Women Leading the Change – Is the World Ready? With Anneloes Smitsman and Justine Page

With so much attention on women finding and taking their voices back, standing up against injustice, discrimination, harassment and oppression of all kinds—we are seeing women poised and ready to Lead the change we wish to see in the world. But what does that mean in practical terms? Not only do women have to stand up and lead in a new model that represents their feminine leadership styles, but organizations, corporations and the world-at-large have to adapt and receive this shift in consciousness as well. Are we ready?

Anneloes Smitsman (PhD(c), LLM) is a writer, storyteller, visionary, legal strategist, educator, and system developer for transformational change and whole system learning & innovation. She holds a Masters degree in Law & Political Science from Leiden University (the Netherlands), and is finalizing her PhD as external researcher at Maastricht University (the Netherlands). Her PhD thesis is titled “Into the Heart of Systems Change”. She is the CEO & founder of EARTHwise Centre. She was born and raised in the Netherlands and lived there until 1996. She then went to live in South Africa, Australia, and more recently Mauritius. Anneloes played a key role in various social change movements; providing legal and transformational strategies for how to leverage and unite local efforts with international frameworks through a shared Vision. Examples are: Le Morne UNESCO Maroon Cultural Heritage in the fight against slavery and oppression; Standing Rock and Dakota Access Pipeline; Divestment from Fossil Fuels campaigns; the Bhutan Dialogue to support healing and reconciliation for the Bhutan refugee situation; and the We Stand With Africa campaign to catalyse collective support for the famine crisis.
Anneloes developed the Education for Sustainability programme when she worked as Founding Director at ELIA-Ecological Living In Action. She continues to lead this programme today from EARTHwise Centre under the Youth Future Stewards programme. This has served as a model for whole-curriculum implementation of sustainability education for the transformation of conventional educational systems.
Through her love, wisdom and insight Anneloes inspires and supports people to actualise their true potential, and work collaboratively for a world and future where all of us can flourish. Buy her book: Love Letters from Mother Earth.

Justine Page, (BA), co-Founder and Custodian of WOMENwise, is a consultant, coach, facilitator, and public speaker, with over 20 years of multinational and multicultural experience, in marketing, branding and personal development. Her passion is transforming individuals and companies from the inside out through the empowering process of connecting people with their essence and their true potential. As a former executive at one of the world leading advertising and marketing company in New York, she has experience with international brands, blue chip companies and award winning campaigns. She has worked and lived in ten countries across five continents.