Regenerative Leadership

Regenerative Leadership with Giles Hutchins

The new leadership paradigm has to be “regenerative”—based on the Logic of Life and rooted in the wisdom of nature. This new regenerative paradigm is about becoming more creative, authentic, purposeful, compassionate, and more in tune with life within us and all around us. Regenerative Leadership embraces both the inner and outer technologies, tools, and consciousness that are required for the new regenerative paradigm to unfold.

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gileshutchins_371275302.jpgGiles Hutchins is a pioneering practitioner, keynote speaker, adviser and executive coach at the fore-front of a [r]evolution in leadership consciousness and organizational development.  He applies consciousness raising modalities, deep-dive nature immersions, embodiment work, ancient wisdom tradition insights, future-fit organizational development approaches, and cutting-edge research on leadership consciousness. In these transformational times, Giles Hutchins stimulates the head-space and heart-knowing for forward-leaning leaders and organizations to become vibrant, purposeful and future-fit.  He is author of the books – The Nature of Business (2012), The Illusion of Separation (2014), Future Fit (2016) and Regenerative Leadership (2019). Previously Giles was Business Transformation Lead with KPMG Consulting and more recently Global Head of Sustainability Solutions for Atos the IT service multinational, he is co-founding partner of Regenerators and Biomimicry for Creative Innovation, Chair of the Future Fit Leadership Academy, and advisor to a number of forward thinking institutions. His latest TEDx talk at Wycliffe College, UK is entitled [R]evolution: Separateness to Connectedness and he blogs at 

The Next Human Operating System

The Next Human Operating System with Stu Zimmerman

What if your only job was to live a more peaceful, playful and loving life? Is that possible with the escalating chaos of systems breakdown and constant change? Stu Zimmerman says, “Yes!” He is on a mission to awaken, inspire, and empower humanity to upgrade to a new operating system that includes the practical potential for a new golden era of humanity. By mixing a bit of humor with science and ancient wisdom, Stu shows us how to hit the “RESET” button.

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Stu_Zimmerman_861132193.jpgUpon graduating from the Cornell ILR school, Stu earned his MBA in finance from Northeastern University, receiving The Wall Street Journal award for finance for academic excellence.

Migrating to San Francisco, he became a stock broker at Kidder, Peabody, options trader on the Pacific Stock Exchange and second in command of BKP Partners, a hedge fund that grew from $1.5M to $300M under management during his six-year tenure. In 1997, Stu launched his own money management firm, Zimco Advisors, and hedge fund, Viviana Partners.

At the peak of his financial success in the late 1990’s, Stu’s wife, Teri, was diagnosed with cancer that was ultimately terminal. As there was no amount of money that would give him and his family what they really wanted, this was his wake-up call – a spiritual two-by-four that slapped him energetically upside the head. 

He released the investment world to answer to these questions: “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” and “What is this fixation on money, wealth and security all about?”

Exploring wealth beyond money, Stu co-authored, “Inner Security and Infinite Wealth:  Merging Self-Worth and Net Worth”. He then created and hosted the nationally-syndicated radio program, Inside Wealth, interviewing such diverse luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Tony LaRussa and George Zimmer about their perspective on success and world vision. Thereafter, he created and hosted the Inner Espresso short-form video series that translated universal wisdom into business speak and co-hosted the award-winning Get Conscious Now! television program, eliciting insights from forward-thinkers such as Dr. Michael Beckwith, Gay and Katie Hendricks and Barbara DeAngelis.

Most recently, Stu founded Only the Source, a transformational media company whose mission is to awaken, inspire and empower humanity to a more peaceful, playful and loving life. To that end, his new video series, RESET with Stu Zimmerman, explores the practical potential for a new golden era of humanity as a legacy for his five children and tenure on this planet.

When the Whole Sees Itself

When the Whole Sees Itself with Shelley Darling

David Bohm said, “…consciousness is a coherent whole, which is never static or complete, but which is in an unending process of movement and unfoldment.” He goes on to explain, “… [matter and consciousness] are actually inseparable and interwoven, just as in the computer game the player and the screen are united by participation.” What happens when an individual experiences this deep embodied sense of wholeness and remembers themselves inside the formlessness that informs all form? Come play in the unified field of consciousness and explore ways to nurture your innate capacity to live for the good of the whole.

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Shelley Darling is a founding steward of GOOD of the WHOLE, Loving Waters, and Golden Light Dowsing. She has dedicated over 35 years to the path of Unconditional Love and Conscious Evolution, synthesizing years of experience counseling individuals, couples, and groups in “Embodied Heart Awakening.” Shelley travels internationally speaking about “Resonant Stewardship,” an evolving model that fosters greater harmony, connection and wholeness in one’s heart, home, and community. Resonant Stewardship is the amalgam of 20 years of emotional integration coaching, Evolutionary Dowsing, and facilitating weekly Heart Resonance groups for over six years. 

Stress Management for an Evolving World

#StressManagement for an #Evolving World with Sherryl Lin

According to the American Psychological Association, most Americans are suffering from moderate to high levels of #stress and 44% report that their stress levels have increased over the past 5 years. With the #evolution of #consciousness, #climate change, increased technology, radical cultural change, and the global transition we’re in, our stressors are changing and life is different than ever before. Join Sherryl Lin and Dr. Julie as we explore new strategies for evolutionary times. do you find deep, meaningful connection? Today we’re going to explore stress management for the conscious evolutionary.

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Sherryl Lin has vivid memories of being a young child with a pure, loving heart who knew that everything was possible. She knew that she had intuitive abilities back then, but being that there was no one to explain to her what she was experiencing she shut that part of herself down. Sherryl Lin was always interested in spirituality and spent much of her early adult life looking for the next teacher or guru who, she was certain had the answers she was looking for. Everything shifted when, through a series of mystical, awakening experiences, Sherryl Lin began to remember her connection to Higher Levels of Consciousness and her abilities accelerated at an exponential rate.

As a Master Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Medical Intuitive Healer, she reads the energy beneath your words, working deeply at the cellular level as a Spiritual Conduit, bringing you back into alignment with the truth of who you really are. Sherryl Lin will help you move to the next level in all areas of your life, including your health, business, life purpose, and relationships.

Transfiguration of the Planet

Transfiguration of the Planet with Andrew Harvey

Kabir is far more than a poet; he is a universal initiatory field, as expansive as Rumi and as embodied, radical, and ferocious as Jesus. He is the voice of the evolutionary truth and its piercing love, and we never needed to hear him more. Can Kabir provide evolutionary guidance for the transfiguration of our planet, like he does for the transfigured human? Listen in as Andrew Harvey shares an enlightened blueprint.

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After authoring more than 30 books, Andrew Harvey, Rumi scholar, mystic, and founder of Sacred Activism, is releasing what may be his consummate work, Turn Me To Gold: 108 Poems By Kabir. Born in India and deeply influenced by its mystic traditions, Andrew became enraptured not only with the exquisite spiritual illumination he discovered in Kabir, but the poet’s grounding relevance to our troubled times.

Power to Transform Yourself and the Planet

Your Power to Transform Yourself and the Planet with Michael Reccia

Do you want to make a positive and instant difference to the way you live and to the way things are in the world? At a time when society has never before been so violent, materialistic and selfish, our guest today brings inspiration and wisdom that will remind you that you have the power to make a difference. What you believe you create. Therefore, the better world you long for is attainable for yourself, for your children, and for every single soul on this planet.

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Trance medium Michael G. Reccia believes that the true purpose of spirit communicators is not only to supply evidence of life after death but also to offer a blueprint for a better life before death by providing highly spiritual perspectives that can make a vital, positive difference to the individual and to the planet. Joseph, Michael’s communicator, is a highly-evolved spirit who is deeply worried about the present state of mankind. Joseph’s books offer all the information needed to transform ourselves and our world before it is too late.

You are Human by Design

You are Human by Design with Gregg Braden

A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that we are the product of something more than random mutations and lucky biology. We owe it to ourselves to embrace the evidence, the story it tells, and the healing that it can bring to our lives. Beyond any reasonable doubt, Gregg Braden will share how we’re not what we’ve been told, and much more than we’ve ever imagined.

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On this episode:

4:40 – We’re all in this together

5:00 – Embracing change in a healthy way

10:00 – Reasons to change our ways of thinking

11:00 – The way we’ve been taught to think of ourselves

13:30 – Science and nature are simple, we make it complex

15:45 – Darwin – A theory to get things started

19:00 – Readjusting the geneology tree

21:00 – Reverse engineering of DNA

22:00 – The complex speech tweak

31:30 – What happened 200,000 years ago?

33:00 – We are the product of some kind of intervention

35:00 – The better we understand ourselves, the less we fear change

38:45 – What is our potential and how do we awaken it?

40:00 – Neurons in the heart

41:00 – Harmonizing the heart and brain

46:00 – Resolving pain, fear, and anger in a healthy way

47:30 – Molecules of Emotion

49:00 – Weaving a new wisdom

54:00 –

Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, and is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and human potential!

From 1979 to 1990 Gregg worked for Fortune 500 companies as a problem solver during times of crisis. He continues problem-solving today as he weaves modern science, and the wisdom preserved in remote monasteries and forgotten texts into real world solutions. 

His discoveries have led to 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages. Gregg has shared his presentations with The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies and the U. S. military, and he is now featured in media specials airing on major networks throughout the world.  

The United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal lists Gregg among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 5th consecutive year, and he is a 2018 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award. The award was established to honor “outstanding individuals who have devoted their talents to expanding our vision of human purpose and ultimate reality.” 

An InterSpiritual Life

An InterSpiritual Life with Kurt Johnson

Movements of “oneness”—of unity consciousness—are afoot in nearly every arena. As our understanding of the true nature of reality evolves, we’re witnessing shifts in healthcare, education, economics, governance, and even religion and spirituality. Learn how you can live an “InterSpiritual” life with Kurt Johnson.

On This Episode:

6:30 – Serving a sense of unity

9:00 – Diversity within unity

12:00 – Civilization like an ecosystem

13:00 – Learning our way into globalism

18:30 – Evolution by choice, not chance

19:30 – The interpiritual age

22:15 – A deeper place in the heart

38:00 – The road to 2020

45:00 – Out of the head, into the heart

50:00 – Unity, not uniformity

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Dr. Kurt Johnson, has worked in professional science and comparative religion over 40 years. A prominent figure on international committees, particularly at the United Nations, he is author of the influential book The Coming Interspiritual Age (2013) and two award-winning books in science: Nabokov’s Blues (2000) and Fine Lines (2015). 

Kurt has served on the faculty of New York’s Interfaith Seminary for 12 years and, for 25 years was associated there with the American Museum of Natural History. He is host for UNITY EARTH’s Convergence radio series at VoiceAmerica, a series featuring global change-makers, and an editor of UE’s two magazines: The Convergence and Light on Light.

Kurt has a PhD in Evolution and Ecology and is author of over 200 scientific articles and seven books, along with further articles at Kosmos Journal, The Contemplative Journal, Evolution Institute, Integral Life with Ken Wilber and peace studies with Philip Hellmich of the SHIFT Network.

Kurt, a former monastic, is a member or founder of The Evolutionary Leaders, The Association of Transformational Leaders, the international Contemplative Alliance, the Gaiafield and Subtle Activism Networks, the Self Care to Earth Care network, the UN NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns, the NGO Forum 21 Institute, and the UN Committee for International Yoga Day, and is President of the Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. 

Story of Our Time

The Story of Our Time with Robert Atkinson

We are witnesses to the dying of an old world, and the birth of a new one. A profound transformation is underway; a global community with a consciousness of oneness is emerging. Don’t be distracted by seeming setbacks; hope is our inspiration, and unity our ultimate destination. Robert Atkinson will explain, “How we get there depends upon the stories we live by and the action we take.”

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On This Episode:

5:00 – Spiritual forces are guiding us toward unity

6:00 – The consciousness continuum

10:30 – The urge to understand reality

14:00 – A moment of transformation

18:00 – Year of living deeply

21:00 – We are a storytelling species

32:00 – A new chapter is emerging

34:30 – Stages of evolution

37:00 – A cycle of renewal

38:00 – Spiritual springtime

50:00 – Unconditional love

Robert_Atkinson_530554537.jpgRobert Atkinson, Ph.D., author, educator, and developmental psychologist, has published nine books, including the 2017 Nautilus Book Award winner The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness; Mystic Journey: Getting to the Heart of Your Soul’s Story (2012); The Gift of Stories (1995); and, Year of Living Deeply: A Memoir of 1969 (2019). He is an internationally recognized authority on life story interviewing, a pioneer in the techniques of personal mythmaking and soul-making, a member of Evolutionary Leaders, professor emeritus at the University of Southern Maine, and director of StoryCommons.

Dawn of a Universal Humanity

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I am moving out from darkness into the light.  I feel a new kind of energy quickening.  The dormant seeds of possibility are waking inside.  The unconscious is moving into consciousness with new impulses, ideas, and opportunities.  Its time to let go of my safe, resting retreat, the quiet milieu of nature’s darkness, to venture out into my luminous potential.

The impulse of creation is moving.  A lively, spirited instinct encourages me to move, push, go forward, and expand outward.  Yet, the familiar perennial signal feels different somehow.

It is different.

The darkness is fading.  I push through the dense frozen ground of sleepiness, through to the light of this spring where the awakened world of enlightenment waits to greet me.  As I let go of my personal, protected resting place and re-enter community, it feels changed.  There’s no separation.  The collective field is supportive, loving, and nurturing in a way that inspires greater connectivity.  The essence of spring is consumed with the emergence of co-creative genius – aligned with Source, in harmony with nature, resonant and engaged with others.  It delights my soul.

With the next push, there’s a familiar recognition.  I remember. We are giving birth to Global Consciousness.  This is it!  We have welcomed the Essential Self into life and relationship, overcoming egoic obstacles with robust persistence.  The dawn of a Universal Humanity is here.  I can feel it.  Now, as I listen to those seeds of possibility, I hear only the harmonic resonance of the collective good.  I am only content, when the whole is whole again.  I let go of “me” and surrender into the joy of connection, remembering who I am in the wholeness of who we are.  And, I push.  There’s no more time or space for my dormant slumber.

The sun crosses the celestial equator as I embody this balance and welcome the light. The life force rises with overwhelming intensity.  I celebrate, with gratitude, for the equinox ushers in a fresh, unified state of being, as hopeful as the first tulip bloom after a long frigid winter.  I emerge and stretch upward to meet nature’s genius.  The warm light bathes my curiosity.  She signals.  It is time.  I break into song and bloom with the new dawn.