Choosing Earth with Duane Elgin
Choosing Earth takes us on a journey that extends a half-century into the future to explore our world in a time of unprecedented transition. We will explore a whole-systems view of the converging adversity trends facing humanity and three major scenarios for the future that are most likely to emerge from these powerful trends. By illuminating deep changes that are already underway, we find hope for the emergence of a mature, planetary civilization beyond our times of crisis. Duane Elgin invites us to actively shape our future rather than be passive victims of denial and delay.

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Duane Elgin is an internationally recognized author, speaker, educator, and citizen-voice activist. His books include The Living Universe, Promise Ahead, Voluntary Simplicity, and Awakening Earth. He received Japan’s Goi Peace Award in Tokyo in 2006 in recognition of his contribution to a global “vision, consciousness, and lifestyle” that fosters a “more sustainable and spiritual culture