edifying others, lifting others up, and honoring...
Gary Malkin

Award-winning composer/producer and founder of WisdomoftheWorld.com.

“Dr. Julie Krull is that rare being who is willing to dive so fully into embodying the unitive experience that one always sees her edifying others, lifting others up, and honoring the Light as it emerges in the space and through others, rather than inserting herself and her brilliant work into her conversations, as so many others find it difficult to resist. She is the embodiment of what she speaks. The way in which she demonstrates what it looks like to embody a direct experience of the One Heart with humility, gratitude, and service – without apology, hubris or self-centeredness – reminds us that we all have the opportunity to be in service to the emerging Light that’s within all of us, available in every moment, for all time. Love, Presence, and Connection are her recurring guests for all her interviews, talks, and revelations. I celebrate Dr. Julie for being a powerful voice in service to sharing the Unitive Experience, the only conversation that really matters.”
"Dr Julie Krull is a practical, inspiring and powerful voice of evolution in challenging times. She calls to the very heart of each of us, naming the great leap in consciousness that is upon us..."
Dot Maver

Educator, peacebuilder, and founder of Global Silent Minute, National Peace Academy USA (NPA), River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding (RPCP), and Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures of Peace

“Dr Julie Krull is a practical, inspiring and powerful voice of evolution in challenging times. She calls to the very heart of each of us, naming the great leap in consciousness that is upon us, and offering wisdom and a deep clarifying understanding of the loving unitive story that underlies the happenings of the time. Gaia surely knows Julie as giving voice and expression to her expansion of consciousness as this impacts each and every one of us. Julie is a master facilitator, inspirational speaker, ‘in the moment’ moderator, and her presence through radio, programs, events and Good of the Whole is at once seeding, nurturing and harvesting the realization of a new way of harmoniously living together on this beautiful planet we all call home. Thank you Julie Krull you make the world a better place for all of us.”
"I believe Julie has the vision, the clarity and the courage to be such a voice, pointing the way forward through the fog of relativism and circuitous green-meme thinking..."
Ben Bowler

Founder and director, Unity Earth

“Meeting Dr. Julie Krull in Toronto was one of the many blessings of the Toronto Convergence and the Parliament of the World’s Religions. My sense is that Julie has a special role to play as we journey from what Wilbur calls Tier 1 to Tier 2 consciousness. In particular, the transition from the “green” or relativistic state to the “turquoise” or integral state is a very narrow and delicate passage to be traversed. When sitting with Julie during a meeting in Toronto I had the image of a specialist “pilot” who is brought aboard ships to navigate through particularly treacherous waters or narrow straights. I see Julie as one of these special “pilots” so needed in this time, as we move from the well intentioned though ultimately delusional view that “every perspective has equal value” towards a more meritorious-based evolutionary navigation system. I believe Julie has the vision, the clarity and the courage to be such a voice, pointing the way forward through the fog of relativism and circuitous green-meme thinking.
I look forward to the journey ahead and seeing Dr. Krull’s important leadership flourishing and leading us all forward towards greater states of truth, beauty and goodness.”
"Julie Krull is the the High Priestess of the Unitive Field."
David Gershon

Co-Founder and CEO of Empowerment Institute

Julie Krull is the the High Priestess of the Unitive Field. Wherever she shows up the world becomes more more whole. She truly lives her motto of “for the good of the whole.” She is a wise, caring, and loving soul. I am grateful to call her a friend.
"Dr. Julie Krull is the rare individual who embodies the brilliant mind of a scholar, strong will of a warrior, and compassionate heart of a mystic..."
Ariel Patricia

CEO Sacred Stories Publishing

“Dr. Julie Krull is the rare individual who embodies the brilliant mind of a scholar, strong will of a warrior, and compassionate heart of a mystic. Listening to Julie artfully discuss and connect seemingly disparate threads into a cohesive whole, leaves no doubt to the depth of her wisdom and her ability to see the interconnectedness of all.”
"Julie is the wisest person I know."
Rev. Dr. Paul Baglyos

ELCA Regional Coordinator, Asst. Professor

“Julie is a wise theologian and an insightful spiritual guide. Her own vibrant faith serves to nurture the faith of others, and her compassionate regard for all people makes her a trustworthy companion on the sacred journey of life. I am richly blessed by her teaching. Julie is the wisest person I know.”
"Dr. Julie Krull is a unique and masterful conductor and facilitator of conscious story and evolutionary wisdom. She brings out our innate genius and gets to the heart of what matters by understanding how things connect..."
Dr. Anneloes Smitsman

Founder and CEO, EARTHwise Centre, and co-author, The Quest of Rose

“Dr. Julie Krull is a unique and masterful conductor and facilitator of conscious story and evolutionary wisdom. She brings out our innate genius and gets to the heart of what matters by understanding how things connect. I have been her guest on the Dr. Julie Show many times and I can honestly say that these are truly one of the highest quality conversations that one can wish for. Her questions, insights, weaving, and in-depth understanding of our human potential are pearls of consciousness, and nourishment for the soul that catalyze the Good of the Whole.”
"an invaluable asset to any program"
Jeremy Phelan

Treasurer, One Planet Peace Forum

Having attended over 100 seminars and events during my 50+ year career, I can attest that Dr. Krull is the finest moderator I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I have observed Dr. Krull’s moderating skill in managing events as short as a few hours to as long as two days. She consistently works with the speakers, asking probing questions and directing the conversation in interesting ways. She handles with sensitivity a wide variety of people (and egos) drawing out interesting and stimulating conversations. In the face of unexpected program changes, I have watched her pivot flawlessly. In my view she is an invaluable asset to any program.
"Dr. Julie is helping consciously evolve our culture from the inside-out. With every shift we make, I see growth..."
Jami, Mentoring Client

CEO, Fortune 100 Company

“Dr. Julie is helping consciously evolve our culture from the inside-out. With every shift we make, I see growth. Our industry is not sustainable with the sweeping, radical changes occurring in the world and workforce. Dr. Julie has opened my team’s eyes to what is going on in the world and helped us to engage in change consciously for the good of the whole. It’s working. We’re poised as an industry leader to make a real, significant difference.”
"Julie Krull is an alchemical wizard. Her cosmic awareness of the medical milieu--old, new, and emerging--is beyond what any futurist could predict. She's wise, masterful, and grounded..."
Robert, MD, Mentoring Client

CEO major healthcare system

“Julie Krull is an alchemical wizard. Her cosmic awareness of the medical milieu–old, new, and emerging–is beyond what any futurist could predict. She’s wise, masterful, and grounded in systems thinking. She gets the big picture and doesn’t let us get siloed in our old, limited thinking. Dr. Julie is a healer at heart and creates the conditions for my best self to come forward so I can lead the change and the healing for my organization that I didn’t know it needed.”
"Dr. Julie creates a special field that cultivates healthy growth and a higher expression I didn't know was possible..."
Kassandra, Ph.D., Mentoring Client

Department Chair, Researcher, Professor,

“Dr. Julie creates a special experience that cultivates healthy growth and a higher expression I didn’t know was possible. I’ve been a closet mystic since my Near Death Experience two decades ago. Because I depend on federal grants to study the social sciences, I haven’t felt free to share my personal beliefs and experiences in the workplace. Yet, working with Julie has given me hope and a new sense of agency. With confidence, I now integrate the new science of unitive awareness, physics, and consciousness studies into my work without any red flags. I gently guide the perception of my work toward the unified nature of reality without needing to be spiritual or too woo-woo. I feel liberated, more like my true self. I am forever grateful. Julie is a true pioneer.”

Dr. Julie is putting the spirit back in health, the soul back in psyche,

and evolutionary consciousness in everyday life.  

Work with Dr. Julie and experience your highest creative potential.


All Things Connected, L.L.C. was created to support global initiatives, progressive communities, and conscious leaders as they adopt and practice regenerative, whole system models of generosity, co-creativity, and unity awareness.