Award-Winning Author, Speaker,
Talk Show Host, & Mentor of
Conscious Evolution
Julie Krull
Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Talk Show Host & Evolutionary Trailblazer
“Dr. Julie is an artist, writer, healer, alchemist, teacher, and generous spirit. But her most prolific calling would be as mystic and midwife, ushering in the evolution of the soul.”
~ Pastor Adrien, Client
“Dr. Julie is an artist, writer, healer, alchemist, teacher, and generous spirit. But her most prolific calling would be as mystic and midwife, ushering in the evolution of the soul.”
~ Pastor Adrien, Client
Let me Introduce Myself…
Hello, I’m Julie Krull, an evolutionary steward and mentor. I work with high-impact transformational leaders who are poised to consciously guide themselves and their organizations through evolutionary change, from massive breakdowns to magical breakthrough solutions. They hire me for support in co-creating radical advancements and shifts in consciousness so that their leadership has a significant local and global impact at this critical time on the planet.
Welcome to my world!
“Dr. Julie is a bright light that lifts up the harbingers of transformation.”
~ The Rev. Canon Charles Gibbs
As an Evolutionary Leader, award-winning author, dynamic speaker, and popular talk show host, Dr. Julie has her finger on the pulse of transformative change, conscious evolution, and whole system health in these times of sweeping global challenges. Called, “renaissance woman for the dawning unitive age,” Dr. Julie is a respected leader, spiritual guide, and co-creative consultant for high impact individuals and organizations ready for radical transformation. She is the host of The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected, Co-Founder of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Good of the Whole, and Coherence Strategist for The Holomovement.
Dr. Julie Krull is a steward of the new earth, midwifing the evolution of consciousness, supporting whole-system health, and expanding a whole worldview. Her 35-year career as an intuitive, integrative health practitioner and psychotherapist, coupled with her spiritual gifts that emerged after an early childhood Near Death Experience, have influenced her work with evolutionary thought leaders and change-agents from around the world—co-creating connections that inspire personal, cultural, and planetary healing.
As a visionary way-shower, popular speaker, and consciousness coach, her authentic, down-to-earth approach assists in bridging worlds, navigating change, and bringing a message of hope. Whether working with individuals, groups, or large audiences, Krull eloquently shifts awareness away from the illusion of separation to a healthier, soul-centric flow of resonance, coherence, and unity.
Dr. Julie is Co-Founder and President of GOOD of the WHOLE, host of the esteemed Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected, and author of the international bestselling and Nautilus award-winning book, Fractured Grace: How to Create Beauty, Peace and Healing for Yourself and the World. Her forthcoming book, Re-Imagine Everything, will be released in 2023. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and is Coherence Strategist for The Holomovement.

Her fiery passion to uplift humanity began at a young age. An early childhood near-death experience, trauma and other adversity left her asking big questions about consciousness, God, religion, the purpose of life, and the deeper meaning of humanity’s pain and suffering. She developed spiritual gifts at the age of eleven and began receiving prophetic vision and guidance. Since then, she has followed a path of peace and strives to empower greater coherence, wholeness, and connectivity for the good of the whole.
Her 35-year career blends the pragmatic teachings of Western psychology with ancient spiritual wisdom, her visionary gifts, and an experiential understanding of energy psychology, and mind/body and energy medicine. This combination, grounded in living systems, empowers clients, groups, organizations, and audiences to develop intentional, co-creative lives aligned with spirit, attuned to heart, in harmony with nature, and in resonance with others. Dr. Julie is a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. She is a Reiki Master, Certified Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator, Spiritual Director, and Certified Wellness Coach. She is a trained BridgeBuilders Consultant, working with church groups and organizations in transition and crisis. Dr. Julie has received in-depth training in Christian Contemplative Practices, Buddhist Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Mindfulness, and Mind/Body Medicine.
Dr. Julie has served and volunteered in numerous local, regional and global leadership positions, including 16 years as an elected school board member, serving as both Secretary and President, and 15 years on the ELCA Nebraska Synod Candidacy Committee. She is a member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity, American Counseling Association, Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling, Association for Creativity in Counseling, American Association of Integrative Medicine, Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, and the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine.

Dr. Julie serves as a midwife for the evolution of consciousness, whole systems health, and a whole worldview. She works with evolutionary change-agents—co-creating greater connection and wholeness—as a best-selling, Nautilus Award-winning author, speaker, consciousness coach, mentor, host of The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected, Co-Founder of Good of the Whole, and Coherence Strategist for The Holomovement.
Dr. Julie Krull is a steward of the new earth, midwifing the evolution of consciousness, supporting whole-system health, and expanding a whole worldview. Her 35-year career as an intuitive, integrative health practitioner and psychotherapist, coupled with her spiritual gifts that emerged after an early childhood Near Death Experience, have influenced her work with evolutionary thought leaders and change-agents from around the world—co-creating connections that inspire personal, cultural, and planetary healing.
As a visionary way-shower, popular speaker, and consciousness coach, her authentic, down-to-earth approach assists in bridging worlds, navigating change, and bringing a message of hope. Whether working with individuals, groups, or large audiences, Krull eloquently shifts awareness away from the illusion of separation to a healthier, soul-centric flow of resonance, coherence, and unity.
Dr. Julie is Co-Founder and President of GOOD of the WHOLE, host of the esteemed Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected, and author of the international bestselling and Nautilus award-winning book, Fractured Grace: How to Create Beauty, Peace and Healing for Yourself and the World. Her forthcoming book, Re-Imagine Everything, will be released in 2023. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and Coherence Strategist for The Holomovement.

Her fiery passion to uplift humanity began at a young age. An early childhood near-death experience, trauma and other adversity left her asking big questions about consciousness, God, religion, the purpose of life, and the deeper meaning of humanity’s pain and suffering. She developed spiritual gifts at the age of eleven and began receiving prophetic vision and guidance. Since then, she has followed a path of peace and strives to empower greater coherence, wholeness, and connectivity for the good of the whole.
Her 35-year career blends the pragmatic teachings of Western psychology with ancient spiritual wisdom, her visionary gifts, and an experiential understanding of energy psychology, and mind/body and energy medicine. This combination, grounded in living systems, empowers clients, groups, organizations, and audiences to develop intentional, co-creative lives aligned with spirit, attuned to heart, in harmony with nature, and in resonance with others. Dr. Julie is a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. She is a Reiki Master, Certified Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator, Spiritual Director, and Certified Wellness Coach. She is a trained BridgeBuilders Consultant, working with church groups and organizations in transition and crisis. Dr. Julie has received in-depth training in Christian Contemplative Practices, Buddhist Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Mindfulness, and Mind/Body Medicine.
Dr. Julie has served and volunteered in numerous local, regional and global leadership positions, including 16 years as an elected school board member, serving as both Secretary and President, and 15 years on the ELCA Nebraska Synod Candidacy Committee. She is a member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity, American Counseling Association, Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling, Association for Creativity in Counseling, American Association of Integrative Medicine, Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, and the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine.
“Dr. Julie has helped me step into a more heart-centered life. I have found my co-creative groove and feel fully supported in this new expression. Dr. Julie has not only inspired me, but gave me the tools and practice to transform both personally and professionally.”
~ Annie, Client

A Brief Why for What I Do:
Caring for All Life and Future Generations
Family has always been important to me. When I chose to have children, I wanted to be “the best damn mom on the planet.” Healthy relationships and a strong family unit have always been my soul’s priority and an essential core of my personal healing and evolutionary purpose. In November of 2017, something magical happened and transformed this: my first grandchild was born.
When I held her for the first time, I had a transpersonal experience with seven generations forward. It was as if all my unborn grands and great, great, great…grands began speaking to me–calling me forward. I couldn’t settle for just being “the best damn grandma on the planet.” I had to step into the archetype of “planetary matriarch” and midwife, to care for all Life and future generations. This experience created a pressure to accelerate my work. I take this call seriously and trust the impulse that drives this deep wisdom and profound unitive, healing response.

My Why for What I Do:
Caring for All Life and Future Generations
Family has always been important to me. When I chose to have children, I wanted to be “the best damn mom on the planet.” Healthy relationships and a strong family unit have always been my soul’s priority and an essential core of my personal healing and evolutionary purpose. In November of 2017, something magical happened and transformed this: my first grandchild was born.
When I held her for the first time, I had a transpersonal experience with seven generations forward. It was as if all my unborn grands and great, great, great…grands began speaking to me–calling me forward. I couldn’t settle for just being “the best damn grandma on the planet.” I had to step into the archetype of “planetary matriarch” and midwife, to care for all Life and future generations. This experience created a pressure to accelerate my work. I take this call seriously and trust the impulse that drives this deep wisdom and profound unitive, healing response.
All programs and services are part of ALL THINGS CONNECTED, L.L.C.
All programs and services are part of ALL THINGS CONNECTED, L.L.C.
“Dr. Julie helps us connect and listen to our soul, our inner guidance system. She is a person I consider a dear friend and someone who has helped me understand and connect with my own soul.”
~ Cheryl Maloney, Best Selling Author, Publisher, Radio Talk Show Host
Out of the Fog with Karen Hager
The Next Room with Jane Asher
Mystical Treasure Chest Summit with Georgette Star
"Julie Krull: A Voice of Wisdom in Troubled Times" ~ Burl Hall, OpEd
Whether mentoring, speaking or teaching, I look forward to meeting you and serving your evolutionary potential!
Whether mentoring, speaking or teaching, I look forward to meeting you and serving your evolutionary potential!
Invite me to speak or facilitate your event!