Coronavirus Message Revisited

Coronavirus Message Revisited with Jeff Vander Clute

It’s been one year since the novel Coronavirus that we call COVID19 emerged on the global stage. At that time, I invited my friend, Jeff Vander Clute to come on The Dr. Julie Show and share his insights. Jeff connected with the novel life form and asked it to tell him about itself. What came through was a list of its top gifts, followed by a powerful message for humanity. There’s a poignant gift and vital message for all with ears to hear. One year later, I bring Jeff back to revisit the lessons and wisdom of COVID19 and the year of 2020.

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Jeff Vander Clute is a quiet spiritual teacher, a wayshower of enlightened enterprise, and a trusted adviser committed to co-creating a society filled with awakened people, communities, and organizations.

During these times of disruption and great opportunity, Jeff sees through complexity to the illumined possibilities. He delights in empowering people to find their way. As a spiritual guide, Jeff assists mentees in developing their own Source connection and capacities for awakened living. In his coaching and consulting practice, he works with the technologies of higher consciousness to bring forth clarity, love, and support for initiatives that are in service to true nature.

Jeff is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and the Global Compassion Council of Charter for Compassion International. He is a co-founder of Sourcing The Way, Enlightening Journeys and Expeditions, and The Consciousness of Money. He also serves as a board director for Alliance for the Earth, Garden of Light, and Source of Synergy Foundation.

Money, Love, Superorganism

Money, Love, and the Superorganism of Life with Jeff Vander Clute

The realization of our oneness with all that is requires that we fully love our lives, which includes loving the entirety of existence. Only then can we perceive the total indivisibility of life, for we are holding nothing outside of our love, including money. Jeff Vander Clute explains that when we see through the eyes of oneness, we recognize that each of us is all of life experiencing itself from a different angle, so to speak. All is connected, all is one, and everyone and everything is included. Loving our lives is a direct path for realizing our divinity, and in loving our lives fully we gain the ability to create a loving world for all.

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Jeff Vander Clute is a quiet spiritual teacher, a wayshower of enlightened enterprise, and a trusted adviser committed to co-creating a society filled with awakened people, communities, and organizations.

During these times of disruption and great opportunity, Jeff sees through complexity to the illumined possibilities. He delights in empowering people to find their way. As a spiritual guide, Jeff assists mentees in developing their own Source connection and capacities for awakened living. In his coaching and consulting practice, he works with the technologies of higher consciousness to bring forth clarity, love, and support for initiatives that are in service to true nature.

Jeff is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and the Global Compassion Council of Charter for Compassion International. He is a co-founder of Sourcing The Way, Enlightening Journeys and Expeditions, and The Consciousness of Money. He also serves as a board director for Alliance for the Earth, Garden of Light, and Source of Synergy Foundation.

Human Superpowers

Texas Power Grid vs. Human Superpowers with Jeff Vander Clute

The Texas power outage has taught us many things. Most importantly, it exposed the state’s fragile power grid. As extreme weather events continue, we have an opportunity to tune into a greater power—a higher power—and navigate these liminal times with far less fear, anxiety, and unnecessary hardship. Our guest today says, “Nature is going to teach us how to evolve and adapt.” The answers lie in accessing, or “sourcing,” the wisdom of Life itself.

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Jeff Vander Clure

Jeff Vander Clute is a quiet spiritual teacher, a wayshower of enlightened enterprise, and a trusted adviser committed to co-creating a society filled with awakened people, communities, and organizations.

During these times of disruption and great opportunity, Jeff sees through complexity to the illumined possibilities. He delights in empowering people to find their way. As a spiritual guide, Jeff assists mentees in developing their own Source connection and capacities for awakened living. In his coaching and consulting practice, he works with the technologies of higher consciousness to bring forth clarity, love, and support for initiatives that are in service to true nature.

Jeff is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and the Global Compassion Council of Charter for Compassion International. He is a co-founder of Sourcing The Way, Enlightening Journeys and Expeditions, and The Consciousness of Money. He also serves as a board director for Alliance for the Earth, Garden of Light, and Source of Synergy Foundation.

Re-Creating the Future Now

Re-Creating the Future Now with Sherryl Lin

If you’re reading to this, chances are, you are likely going through some major change. In fact, you may even feel as if you’re in an endless cycle of complete transformation. Change is a continual process of life and it’s healthy. Yet, we are going through what experts call the Great Turning—a shift from the Industrial Growth Society to a life-sustaining, regenerative civilization. As we Re-Create the future, now, we must learn how to tune into the Impulse of Creation and let Love lead the way. Listen in with Sherryl Lin and Dr. Julie as they muse into this process of radical transformation.

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Sherryl Lin has vivid memories of being a young child with a pure, loving heart who knew that everything was possible. She knew that she had intuitive abilities back then, but being that there was no one to explain to her what she was experiencing she shut that part of herself down. Sherryl Lin was always interested in spirituality and spent much of her early adult life looking for the next teacher or guru who, she was certain had the answers she was looking for. Everything shifted when, through a series of mystical, awakening experiences, Sherryl Lin began to remember her connection to Higher Levels of Consciousness and her abilities accelerated at an exponential rate.

As a Master Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Medical Intuitive Healer, she reads the energy beneath your words, working deeply at the cellular level as a Spiritual Conduit, bringing you back into alignment with the truth of who you really are. Sherryl Lin will help you move to the next level in all areas of your life, including your health, business, life purpose, and relationships.

Release and Reimagine

Radical Healing: Release and Reimagine Everything with Sherryl Lin

The world as we knew it was created within a worldview of separation. And who we are, or who we were, has been influenced by the beliefs, values, and cultural perspectives from that frame of reference. How do we let go of beliefs that no longer serve us—that represent a limited perspective of who we really are? How do we release the burden of erroneous thinking, emotional baggage, and definitions of ourselves that keeps us stuck in an old way of being? Sherryl Lin says it begins with being okay with everything.

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Sherryl Lin has vivid memories of being a young child with a pure, loving heart who knew that everything was possible. She knew that she had intuitive abilities back then, but being that there was no one to explain to her what she was experiencing she shut that part of herself down. Sherryl Lin was always interested in spirituality and spent much of her early adult life looking for the next teacher or guru who, she was certain had the answers she was looking for. Everything shifted when, through a series of mystical, awakening experiences, Sherryl Lin began to remember her connection to Higher Levels of Consciousness and her abilities accelerated at an exponential rate.

As a Master Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Medical Intuitive Healer, she reads the energy beneath your words, working deeply at the cellular level as a Spiritual Conduit, bringing you back into alignment with the truth of who you really are. Sherryl Lin will help you move to the next level in all areas of your life, including your health, business, life purpose, and relationships.

COVID: Global Crises

COVID, Global Crises, and Conscious Evolution with Elsabet Sahtouris

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has created conflicting opinions, scientific debate, and political polarization, along with extensive grief, anxiety and widespread fear. Nature’s design may suggest a radically different way of looking at the virus and how to manage the impact and disruption. What can Nature and Evolution Biology teach us about the other global crises we are facing? Tune in as Dr. Julie asks Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris. 

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Elisabet Sahtouris, PhD is an internationally known evolution biologist and futurist, speaking on all five continents; teaching Living Economies and How to Navigate our Perfect Storm of Crises. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the American Museum of Natural History, she taught at MIT, the University of Massachusetts, contributed to the NOVA-Horizon TV series, became a fellow of the World Business Academy with an honorary Chair in Living Economies and a fellow of the Findhorn Foundation In Scotland, is on the Advisory Board of Ethical Markets, Tree Sisters and other organizations. Dr. Sahtouris is a co-founder of the Worldwide Indigenous Science Network and of Rising Women; Rising World. She has convened international symposia on Foundations of World Sciences in Japan and  Malaysia, is currently a Professor in Residence at Chaminade University in Honolulu. Dr.Sahtouris is the author of EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution, A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us, Biology Revisioned, with co-author Willis Harman, and, her latest: Gaia ‘s Dance: the Story of Earth & Us. She has appeared in numerous films, given TED talks in Germany and Morocco, and has chapters in many book anthologies. 

Voice of Water

Voice of Water with Angelique Rodriguez

When we unite across nations and cultures to prioritize the restoration of the planetary Waters and Water-cycle, we will activate an exponential healing process that will swiftly and dramatically benefit all of humanity and all of Life. This conversation with Water Facilitator, Angelique Rodriguez, is the first in a series highlighting 2021 as World Water Year and the beautiful work of many Water Guardians around the world who have dedicated their lives to the protection and reverence of Water on behalf of all of Life.

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Angelique Rodriguez calls herself a water facilitator and currently works with individuals and groups facilitating a deeper understanding and development of a personal relationship with the water we are, and the water around us.

Pushed to the Brink

What do we do when we realize we’ve pushed ourselves and our planet to the “absolute brink?” We stop everything and heal. Recalibrate. Here are the words from Clare Dubois: “Now the chance to sing a different incarnation into being, a different me, a different us, a different world. Health. A redefinition of health arising out of the sanity of the love drenched body of nature.” Join Clare Dubois and Dr. Julie as they explore the deep, revelatory nature of radical healing.

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Clare Dubois is the founder and CEO of, a global women’s movement spanning multiple countries, that has collectively funded the planting of over 15 million trees. TreeSisters is a social change movement and a tropical reforestation organization working towards normalizing cultural reciprocity with nature. The aim of both Clare and TreeSisters is to make it as normal to give back to nature as it currently is to take nature for granted, while supporting humanity in its transition from a consumer species to a restorer species. Before founding TreeSisters, Clare worked internationally for over two decades, coaching business leaders and facilitating group behavior change processes in multiple sectors. Known for her direct, catalytic energy, her inspirational speaking and her holistic approach to collective transformation, Clare is a walking invitation to anyone ready to step up and step in on behalf of the planet.

Crazy, Chaotic and Out of Control Times

What in the world is going on? Are things as crazy, chaotic, and out of control as it feels? After the recent storming of the Capital, many are digging deeper to try to understand what’s really going on in the United States and the world at large. What does cultural transformation look like and is this it? Join Richard Barrett and Dr. Julie, as they explore the reality of conscious evolution and political chaos.

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Richard Barrett is a globally recognized thought leader in Conscious, Values-Based Leadership, Cultural Transformation, Personal Development, and the metrics of personal, cultural, and societal wellbeing. He is the President of the Academy for the Advancement of Human Values, the Founder of the Barrett Values Centre, the Leader of the global Humanity Awareness Initiative, the Developer of the Barrett Culture Analytics for Organizations and Global Wellbeing Indicators for nations, a Fellow of the World Business Academy, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. Richard is also a Founding Member of the V20 (Values) Task Force of the G20.

We Can Build a Better World

We are in the midst of a global crisis. This is not just danger: it is opportunity—a golden opportunity to build a new world. If we wake up and act, the global crisis will prove to be a blessing in disguise. Dr. Ervin Laszlo shares a practical guide and believes that we can be the conscious agents of our evolution that leads to thriving rather than chaos.

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Dr. Ervin Laszlo, author or editor of more than seventy books, has published in excess of four hundred articles and research papers, including six volumes of piano recordings. Generally recognized as the founder of systems philosophy and general evolution theory, he was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He serves as the founder and president of the Club of Budapest and was past president of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.