Celebrating Human Unity

Celebrating Human Unity Across All Cultures, Creeds, Colors, and Countries with Kurt Johnson

Many around the world are weaving threads of unity within the colorful diversity of our Human Family. It is time to shift our collective consciousness and belief that “peace and unity are possible; a better world is possible.” Honoring all traditions and lineages, we can harvest the collective wisdom of humanity to foster community, connect cultures and cultivate peace. Join us as we explore interfaith harmony with Kurt Johnson.


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Dr. Kurt Johnson of Unity Earth has worked in professional science and comparative religion over 40 years. A prominent figure on international committees, particularly at the United Nations, he is author of the influential book The Coming Interspiritual Age (Namaste, 2013) and two award-winning books in science: Nabokov’s Blues (McGraw-Hill 2000) and Fine Lines (Yale Univ. Press, 2015). 

Kurt has served on the faculty of New York’s Interfaith Seminary for 12 years and, for 25 years was associated there with the American Museum of Natural History. In 2016 he became host for Unity.Earth’s Convergence radio series at VoiceAmerica, a series featuring global change-makers. He serves on the Executive Committee of the United Nations NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns.

Originally monk in the Christian contemplative tradition, Kurt has extensive training in philosophy and comparative religion and also a PhD in Evolution and Ecology.  He is author of over 200 scientific articles and seven books, along with further articles at Kosmos Journal, The Contemplative Journal, Evolution Institute, Integral Life with Ken Wilber and peace studies with Philip Hellmich of the SHIFT Network.

Kurt is a member or founder of The Evolutionary Leaders, the international Contemplative Alliance, the Gaiafield and Subtle Activism Networks, the Self Care to Earth Care network, the UN NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns, the NGO Forum 21 Institute, and the UN Committee for International Yoga Day, and is President of the Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.



Women Leading Change

Women Leading the Change – Is the World Ready? With Anneloes Smitsman and Justine Page

With so much attention on women finding and taking their voices back, standing up against injustice, discrimination, harassment and oppression of all kinds—we are seeing women poised and ready to Lead the change we wish to see in the world. But what does that mean in practical terms? Not only do women have to stand up and lead in a new model that represents their feminine leadership styles, but organizations, corporations and the world-at-large have to adapt and receive this shift in consciousness as well. Are we ready?

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Anneloes Smitsman (PhD(c), LLM) is a writer, storyteller, visionary, legal strategist, educator, and system developer for transformational change and whole system learning & innovation. She holds a Masters degree in Law & Political Science from Leiden University (the Netherlands), and is finalizing her PhD as external researcher at Maastricht University (the Netherlands). Her PhD thesis is titled “Into the Heart of Systems Change”. She is the CEO & founder of EARTHwise Centre. She was born and raised in the Netherlands and lived there until 1996. She then went to live in South Africa, Australia, and more recently Mauritius. Anneloes played a key role in various social change movements; providing legal and transformational strategies for how to leverage and unite local efforts with international frameworks through a shared Vision. Examples are: Le Morne UNESCO Maroon Cultural Heritage in the fight against slavery and oppression; Standing Rock and Dakota Access Pipeline; Divestment from Fossil Fuels campaigns; the Bhutan Dialogue to support healing and reconciliation for the Bhutan refugee situation; and the We Stand With Africa campaign to catalyse collective support for the famine crisis.

Anneloes developed the Education for Sustainability programme when she worked as Founding Director at ELIA-Ecological Living In Action. She continues to lead this programme today from EARTHwise Centre under the Youth Future Stewards programme. This has served as a model for whole-curriculum implementation of sustainability education for the transformation of conventional educational systems.

Through her love, wisdom and insight Anneloes inspires and supports people to actualise their true potential, and work collaboratively for a world and future where all of us can flourish. Buy her book: Love Letters from Mother Earth. 


Justine Page, (BA), co-Founder and Custodian of WOMENwise, is a consultant, coach, facilitator, and public speaker, with over 20 years of multinational and multicultural experience, in marketing, branding and personal development. Her passion is transforming individuals and companies from the inside out through the empowering process of connecting people with their essence and their true potential. As a former executive at one of the world leading advertising and marketing company in New York, she has experience with international brands, blue chip companies and award winning campaigns. She has worked and lived in ten countries across five continents.


Expressing the Sacred Feminine

Expressing the Sacred Feminine with MiraMichelle

The rise of the feminine voice is accelerating on our planet. We are witnessing women stepping up to lead a new way of being and relating in relationship to all things. Some say it’s the divine or sacred feminine rising and this movement has great value to our world and collective healing. How can both men and women tap into the flow of this creative intelligence and force for good? Listen in as MiraMichelle and Dr. Julie muse into the topic.


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MiraMichelle was born to an English mother and an African-American/Native American Indian father, she was raised in two distinctly different cultures and this reality has given her a great ability to understand, appreciate and to assimilate with different cultures.

Her exploration of consciousness began at age 19 with an intensive 5 year training in meditation and energetic healing. She spent another five years in meditation training with the light head ascended master Yogananda Paramahansa, studied and practiced the ancient Goddess traditions and has been taught by a Native American Shaman and Chief of The Sun Dance Society. Rediscovering her Native American and Celtic ancestral lines played a major role in the empowerment of her healing and ceremonial abilities.

After traveling and experiencing different cultures Mira began to study anthropology. She is honored to be advised by author Gerhard Bott (Die Erfindung der Götter) in the cultures of the Matrifocal societies of the Paleolithic era.

Mira feels she is here to inspire the awakening of self-discovery and is a writer of the Sacred Female Rising booklet and the forecoming book ‘Sacred Ceremonies for Everyday – The Ancient Art of Ceremony Meets the Contemporary Science of the Quantum Age‘.

She is also a trained quantum shamanic healer and facilitator of ritual and ceremony with over 20 years experience. Mira has been a professional actress and an executive English coach.

Mira founded the Sacred Female Rising Institute in 2008 and has a B.A. degree in Communications and Psychology. sacredfemalerising.com

Feminine Rising

Imagine a world organized around the principle of nature and our inherent unity and wholeness. Imagine a world designed around a sacred relationship with ourselves, others, and all of creation. Imagine a world transformed by each of us recognizing we are whole beings within a greater whole—and when we contribute to and serve this larger whole, it gives back and contributes to our fullest and healthiest individual expression. Join us for an ongoing conversation about women leading the change.

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Quincey lives to spark imaginations, touch the soul, and infuse joy, laughter and higher consciousness in everything she does. She’s the girl at the party who doesn’t need a friend or liquid courage to tell her to get the dance party started! As an actress, living in New York City, she has been compared to the young Annette Bening and Mia Farrow infused with Julie Andrews’ spirit and topped off with some Robin Wright control and tenacity. Quincey is currently doing commercial work and has been seen on ABC’s Betrayal. She is passionate about the arts and uses dance, movement, music, voice, writing, acting and poetry to express herself and touch the hearts of many different audiences. Quincey is also passionate about conscious health. In her spare time, she is a health coach working toward certification. She is the Co-Founder of World of Love.

Shelley_Ostroff_912633906.jpgDistressed by the suffering humans are causing to each other, animals and the planet, Shelley spent many years learning about integrative pathways for local and global health and vitality. After exploring processes that impact individual and system vitality, she developed a holistic approach that draws on a broad range of experience in different countries and traditions.   The holistic approach addresses some of the damaging consequences of assumptions that currently drive social organization. It integrates insight from complementary disciplines and offers conceptual and practical frameworks for nourishing vitality of people and planet.

Women Leading the Change

Imagine a world transformed by each of us taking personal responsibility for our lives, health, emotions, thoughts, words, and actions… even our suffering and healing. Imagine a world where we reestablish our personal sense of power and authority, where we become the leaders of our own lives, and stop looking outside of ourselves for direction, healing, instruction, and regulation. To BE the change we want to see in the world, we must LEAD the CHANGE we want to see in in our lives and the world!


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Quincey lives to spark imaginations, touch the soul, and infuse joy, laughter and higher consciousness in everything she does. She’s the girl at the party who doesn’t need a friend or liquid courage to tell her to get the dance party started! As an actress, living in New York City, she has been compared to the young Annette Bening and Mia Farrow infused with Julie Andrews’ spirit and topped off with some Robin Wright control and tenacity. Quincey is currently doing commercial work and has been seen on ABC’s Betrayal. She is passionate about the arts and uses dance, movement, music, voice, writing, acting and poetry to express herself and touch the hearts of many different audiences. Quincey is also passionate about conscious health. In her spare time, she is a health coach working toward certification. She is the Co-Founder of World of Love.

Rest as Restorative

Rest as Restorative for Ourselves and Our Planet with Shelley Ostroff

What would happen if we joined hearts with people around the world to connect in stillness, compassion, and dedicated action for intentional planetary healing? Imagine a thriving world where we all mindfully take time to rest, remove stress, noise, and toxins from our lives. Now is that time! Shelley Ostroff invites us to take “7 Days of Rest” to realign our hearts with each other and with the loving intelligence and order of nature.


[Click Here to Listen]

Distressed by the suffering humans are causing to each other, animals and the planet, Shelley spent many years learning about integrative pathways for local and global health and vitality. After exploring processes that impact individual and system vitality, she developed a holistic approach that draws on a broad range of experience in different countries and traditions.   The holistic approach addresses some of the damaging consequences of assumptions that currently drive social organization. It integrates insight from complementary disciplines and offers conceptual and practical frameworks for nourishing vitality of people and planet.

Resilience for the Global Dark Night

Resilience for the Global Dark Night with Andrew Harvey

From ecological destruction and economic uncertainty, to political chaos and systems breakdown, to a mass surfacing of high profile individual and collective shadow, our world is experiencing challenging times and darkness envelops us everywhere. These times not only call for innovative science and conscious leadership, but a return to Source and a reconnection with Self, Others, and the Earth. Join Andrew Harvey as we talk about living resiliently through the Dark Night of the Globe.

Andrew_Harvey_864515373.jpg[Click Here to Listen]

Andrew Harvey is the Founder and Director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability. Sacred Activism is a transforming force of compassion-in-action that is born of a fusion of deep spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion, with wise radical action in the world. The large-scale practice of Sacred Activism can become an essential force for preserving and healing the planet and its inhabitants.  Andrew is the co-author of the new book, Savage Grace.

Me Too: A Masculine Perspective

Me Too: A Masculine Perspective with Remy Smith and Quincey Krull

The sexual harassment allegations against film giant Harvey Weinstein sparked an online movement, in which women used #MeToo on social media to express solidarity for the pervasive issue of sexual harassment and abuse. It also took the lid off of decades of secrecy and oppression in the work place. The stories women are telling are not new. What is the masculine perspective on the shadow that is surfacing and the allegations being made? What do men believe is acceptable or not? Join us for this important conversation.

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Image result for Quincey Krull

Quincey lives to spark imaginations, touch the soul, and infuse joy, laughter and higher consciousness in everything she does. She’s the girl at the party who doesn’t need a friend or liquid courage to tell her to get the dance party started! As an actress, living in New York City, she has been compared to the young Annette Bening and Mia Farrow infused with Julie Andrews’ spirit and topped off with some Robin Wright control and tenacity. Quincey is currently doing commercial work and has been seen on ABC’s Betrayal. She is passionate about the arts and uses dance, movement, music, voice, writing, acting and poetry to express herself and touch the hearts of many different audiences. Quincey is also passionate about conscious health. In her spare time, she is a health coach working toward certification. She is the Co-Founder of World of Love.


Remy Smith is a bartender, trivia game show host, producer at Empower Radio, and host of his own talk show, Tales From the Barside, on diffuseradionetwork.com. He graduated from Specs Howard School of Media Arts in 2012. His favorite quotes include, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro”, and “If you do what you love for a living, it doesn’t feel like work at all”. He’s also a proud daddy.

Me Too: A Mother/Daughter Conversation

Me Too: A Mother and Daughter Conversation to Elevate our Collective Healing Potential

The sexual harassment allegations against film giant Harvey Weinstein sparked an online movement, in which women used #MeToo on social media to express solidarity for the pervasive issue of sexual harassment and abuse. It also took the lid off of decades of secrecy and oppression in the work place. The stories women are telling are not new. And, as we are seeing, they are invasive in many “high profile” industries such as entertainment, media, politics, and sports. But what about the “low profile” stories?  What about the women who don’t have the power to tell their stories and get help? Join us for this important conversation.

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Image result for Quincey Krull

Quincey lives to spark imaginations, touch the soul, and infuse joy, laughter and higher consciousness in everything she does. She’s the girl at the party who doesn’t need a friend or liquid courage to tell her to get the dance party started! As an actress, living in New York City, she has been compared to the young Annette Bening and Mia Farrow infused with Julie Andrews’ spirit and topped off with some Robin Wright control and tenacity. Quincey is currently doing commercial work and has been seen on ABC’s Betrayal. She is passionate about the arts and uses dance, movement, music, voice, writing, acting and poetry to express herself and touch the hearts of many different audiences. Quincey is also passionate about conscious health. In her spare time, she is a health coach working toward certification. She is the Co-Founder of World of Love.

Being and Becoming in Liminal Space

Being and Becoming in Liminal Space with Sherryl Lin

We are in liminal space- the in between, transitional time of what we know and what we can’t imagine.  Everything is changing. Journey with Sherryl Lin and Dr. Julie as they invite you to presence the unknown future with courage, resilience, strength and creativity. Like the sweet space between sleep and wakefulness, we have the opportunity to navigate this threshold as lucid, conscious co-creators.

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Sherryl Lin is a Medical Intuitive and Cosmic Conduit who uses powerful, divinely-guided healing techniques to bring your physical body into balance. Sherryl also assists in clearing blocks, transmuting energy, transforming old patterns and clearing your channel so that you can tune in more easily and consistently to higher levels of consciousness.