Everything is Here to Help You

Everything is Here to Help You with Matt Kahn

A flat tire, painful break up, or loss of job… What if you knew with certainty that the biggest obstacles in your life occurred only to push you toward your soul’s true potential? The invitation is to shift your perspective out of the pitfalls of ego and into the perfection of our soul’s true potential. Spiritual Teacher Matt Kahn says this occurs through the process of opening our hearts. Instead of viewing life as a threat of loss or afraid of the changes coming your way, each and every perceivable enemy should be embraced as an ally of evolutionary benefit, and can only change you for the better.

[Click Here to Listen]


Matt Kahn is the author of the best-selling book Whatever Arises, Love That. He is a spiritual teacher, and highly attuned empathic healer who has become a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos. His ten million True Divine Nature YouTube channel viewers are finding the support they seek to feel more loved, awakened, and opened to the greatest possibilities in life through the invitation to join the “Love Revolution That Begins with You.” 

See his new book: Everything Is Here to Help You: A Loving Guide to Your Soul’s Evolution

Intuition on Demand

Intuition on Demand with Lisa K.

Have you ever known something, but you don’t know how you knew it? Intuition is a universal, innate ability and we all have it. Many wonder if their tapping into a deep-seated intelligence within their subconscious mind, or if their accessing divine guidance from an outside source.  Is there a difference? Understanding intuition is the first step in developing it. Lisa K. says you can turn it on and tune in on demand in five simple steps. Join us and learn how to harness your intuitive powers.

[Click Here to Listen]


Lisa K. is a teacher, author, and speaker specializing in intuition. She is the creator of Developing Your Intuition, where she teaches others how to control their intuition so they can use it when they want and on what they want. Lisa is considered an intuition expert and has taught people in workshops and seminars both online and in person. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth.” Lisa holds degrees in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, Psycho-Biology from the State University of New York, and a PhD from the University of Metaphysical Sciences.

As an author, Lisa’s work has been published in a variety of magazines including The Huffington Post, Inspire Me Today, Care2.com and OmTimes Magazine. Her latest book is “Intuition On Demand” published by Findhorn Press.

Letting Love Lead

Letting Love Lead with Korrine Holt

We invite you to rise above your challenges, live authentically from your heart, and to tap into the greatest part of yourself as you live your daily life. How? Take a journey of conscious emergence with author Korrine Holt. Her gift of weaving imagery, verse, and music will touch your heart. Attuning to love invites us to rise above our burdens and live authentically urgent to the longing of our pure hearts.

[Click Here to Listen]

Korrine Holt is a creative messenger and guide for well-being, she draws upon her experiences as an artist, certified life coach, energy healer, and executive coach for leaders and teams. With clients ranging from CEO’s to inner-city, at-risk teens and college students, she helps people resolve hardships that drain their energy and smother their aspirations. Ultimately, she offers insights to call forth love to lead life, invoking vibrant health, relationships, creativity, and service. Korrine is the author of Poetic Ascension.

Discovering Beauty

Discovering Beauty Around, Within, and Always! with Rachel Awes

Have you ever wondered how to simply BE YOU? To discover the innate beauty and magnificence within you? Listen in as Dr. Julie and Rachel Awes invite you to authentically be your fullest self.  Imagine being treasured — simply for the rise and fall of your chest, the dreams in your heart, and the distinct YOU — who you miraculously off the world every gloriously messy day!


[Click Here to Listen]

Rachel Awes works as a psychologist, art playgroundist, and author, who loves listening to the beauty in people and animals and all living colors—and she truly embodies color, as she is also an ambassador for the Swedish clothing company, Gudrun Sjoden. She is currently working on her fourth book, a fiction story about the importance of showing up as yourself in this world, for middle grade readers and for everyone’s inner child. Her prior writing has been nonfiction prose, infused with loads of her colorful drawings, all designed to affirm the human heart. She lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota, with her husband and tortoises, complete with wild bunnies in her yard, and is a recent evolving nester, with her 19 and 21-year-old college-attending sons, living at home in between semesters and adventures. Her most tender and mighty hope is to hold up a mirror for many, reflecting a hearty truth of your boundless worth. You can see more from Rachel at her website at rachelawes.com and her books and art prints at rachelawes.etsy.com.

Mastering Alchemy

Mastering Alchemy with Jim Self

In light of the changing times and shift of consciousness on the planet, understanding the process of alchemy is good medicine. Author Jim Self suggests alchemy means altering the frequencies of our thoughts to change how we perceive and interact with the world and begin to experience a new, higher level of consciousness. To master alchemy, join us for a conversation of the new energy tools and our new emerging capacities.

[Click Here to Listen]


Jim Self is an international teacher, speaker, and author who has been leading seminars on personal energy management and the tools of Mastering Alchemy for almost 30 years. He is one of the few spiritual teachers to keep pace with the on-going Shift in human consciousness, constantly co-creating the Mastering Alchemy programme with the Teachers of Light.  He is the author of A Course in Mastering Alchemy.

Breaking Through

andre ferrella

The not so subtle “Crack!”

Reverberates through every cell of our being

And echoes in the midst of those in witness

As the bones break, the marrow spills its essence

In endless cascades through dimensions and lifetimes


Strength and brute force are gone in an instant

While pain, subtle knowing and creative juice

Take their resonant place

This isn’t just another break

The feminine voice will be heard


The spiraling fracture intrigues and entertains

Those not feeling its significance

While the Great Healer maps Her plan

Conspiring with the Wisdom of Everything

To realign, balance, and walk a new way


At the place where science and spirit meet

A reunion occurs in the collective life force

The pieces come together in ascended delight

And dance in the field of quantum vibrational love

As the weaving begins


Something cosmic is breaking through

Heart consciousness is anchored

The spark of genius is received

A path with potential is remembered

We embody it all, inviting Her in


          Wait. Dare I let grace and beauty define this new path?

          Am I bold enough to allow the deep, dark precipice

          Of Her bleeding womb to inspire my soul?

          Can I hold it all together in its rightful place?

          Whole? Complete? Balanced? And aligned?


Yes. The sacred marriage begins

As the Divine Physician officiates and remodels

Back comes her strength tempered with compassion

Force returns softened with an ease of communion

Structure is restored as Grace does Her thing


The new marrow spills a peculiar essence of hope

As harmony activates a sweet song of connection

Trusting the mystery of a higher potential

She breaks through and bows in deep gratitude

Realigned, in reverence, she walks a new way



Art:  Heart of Ether by Andre Ferrella – http://www.andreferrella.com/



I want to write a poem
That speaks to your unknowing
And gently invites you to open your soul

I want to write a poem
That resonates through every cell
And builds a field that inspires great vision,
Beauty, and wakes your heart

For if each syllable feels like home
We’ll make an intimate and powerful connection
With all that is – as it is

The nagging impulse of life re-calibrating
Will emerge through the words as a sliver that begs
Your undivided attention

You will try to ignore the nudge
Because it’s not the right time
Or place or whatever

Until you can’t.

Then you’ll listen as the sound of vowels
And consonants and joy and curiosity all run together
You’ll take notice as the whispers land
And presence themselves with a pungent “aha!”
You’ll tune in as creation moves at the frequency
Of your mystic’s heart and flows in your pulsing veins

And with the next breath
You’ll hear…

I want to write a poem
That taps into your unknowing
Until you dwell in the awareness
Of mine

And we’ll rest in the mystery together

I am So Much More

cosmic baby

In this Holy space of quiet contemplation

I embrace the promise of today and its sweet taste of eternity

Trusting the field of all-possibility, I surrender into divine presence

She holds me like a swaddling baby and bathes my thoughts with love

The fragrant scent of awareness fills the air

I look into the eyes of God, and see peace

I am so much more than I “think” I am

Full of the nourishing gaze,

I move completely into the space between my thoughts

And gently align with the cosmic blueprint

Returning to my own true nature without ever really leaving

My heart pulses with infinite joy in formless, luminous, essence

The peaceful song of creation rocks me to the place of no more sleep

And I become so much more than I think I am

Dawn of a Universal Humanity

flower tulip pink orange free wp

I am moving out from darkness into the light.  I feel a new kind of energy quickening.  The dormant seeds of possibility are waking inside.  The unconscious is moving into consciousness with new impulses, ideas, and opportunities.  Its time to let go of my safe, resting retreat, the quiet milieu of nature’s darkness, to venture out into my luminous potential.

The impulse of creation is moving.  A lively, spirited instinct encourages me to move, push, go forward, and expand outward.  Yet, the familiar perennial signal feels different somehow.

It is different.

The darkness is fading.  I push through the dense frozen ground of sleepiness, through to the light of this spring where the awakened world of enlightenment waits to greet me.  As I let go of my personal, protected resting place and re-enter community, it feels changed.  There’s no separation.  The collective field is supportive, loving, and nurturing in a way that inspires greater connectivity.  The essence of spring is consumed with the emergence of co-creative genius – aligned with Source, in harmony with nature, resonant and engaged with others.  It delights my soul.

With the next push, there’s a familiar recognition.  I remember. We are giving birth to Global Consciousness.  This is it!  We have welcomed the Essential Self into life and relationship, overcoming egoic obstacles with robust persistence.  The dawn of a Universal Humanity is here.  I can feel it.  Now, as I listen to those seeds of possibility, I hear only the harmonic resonance of the collective good.  I am only content, when the whole is whole again.  I let go of “me” and surrender into the joy of connection, remembering who I am in the wholeness of who we are.  And, I push.  There’s no more time or space for my dormant slumber.

The sun crosses the celestial equator as I embody this balance and welcome the light. The life force rises with overwhelming intensity.  I celebrate, with gratitude, for the equinox ushers in a fresh, unified state of being, as hopeful as the first tulip bloom after a long frigid winter.  I emerge and stretch upward to meet nature’s genius.  The warm light bathes my curiosity.  She signals.  It is time.  I break into song and bloom with the new dawn.

I Leap Without Leaping

Silhouette of hiking man jumping over the mountains

wandering along this broken path

urgency pushes and torments

my thoughts are clouded

emotions emerge and churn


this pioneer, searching

with each long, overcrowded step

lost becomes my imaginal soul

unsure of which direction to go


darkness haunts all that’s left

as glimpses of light allure my gaze

like my once safe environment

I am breaking down consciously


the path becomes ruin

as i find the edge of a cliff

the crumbling pieces forever falling

into perfect disorderly order


with no remains of the path ahead

I can fall into the abyss

or leap through the crisis

into the birth of a certain unknowing


chaos and crowding keep

moving me closer to the edge

there are so many here

yet I stand alone


with one evolutionary breath

I surrender in complete silence

contractions pushing

the portal beckoning


I leap without leaping

into the cosmic dance

and expand into the oneness

of Universal Divine Humanity