Conscious Planet Series with Co-Host Dr. Jude Currivan

The Story of Gaia  just received the Science and Medical Network Book Award. Congratulations!

Co-Host, Jude Currivan

Dr. Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, and author of the best-selling and award-winning book, The Cosmic Hologram. Jude just published The Story of Gaia, which has inspired this Conscious Planet series. She is the co-founder of WholeWorld-View.

The Conscious Planet Series is a part of The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected. Dr. Julie’s passion to steward the evolution of consciousness and a unitive, whole worldview led to the inception of her flagship program, The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected. Now in its tenth year, the show has a new platform and a renewed sense of purpose and passion. You can find The Dr. Julie Show on all major podcast platforms like Podbean, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music/Audible, Tunein + Alexa, iHeart Radio and MORE!

Conscious Planet: Introduction with Jude Currivan

We live on a conscious planet in a conscious universe. What does that mean, really? Today, we explore our own emergence as self-aware members of a planetary home and our entire Universe that is unified and innately sentient. My guest, co-host for the Conscious Planet Series, Dr. Jude Currivan, has detailed the 13.8-billion-year story of Gaia, where everything in existence has inherent meaning and evolutionary purpose. The insights gleaned in this science-packed manuscript, take us on a journey from simplicity to ever-greater complexity, diversity, and self-awareness. From protons to planets, plants, and people—prepare yourself for a beautiful, profoundly resonant, and deeply moving story of Gaia.

ABOUT CO-HOST, DR. JUDE CURRIVAN: Dr. Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, and author of the best-selling and award-winning book, The Cosmic Hologram. Jude just published The Story of Gaia, which has inspired this series: The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of our Conscious Planet.

Conscious Planet: A Story of Wholeness with Bob Atkinson

We live on a conscious planet that is innately intelligent and inherently alive. We’re part of its evolutionary journey. Dr. Jude Currivan, has detailed the 13.8 billion-year story of Gaia, where everything in existence has inherent meaning and evolutionary purpose. The insights gleaned in this science-packed manuscript, take us on a journey from simplicity to ever-greater complexity, diversity, self-awareness, and greater wholeness. What do you get when you add a new story of wholeness to the story of Gaia? Listen in and find out, as Dr. Robert Atkinson joins Drs. Julie and co-host, Jude, for this inspiring conversation.


Dr. Robert Atkinson is an award-winning author, educator, and developmental psychologist. As the author of both The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness and the newly released, A New Story of Wholeness: An Experiential Guide for Connecting the Human Family.

Conscious Planet: Living in Unity with Ben Bowler

We live on a conscious planet that is innately intelligent and inherently alive. We are part of its evolutionary journey. Dr. Jude Currivan, has detailed the 13.8-billion-year story of Gaia, where everything in existence has inherent meaning and evolutionary purpose. The insights gleaned in this science-packed manuscript, take us on a journey from simplicity to ever-greater complexity, diversity, and self-awareness. Today, we’ll focus on the unitive nature of reality and how we evolve from simplicity to unity with global leader, and Founder of Unity Earth. Ben Bowler joins us for this UNITY episode of our Conscious Planet Series.


Ben Bowler is a unity-activist and spiritual entrepreneur. For the past twenty plus years he has founded myriad spiritual programs, social enterprises, live festivals, and online global events. Ben is the Executive Director of UNITY EARTH, a global network building a worldwide movement for unity and peace.

Conscious Planet: Indigenous Wisdom with Anita Sanchez

We live on a conscious planet that is innately intelligent and inherently alive. We are part of its evolutionary journey. Dr. Jude Currivan, has detailed the 13.8-billion-year story of Gaia, where everything in existence has inherent meaning and evolutionary purpose. The insights gleaned in this science-packed manuscript, take us on a journey from simplicity to ever-greater complexity, diversity, and self-awareness. The insights gleaned in this science-packed manuscript, blended with the Indigenous wisdom of our esteemed guest, are sure to take us on a journey of profound revelation and a deepening relationship with the Earth. From protons to planets, plants, and people—prepare yourself for a beautiful, profoundly resonant, and deeply moving story of Gaia.


Dr. Anita Sanchez, has spent four decades weaving indigenous wisdom and modern science to support individuals, business and non-profit leaders, and their teams all over the world. A truly inspiring speaker, Dr. Sanchez is author of seven books, including the international bestselling and award winning, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times.” Anita is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, Evolutionary Leaders, and the Evolutionary Business Council. She’s a Board member of Bioneers and the Pachamama Alliance.

Conscious Planet: Voicing Innate Intelligence with Chloe Goodchild

We live on a conscious planet in a conscious universe. What does that mean, really? Today, we explore our own emergence as self-aware members of a planetary home and our entire Universe that is unified and innately sentient. My guest, co-host for the Conscious Planet Series, Dr. Jude Currivan, has detailed the 13.8-billion-year story of Gaia, where everything in existence has inherent meaning and evolutionary purpose. The insights gleaned in this science-packed manuscript, take us on a journey from simplicity to ever-greater complexity, diversity, and self-awareness. So, what does our voice—our naked voice—have to do with our conscious planet? And could the same intelligence—the inherent aliveness of our conscious planet—come through us—perhaps through our voice? This may sound like a strange, yet intriguing question. We explore these topics and more as our guest, Chloe Goodchild, joins us, for this episode of our Conscious Planet series.


Chloë Goodchild is the founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering experiential vocal training programme, providing a sound awareness toolkit of conscious core practices, music, audio-books and spoken meditations that empower you to find and to embody your authentic voice. The Naked Voice Charitable Foundation was established to disseminate a deeper awareness of the essential role conscious communication plays in strengthening ethical awareness, social health and well-being in all realms of human life. Chloe is a celebrated artist, author, and podcast host.

Conscious Planet: New Human Story with Gregg Braden

New discoveries in biology, as well as other life sciences, now reveal that cooperation, not competition, is the fundamental rule of nature. The Story of Gaia tells us we live on a conscious, living planet, in a conscious, living Universe. Life itself, is meaningfully and coherently in-formed and guided. Nested in relational complexity, there are dynamic patterns and processes of wholeness at all scales of existence, beautifully ordered, and incredibly fine-tuned. Our guest, Gregg Braden, tells us the convergence of scientific breakthroughs with universal wisdom and spirituality-based teachings, taps into the wisdom of our hearts and awakens the power of a new human story.


Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, international educator and renowned as a pioneer in the emerging paradigm based in science, social policy and human potential.

From 1979 to 1991 Gregg worked as a problem solver during times of crisis for Fortune 500 companies, including Cisco Systems, where he became the first Technical Operations Manager in 1991. He continues problem-solving today as his work reveals deep insights into the new human story, and how the discoveries inform the policies of everyday life and the emerging world. To date his research has led to 15 film credits and 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages.

Gregg is the proud recipient of numerous awards including The Walden Award for New Thought, The Illuminate Award for Conscious Visionaries and he is listed in the United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 7th consecutive year. He is a nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award, established to honor “outstanding living individuals who have devoted their talents to expanding our vision of human purpose and ultimate reality.”

Gregg is actively involved in visionary organizations and think tanks including the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)The Evolutionary Leadership OrganizationThe Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research and The Arlington Institute. He has presented his discoveries in over 30 countries on six continents and has been invited to speak to The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies and the U. S. military.

Conscious Planet: Relational Gaia with MiraMichelle

We live on a conscious, living planet. What does that mean to you?  During this Conscious Planet Series, we have explored topics like wholeness, unity, indigenous wisdom, and humanity’s evolution. During this episode, we look at Gaia in a more personal way and invite you into a real, personal relationship, maybe even friendship, or kinship, with Gaia. As a Medicine Woman and Shaman, our guest, MiraMichelle, intimately knows Gaia well and appreciate her relational aspects. All three of us share our personal stories, from direct communication to personal and planetary healing, from sacred ceremony to co-evolutionary partnerships. This episode will help you deepen your communion with Gaia and encourage you to re-imagine your personal relationship.


MiraMichelle is the founder and director of The Sacred Female Rising Institute. She is a modern medicine woman, shaman, speaker, and author of Sacred-Ize Your Life: The Ancient Art of Ceremony meets the Contemporary Age.

Conscious Planet: Consciousness and Coherence with Ervin Laszlo

Humanity is facing its greatest series of simultaneous crises. How do we work with what we now know to resolve the crises? How do we become co-evolutionary partners with our conscious, living planet?  Ervin Laszlo offers a scientifically based and whole systems perspective on what is called for at this transformational time. He suggests higher levels of consciousness and coherence can keep us on a positive evolutionary trajectory. Can a vision of wellbeing and wholeness—along with the new science—shift our worldview and return us to peace and harmony on planet earth? Listen in and find out.


Ervin Laszlo spent his childhood in Budapest, Hungary. He was a celebrated child prodigy on the piano, with public appearances from the age of nine. Receiving a Grand Prize at the international music competition in Geneva, he was allowed to leave Hungary and begin an international concert career, first in Europe and then in America.

Laszlo received the Sorbonne’s highest degree, the Doctorat ès Lettres et Sciences Humaines in 1970. Shifting to the life of a scientist and humanist, he lectured at various U.S. Universities including Yale and Princeton. Following his work on modeling the future evolution of world order at Princeton, he was asked to produce a report for the Club of Rome, of which he was a member. In the late 70s and early 80s, Laszlo ran global projects at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research at the request of the Secretary-General. In the 1990s his research led him to the discovery of the Akashic Field.

The author, co-author or editor of 106 different books that have appeared in a total of 25 languages, Ervin Laszlo has also written several hundred papers and articles in scientific journals and popular magazines. He is a member of numerous scientific bodies, including the International Academy of Science, the World Academy of Arts and Science, the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, and the International Medici Academy. He was elected member of the Hungarian Academy of Science in 2010.

Ervin Laszlo was awarded the state doctorate (the highest Ph.D) from the Sorbonne, the University of Paris in 1970, and received honorary Ph.D’s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary. He was the recipient of the Peace Prize of Japan, the Goi Award, in 2001, of the International Mandir of Peace Prize of Assisi in 2005, and of the Luxembourg World Peace Prize in 2017. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005. In 2019, Ervin Laszlo was cited as one of the “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the World” according to Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine. In 2020 he was cited as 28th of the OOOM Magazine’s Top 100: The World’s Most Inspiring People” list.

A native of Budapest and a U.S. citizen, he lives with Carita his Finnish-born wife in Tuscany.

Conscious Planet: Gaia and Evolution Biology with Elisabet Sahtouris

A letter from our guest, Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, to her granddaughter Isabel, in the afterword of the book, Our Moment of Choice was moving and poignant. There was one phrase that created a simple, yet powerful, prescription for navigating our world in crises. Using evolution biology and her deep wisdom, she encouraged Isabel to, “navigate through crises to build caring communities for all life.” That phrase has inspired evolutionary leaders from all over the world to get in touch with their own personal relationship with our conscious, living planet. Sahtouris joins us for an important conversation about The Story of Gaia.


Internationally known as a dynamic speaker, Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris is an evolution biologist, futurist, professor, author and consultant on Living Systems Design. She shows the relevance of biological systems to organizational design in business, government, and globalization. She is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, an advisor to and the Masters in Business program at Schumacher College, also affiliated with the Bainbridge Graduate Institute’s MBA program for sustainable business. Dr. Sahtouris has convened two International Symposia on the Foundations of Science and written about integral cosmologies. Her books include A Walk Through Time: from Stardust to Us, Biology Re-evisioned, co-authored with Willis Harman, and EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution.