What Is Beautiful Compost?
Healing is sacred. It shouldn’t be terrifying or traumatic. We invite you to join us on a conscious path toward wholeness as we stoke the alchemical fires within and mindfully tend to our evolutionary journey.
NATURE’S WISDOM: When layers of waste materials are heaped on a pile and left unattended, it takes a very long time to break down and decompose. The waste eventually begins to rot, gets slimy, and smells–a lot! However, when a compost pile is managed and stirred daily, it receives fresh oxygen so aerobic bacteria can break down the waste material quickly and efficiently. The compost pile heats up as the waste is transformed into rich, nourishing fertilizer and soil amendment. The unattended pile takes a long time and stinks. The tended pile gets really, really hot, but transforms much quicker.
Which transformational journey would you choose?
MULTIDIMENSIONAL HEALING: Beautiful Compost is a multidimensional healing journey–an opportunity to burn away the debris of outdated and false beliefs about ourselves, the world, and who we really are, breakdown the illusion of separation in our lives, remove or transmute emotional blocks and baggage, and transform what’s no longer working. The alchemical fires of transformation and healing are within. We are entrusted with consciously tending this eternal flame. We amplify our healing potential as we come together in circle around the sacred fire and hold a high vibrational field of love, alchemy and support for one another. The result is not only physical, emotional, and spiritual. Beautiful compost is a cosmic, quantum process that aligns your essential self with its place in the universe and brings you into right relationship with yourself, others, Earth, and all its inhabitants for the good of the whole.
THE INVITATION: We invite you to use unique evolutionary and meaningful tools and techniques to efficiently clear old wounds, trauma, social conditioning and emotional debris. Along with Nature’s wisdom, we’ll use ancient feminine wisdom, cutting-edge science, expanded consciousness, energy medicine, the unified field of consciousness, community coherence, deep resonance, and the arts as medicine for the soul. We will create, express, liberate and rediscover our inherent unity and wholeness. Beautiful Compost will cultivate a fertile field and create the conditions for your highest expression and healing to come forward. Yes, you may feel the heat of the alchemical fires, but we promise you won’t get burned!
Designed For Each Woman's Unique Needs and Experience

Reclaiming Your Feminine Power
One out of every six women in the United States has been a victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. One in nine girls under the age of 18 experience childhood sexual abuse or assault by an adult. Eighty-one percent of American women have experience sexual harassment. These issues create life-long challenges and issues for women’s health and well-being.
Harassment, assault, discrimination, trauma, shame, acquaintance rape, incest, domestic violence, sexual misconduct in the workplace… For centuries oppression, violence against women, patriarchal systems and male dominance has created a prolific injustice in our culture. But times are changing. The sexual harassment allegations against film giant Harvey Weinstein sparked an online movement, in which women used “#MeToo” on social media to express solidarity for the pervasive issue of sexual harassment and assault. It also took the lid off of decades of secrecy and oppression in the work place. The sentencing of former Olympic gymnastics doctor, Larry Nassar, pushes the conversation and healing potential forward with tenacity. The stories women are telling are not new. And, as we are seeing, they are invasive in many “high profile” industries such as entertainment, media, politics, and sports. But what about the low profile everyday stories of women? What about the women who don’t have the power to tell their stories and get help? Join us for this healing journey as we focus on “Reclaiming Feminine Power” and moving beyond our stories to heal our culture and planet. It’s time for women to rise, heal, and stand in our sacred authority.
Where Does Your Revolution Live?
“My revolution begins in the body
It isn’t waiting anymore
My revolution does not need approval or permission
It happens because it has to happen…” ~ Eve Ensler
Where does your revolution begin? Chances are, your focus has been “out there” on things, people and systems that need change. What would happen if you brought your attention, focus, and fierce-feminine-warrior energy back home and allowed it to ground in your body? Generations of oppression and cultural myths have atrophied our relationship with our bodies and raped us of experiencing our divine feminine power. It is time to release the false, faulty and flawed beliefs we hold in our bodies, the misguided and mistaken ideas that occupy our minds, and the unfounded, untrue illusions that have programed our psyche. As we do, we reclaim our truth and rewrite our story. This is the invitation of Beautiful Compost. Let us bring the revolution home, ground the force of love, and step into our wholeness.
Return of the Sacred Feminine
We are called to rise up and embody the sacred feminine as we rebirth a whole new way of being and co-create a whole new kind of world. Healing our fragmented sense of reality and remembering our inherent connection with self, each other, Creation and the Sacred begins with embracing our divinity. We will join in community to support one another and elevate our collective expression of the divine feminine. Now is our time.
As we heal, so does our culture and planet. As whole beings, we move toward all social injustices with confidence and poise, ready to tackle systemic racial injustice and all the turbulent “isms and schisms” that the wound of separation has created.
We are living in extraordinary times—and the opportunity to evolve and expand into our highest potential is now. If you’re reading this, you are probably ready to let go of all that weighs you down, holds you back, and no longer serves your highest good. The invitation you feel is real—and now you have access to the sacred alchemy and deep clearing that is essential to bring forth your evolutionary potential.

A Personal Message From Dr. Julie
Dear Friends of Beautiful Compost,
I have a vision of a world transformed by people taking personal responsibility for their lives, health, thoughts, words, actions, suffering, and healing; a world where we learn to accept all of life’s experiences in their fullness; a world where we practice mindfulness, establish coherence and create resonance that transforms and transcends unnecessary pain and suffering. I have a vision of a culture of peace and a world of love. I am hopeful that you share that vision.
I appreciate your interest in the Beautiful Compost journey. Reclaiming feminine power is an essential imperative at this time on our planet. We live in incredibly creative, destructive, alchemical and transformative times. As old systems, born in the consciousness of separation, competition, and scarcity, and created within a masculine, patriarchal worldview, break down, events and daily news can trigger emotions and push us to the edge of our own personal breaking point. We’re invited to look deeply within to consider what is out of alignment in our lives. It’s time to activate the power of our heart and access our inherent creative potential.
Some of us will use this opportunity to burn away the debris of outdated and false beliefs about ourselves, the world, the Divine, and who we really are. It is the perfect time to breakdown the illusion of separation in our lives, and transcend what’s not working. I invite you to take a journey into expanded consciousness, ancient wisdom, cutting-edge science, energy medicine and psychology, the unified field of loving intelligence, and the arts as medicine for the soul. We will create, express, liberate and rediscover our inherent unity and wholeness.
We are divine, sovereign beings. We are sacred expressions of the Divine Feminine. We are midwives birthing a new consciousness. No one individual, experience, organization, or community has the right to take that power from us. It is time to step up and co-create a world where we respect and honor one another with compassion, inclusion, and tolerance for the GOOD of the WHOLE. We must hospice the old ways of being as we transmute the subconscious blocks and emotional debris. At the same time, we are called to nurture and cultivate humanity’s new, emerging, and evolving creative potential. That potential begins with us.
As we open ourselves to deep healing and this sacred path, we create more space for high vibrational energy to rush in and transform our lives with love, light and a divine inspiration. This journey will be transformative, meaningful, and beautiful. Together, we will grow personally and collectively. Thank you for your interest. I look forward to serving as your Compost Companion!
A World of Love,
Dr. Julie
“Nature and women hold the original primal force that arises spontaneously. This creative force is the first element and the ground from which all elements of life on Earth emerge. It is original wholeness and oneness. Nature and women hold these earliest elements of existence from which all manifestation arises.”
~ MaryAnn Copson
Reserve Your Spot Today
Next Session Coming Soon
Registration for Beautiful Compost: Intimacy, Power and Healing the Feminine Wound Series is Limited. Participants are accepted on a first come, first confirmed basis. If you have questions or need assistance, please email Dr. Julie’s staff. Thank you.

We Live in Creative, Transformational Times
This online community of women will provide an inspiring sanctuary to support the cultivation of deep healing, feminine wisdom, and spiritual growth. The group will embody a feminine experiential design, bringing women together from diverse paths to:
• Dialogue openly about the healing process: insights, lessons, meanings
• Transform pain, adverse experiences, and memories into nourishing creative potential
• Connect with one another in a private and confidential setting around shared commitments, weekly assignments, and the healing process
• Experience guidance, challenge, comfort, inspiration, and encouragement while practicing techniques that cleanse consciousness and release limiting thoughts, beliefs and emotions.
• Learn and utilize the Purge Journaling and Beautiful Compost Processes
• Master the Deepening Cycle: Release, Receive, Return
• Actualize the Conscious Composting Process for a lifetime of usage

An Alchemical Opportunity to Access the Fire Within
This group is ideal for women who take responsibility for their health and honor a conscious, spiritual journey. This comprehensive deep healing experience is designed for motivated, insightful women willing to explore the depths of the subconscious mind and use new transformational techniques. The process uses the expressive arts and a unique layering process of awakening. Participants must be willing to use art materials and journaling techniques, but need not be accomplished artists. You may use poetry, music, dance and other artistic expressions. The process is therapeutic and the outcome is a gift.
CAUTION: If you are going through a difficult or challenging time, this group will not provide intensive counseling or replace individual psychotherapy. However, if you are under the care of a private counselor or psychotherapist, you are welcome to participate in this group. It is recommended that you discuss this with your healthcare professional. For a small professional fee, Dr. Julie will be happy to communicate and collaborate with your mental health provider to answer questions and provide ongoing reports.

Compost the Subconscious Debris of Old Wounds
Format: This group will meet online in a private group format. The process and instructions are simple and will be provided following your registration. We will meet weekly for processing, conversation, support and sharing. The SECRET Facebook group will be a space for daily dialog, inspiration, continued support, and connection. There will be weekly homework of art journaling assignments that will require additional time. However the design allows flexibility and freedom in your personal schedule.
Materials: You will need to have space to do messy art journaling. Other basic art materials include: paper, pens, pencils, cheap acrylic paints, markers, collage materials, magazines, and found objects. If you love the process and want to invest in more supplies, a list of extras will be provided.
Dates: This will be an online group with opportunities to connect (morning meditations, afternoon check-ins, and evening lesson and processing). Times will be set after registration, however, the main community gathering will likely be Wednesdays at 5:00 pm Pacific/8:00 pm Eastern. The format allows for freedom and self exploration that fits into your schedule, but provides enough structure for instructions, support, processing and personal growth. All sessions will be recorded for your convenience.
Experience Sacred Alchemy…
Tap into an infinite source of creative potential and dissolve emotional and energetic blocks
Relax into resonance and experience a healing state of coherence
Align with the Divine and attune to your home frequency
Clear your energetic field of unconscious shame & clutter to facilitate health, healing and quality of life
Learn to work with subtle energy, ancient wisdom and quantum leaps
Consciously engage in the art, science and transformational power of healing
Harness the mechanics of energy medicine, consciousness, and the creative process
Understand the role of consciousness in health and wholeness
A Twelve Week Multi-Dimensional Healing Process

COMPOST SESSION ONE: Introduction to consciousness, quantum healing and the process. Introduction of participants, materials and time commitment. Establishing personal safety and boundaries.

COMPOST SESSION TWO: Exploring our theme of “Reclaiming Feminine Power and Healing the Wounds of Racism, Sexism, and the Turbulent Schisms of Our Time.” Expanding our understanding of Self as sacred and whole. Building the foundation of wholeness.

COMPOST SESSION THREE: Clearing old wounds, transpersonal trauma, limiting beliefs, and blocked emotional energies. Transforming relationship with Self and others.

COMPOST SESSION FOUR: Exploring personal power, feminine energy, sensual being and sexual expression. Expanding our understanding of identity, ego, personality and essence.

COMPOST SESSION FIVE: Relaxing into resonance, expanding heart coherence and creating the conditions for healing to come forward. Playing in the Unified Field of Loving Consciousness while remembering our wholeness.

COMPOST SESSION SIX: Finding your authentic voice and feminine expression, transmuting traumatic memories, finding personal justice and inner peace while re-writing and telling a new story. Being the Divine Feminine Rising.

COMPOST SESSION SEVEN: Vision the unknown future, activate the wholeness code, the power of your intuition, and unified field of consciousness. Tap into your authentic creative potential.

COMPOST SESSION EIGHT: Claiming your divinity. Stepping into your sacred role within the greater whole. Cultivating the nourishing and fertile compost of life, relationships and connection with all that is.

COMPOST SESSION NINE: Birthing the Divine Human. Celebrating sacred alchemy, feminine power, intimacy and multidimensional, transpersonal healing. Establishing conscious community and support.
What You’ll Receive in Our 12-Week Journey

Why Now?
Something historic and unprecedented is happening on our planet for millions of women who are poised to step into their authentic power and actualize their feminine voice. This training was designed to combine the alchemy of Beautiful Compost, with the power of the Sacred Feminine Rising, to prepare you to respond to this deep sense of call. Women need to understand the unprecedented shift that’s happening and tap into the creative flow of emergence. Women are leading the change we wish to see in this new stage of evolution on the planet. Millions have evolved beyond separation consciousness and the masculine models and structures of dominance, control and competition, to a much higher impulse of wholeness, cooperation, and co-creation within awakened action. This approach is informed by principles of feminine wisdom, the unified field of consciousness, deep resonance and coherence practices.
12 Weeks, Nine 90-Minute Live Sessions with Dr. Julie
These dynamic energy and teaching sessions are the heart of our healing experience. Each week, Dr. Julie will take us deeper into the healing journey and amplify the alchemical experience, combining evolutionary, consciousness techniques with practices and personal exploration. These sessions are experiential and engaging. If you can’t attend live, please listen to the audios at a time when you can give your full attention to the process and material.
Lifetime Access Private Facebook Group Lounge
You’ll engage online with other Beautiful Compost participants in this supportive healing and transformative community. The private Facebook Group Lounge is designed as a sacred space to connect with others, share insights, process experiences and show the creative art we are producing as part of the journey. As you go through the 12 weeks, you will be able to build a coherent field, create authentic connection, share your breakthroughs, and support one another in deepening into the alchemical process. Through this community engagement, you will experience the resonant power that comes through holding an intentional field and participating in deeply transformative work as a collective.
All of your materials will be easily accessible throughout the Beautiful Compost journey. Access audios, videos, written documents, images and transcripts anytime from your computer or mobile device.
What if I am unable to attend the live sessions?
All the sessions will be recorded and made available for online viewing or listening. We’ve designed the training to accommodate many different forms of participation. Many people who have participated in Beautiful Compost are unable to attend the sessions at the appointed time, and although they prefer the live engagement, they report that their experience is just as powerful.
Our Journey Begins...
Special BONUS Features
BONUS #1: Twelve VIDEO Sessions with Guest Experts, Teachers and Healers
BONUS #2: Twelve Morning Coherence Calls with Resonance Meditations
BONUS #3: Weekly Online Office Hours & Virtual Check-Ins
BONUS #4: Half Price 6-Session Package with Dr. Julie
The total value of all of the BONUS Features is priceless. Our 12-Week Program is Normally $497.
Beautiful Compost Registration: $388
Your Beautiful Compost Team

Meet Dr. Julie
On the leading edge of personal, social and global transformation, Dr. Julie is making connections that inspire individual and collective awakening. Serving Humanity’s creative potential, Dr. Julie facilitates opportunities to bring consciousness more fully into life, relationships, vocation and community. She is celebrated as a visionary leader, mentor, speaker, healer and spiritual midwife – recognized most for her authentic, down-to-earth approach. Dr. Julie assists to efficiently shift awareness from ego-centric challenges, conflict and separation to a healthier, soul-centric flow of resonance, coherence and unity.
Her fiery passion to uplift humanity began at a young age. An early childhood near-death experience, trauma and other adversity left her asking big questions about consciousness, God, religion, the purpose of life, and the deeper meaning of humanity’s pain and suffering. She developed spiritual gifts at the age of eleven and began receiving prophetic vision and guidance. Since then, she has followed a path of peace and strives to empower greater coherence, wholeness, and connectivity for the good of the whole.
Her 30-year career blends the pragmatic teachings of Western psychology with ancient spiritual wisdom, her visionary gifts, and an experiential understanding of energy psychology, and mind/body and energy medicine. This combination, grounded in living systems, empowers clients, groups, organizations, and audiences to develop intentional, co-creative lives aligned with spirit, attuned to heart, in harmony with nature, and in resonance with others. Dr. Julie is a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. She is a Reiki Master, Certified Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator, Spiritual Director, and Certified Wellness Coach. She is a trained BridgeBuilders Consultant, working with church groups and organizations in transition and crisis. Dr. Julie has received in-depth training in Christian Contemplative Practices, Buddhist Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Mindfulness, and Mind/Body Medicine. She has studied extensively with Barbara Marx Hubbard and is a Mentor for Agents of Conscious Evolution. Dr. Julie is Founding Steward of GOOD of the WHOLE, Co-Founder of World of Love, and hosts The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected. She is the author of the forthcoming book Fractured Grace: Healing the Wounds of Separation from Self, Each Other, the Sacred and all of Creation.

Praise for Dr. Julie and Beautiful Compost

Still Curious if Beautiful Compost is Right for YOU?
Join Us for a FREE Introductory Webinar
Join me for a FREE Introductory Women’s Forum. If you have questions or need assistance, please email Dr. Julie. Thank you.
Reserve Your Spot Today!
Ready to Enroll?
Registration for Beautiful Compost: Intimacy, Power and Healing the Feminine Wound Series is Limited. Participants are accepted on a first come, first confirmed basis. If you have questions or need assistance, please email Dr. Julie. Thank you.