Unity as a Pathway to Peace
Unity as a Pathway to Peace with Dot Maver and Michael Lindfield
When we hear the word unity we often think of peace and harmony. Can unity be a practice of peace or is peace-building a practice of unity? Today we will explore the path of peace and unity from the inside out with two global leaders—one who directs people inward and the other who moves them into action. Join Dr. Julie and guests, Dr. Dot Maver and Michael Lindfield as we explore peace and unity.

Dr. Dot Maver is an educator and peacebuilder whose keynote is ‘inspiring cooperation on behalf of the common good.’ She is co-founder of Global Silent Minute, Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace, National Peace Academy USA, and River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding and works closely with Unity.Earth, UnGUN Institute, and SINE.Network

Michael Lindfield supports individuals and organizations to unleash the creativity of the human spirit to meet the urgent need of our times and the compelling call of a more just and joyful future. His background includes a 14-year residency as gardener and Director of Education at the Findhorn Community in Scotland; small-scale organic farming in western Sweden, conducting seminars around the world on the theme of ‘transforming self and society from the inside out’ and ‘cooperating with the subtle realms of Gaia.’ He served as a senior organization development consultant with The Boeing Company from 1989-2005 working with large-scale systems change. He is author of ‘The Dance of Change: an Eco-Spiritual Approach to Transformation’ (Penguin Books 1986) with articles featured in psychology, education and business journals. Michael is co-founder of the Science of Group Work initiative, serves as Board President of Meditation Mount in Ojai, California and is a member of the Community of Living Ethics in Umbria, Italy.