What Nature Can Teach us in Times of Crisis and Transition

What Nature Can Teach us in Times of Crisis and Transition with Tamsin Woolley-Barker

The most successful species are those that adapt to change and the same is true in business, organizations, and communities. For hundreds of years, ants and termites and vast underground fungal networks have worked together in huge cities, tens of millions strong, compounding their resources from one generation to the next with no management whatsoever. With just four simple principles, Dr. Tamsin Woolley-Barker will show how these diverse and independent individuals pool their experience to create rich hotspots of abundance, resilience and health.

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Dr. Tamsin Woolley-Barker is the founder and principal of TEEM Innovation Group. Tamsin is an Evolutionary Biologist, Anthropologist, and Biomimicry thought leader. She is the author of TEEMING: How Superorganisms Work to Build Infinite Wealth in a Finite World. Her company, TEEM Innovation Group, provides innovation, organization, and strategy to a diverse Fortune 500 clientele, with a bio-inspired toolkit rooted in evolutionary theory and living systems thinking. Current projects include the Bonobo Revolution––a bio-informed movement to increase opportunity and inclusion for women and girls in service of greater collective intelligence––and TEEMLab, an experiential program for reclaiming our human niche as collective conscious cultivators, with virtual programming and immersives in Panama, Sacramento, and San Diego, where Tamsin lives with her three boys. She is currently writing Underneath: Reclaiming Our Thread in Life’s Fabric, with regenerative designer and educator Chris Lopez, and The TEEMING Transformation: Learning from Life’s Most Successful Teams.

Coronavirus and the Antidote for Fear

Coronavirus and the Antidote for Fear with Sherryl Lin and Jeff  VanderClute

What lies beyond the highly-charged political and media response to the Coronavirus, which has been inciting increased chaos, craziness, and escalating fear? Breathe and relax. Two gifted intuitives have a different side of the story to share. Your best prescription may just be to love more. Join Sherryl Lin, Jeff Vander Clute and Dr. Julie in an enlightening conversation about the deeper meaning behind the Coronavirus.

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Jeff Vander Clute is a guide for the journey of awakened being. His work facilitates radical consciousness transformation for these extraordinary times. Jeff empowers his clients to discover their true nature and harmonize their activities with the whole of life. He offers clarity, nondual insight, and transmissions that help people to experience the joy of presence and express the next level of their abilities. Jeff is a founder of Enlightening Journeys and Expeditions and Sourcing The Way. He is also a co-creator and teacher of The Consciousness of Money, outgoing board chair of Source of Synergy Foundation, and a member of the Evolutionary Leaders


Sherryl Lin has vivid memories of being a young child with a pure, loving heart who knew that everything was possible. She knew that she had intuitive abilities back then, but being that there was no one to explain to her what she was experiencing she shut that part of herself down. Sherryl Lin was always interested in spirituality and spent much of her early adult life looking for the next teacher or guru who, she was certain had the answers she was looking for. Everything shifted when, through a series of mystical, awakening experiences, Sherryl Lin began to remember her connection to Higher Levels of Consciousness and her abilities accelerated at an exponential rate.

As a Master Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Medical Intuitive Healer, she reads the energy beneath your words, working deeply at the cellular level as a Spiritual Conduit, bringing you back into alignment with the truth of who you really are. Sherryl Lin will help you move to the next level in all areas of your life, including your health, business, life purpose, and relationships.

Business Plan for Peace

Business Plan for Peace with Scilla Elworthy

Many people feel powerless in the face of what they see on TV or read in the news – a world in crisis, with wars and violence taking place across the globe. Do you want to step out of the helplessness and apply your personal skills to do something meaningful about the challenges now facing us? Humanity now has the experience, knowledge and tools to prevent and resolve conflict. Scilla Elworthy offers the Business Plan for Peace, an ambitious, long-term solution that challenge the status quo.

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Dr Scilla Elworthy turns vision into action: three times nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for developing effective dialogue between nuclear weapons policy-makers worldwide and their critics, with the Oxford Research Group founded in 1982.

Peace Direct goes from strength to strength under brilliant young leadership, founded by Scilla in 2002 to fund, promote and learn from local peace-builders in conflict areas. Scilla was adviser to Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Sir Richard Branson in setting up ‘The Elders’, and was Awarded the Niwano Peace Prize in 2003.

Today her full attention is on developing Business Plan for Peace   

www.thebusinessplanforpeace.org resulting from her 2017 book The Business Plan for Peace: Building a World Without War.

Her TED talk on non-violence has been viewed by over 1,400,000 people on TED and YouTube. 

Regenerative Leadership

Regenerative Leadership with Giles Hutchins

The new leadership paradigm has to be “regenerative”—based on the Logic of Life and rooted in the wisdom of nature. This new regenerative paradigm is about becoming more creative, authentic, purposeful, compassionate, and more in tune with life within us and all around us. Regenerative Leadership embraces both the inner and outer technologies, tools, and consciousness that are required for the new regenerative paradigm to unfold.

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gileshutchins_371275302.jpgGiles Hutchins is a pioneering practitioner, keynote speaker, adviser and executive coach at the fore-front of a [r]evolution in leadership consciousness and organizational development.  He applies consciousness raising modalities, deep-dive nature immersions, embodiment work, ancient wisdom tradition insights, future-fit organizational development approaches, and cutting-edge research on leadership consciousness. In these transformational times, Giles Hutchins stimulates the head-space and heart-knowing for forward-leaning leaders and organizations to become vibrant, purposeful and future-fit.  He is author of the books – The Nature of Business (2012), The Illusion of Separation (2014), Future Fit (2016) and Regenerative Leadership (2019). Previously Giles was Business Transformation Lead with KPMG Consulting and more recently Global Head of Sustainability Solutions for Atos the IT service multinational, he is co-founding partner of Regenerators and Biomimicry for Creative Innovation, Chair of the Future Fit Leadership Academy, and advisor to a number of forward thinking institutions. His latest TEDx talk at Wycliffe College, UK is entitled [R]evolution: Separateness to Connectedness and he blogs at www.thenatureofbusiness.org 

The Next Human Operating System

The Next Human Operating System with Stu Zimmerman

What if your only job was to live a more peaceful, playful and loving life? Is that possible with the escalating chaos of systems breakdown and constant change? Stu Zimmerman says, “Yes!” He is on a mission to awaken, inspire, and empower humanity to upgrade to a new operating system that includes the practical potential for a new golden era of humanity. By mixing a bit of humor with science and ancient wisdom, Stu shows us how to hit the “RESET” button.

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Stu_Zimmerman_861132193.jpgUpon graduating from the Cornell ILR school, Stu earned his MBA in finance from Northeastern University, receiving The Wall Street Journal award for finance for academic excellence.

Migrating to San Francisco, he became a stock broker at Kidder, Peabody, options trader on the Pacific Stock Exchange and second in command of BKP Partners, a hedge fund that grew from $1.5M to $300M under management during his six-year tenure. In 1997, Stu launched his own money management firm, Zimco Advisors, and hedge fund, Viviana Partners.

At the peak of his financial success in the late 1990’s, Stu’s wife, Teri, was diagnosed with cancer that was ultimately terminal. As there was no amount of money that would give him and his family what they really wanted, this was his wake-up call – a spiritual two-by-four that slapped him energetically upside the head. 

He released the investment world to answer to these questions: “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” and “What is this fixation on money, wealth and security all about?”

Exploring wealth beyond money, Stu co-authored, “Inner Security and Infinite Wealth:  Merging Self-Worth and Net Worth”. He then created and hosted the nationally-syndicated radio program, Inside Wealth, interviewing such diverse luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Tony LaRussa and George Zimmer about their perspective on success and world vision. Thereafter, he created and hosted the Inner Espresso short-form video series that translated universal wisdom into business speak and co-hosted the award-winning Get Conscious Now! television program, eliciting insights from forward-thinkers such as Dr. Michael Beckwith, Gay and Katie Hendricks and Barbara DeAngelis.

Most recently, Stu founded Only the Source, a transformational media company whose mission is to awaken, inspire and empower humanity to a more peaceful, playful and loving life. To that end, his new video series, RESET with Stu Zimmerman, explores the practical potential for a new golden era of humanity as a legacy for his five children and tenure on this planet.

We All Want and Need a Deeper Connection

We All Want and Need a Deeper Connection with Dr. Julie

Research shows that it doesn’t matter if you have one close friend or 50—as long as you have some form of deep, authentic human connection. We are social creatures with a real basic need to love, be loved, and belong. Join Dr. Julie as she takes you on a journey into our capacity for deeper human connection as a strategy to create more beauty, peace and healing for yourself and the world.

About Dr. Julie Krull:

Dr. Julie facilitates opportunities to bring spirit and consciousness more fully into life, relationships, the workplace, and community. She is celebrated as a visionary teacher, recognized for her authentic, down-to-earth approach. Dr. Julie assists to efficiently shift awareness from psychological and spiritual difficulties to a healthier flow of resonance. With her proficient, co-creative expertise, clients everywhere seek her mentoring.

Her fiery passion to uplift humanity began at the age of 11. After an early childhood near death experience, Dr. Julie’s spiritual gifts presented. Subsequent childhood trauma and adverse experiences left her asking big questions about God, the Universe, the purpose of life, and the deeper meaning of humanity’s pain and suffering. She received a series of prophetic visions, including the great shift of consciousness occurring on the planet and guidance for her vocational role in it. She has followed that path as a healer, teacher, and spiritual midwife ever since.

Her 30-year career blends the pragmatic teachings of Western psychology with inter-faith spiritual insight, her intuitive gifts, and an experiential understanding of energy and mind/body medicine. This compelling combination empowers clients, groups, organizations, and audiences to develop intentional, co-creative practice, aligned with spirit, attuned to heart, in harmony with nature, and in resonance with others. Dr. Julie is a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. She is a Reiki Master, Certified Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator, Spiritual Director, and Certified Wellness Coach. She has studied extensively with Barbara Marx Hubbard and is a Mentor for Agents of Conscious Evolution. Dr. Julie is founder of Generative Alliance, LLC, co-founder of Good of the Whole, and hosts The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected. She is the author of the forthcoming book Fractured Grace.


Moving Beyond (Interfaith) Fear

Moving Beyond (Interfaith) Fear with Wendy Goldberg

Tri-Faith Initiative is a unique and ambitious project in the field of interfaith relations in design, scale, and scope. It brings together into permanent residency a synagogue, church, mosque, and interfaith center on one 38-acre campus in the middle of America’s heartland. This unique model for peaceful co-existence, builds on America’s promise of religious freedom and a desire for understanding. In working together, their vision is to build bridges of respect, trust and acceptance, to challenge stereotypes of each other, to learn from one another, and to counter the influence of extremists and agents of hate.

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Wendy Goldberg is a fourth generation Omahan and a founding member of the Tri-Faith Initiative. She served on the Board of Trustees of Temple Israel for 10 years, including a two-year term as President of the congregation and was on the Temple Israel staff for seven years as Program Director. Wendy played a key role in communications, volunteer engagement, and the capital campaign during Temple Israel’s transition to the Tri-Faith Commons in 2013.

In 2016, Wendy earned a Master’s of Art in Communication and graduate certificate in Creative Writing at the University of Nebraska at Omaha after which, she joined the staff at Project Harmony as Project Manager where she partnered with agency stakeholders to custom build and implement client management software, identify program goals, measurable outcomes and build the correlating reports.

Wendy has served as Tri-Faith Communication Chair for a decade helping to develop communication policy, procedure, and plans for traditional and social media materials. She leads a communication task force initiatives to set brand guidelines, create a speakers bureau, and create video stories archives.

As a champion of interfaith efforts that build community and foster trust, Wendy will contribute to the management and implementation of the initiative’s strategic plan including fundraising, communication, and stakeholder engagement.

Wendy loves practicing and teaching yoga. She serves on the Board of Directors for Fontenelle Forest. Wendy and her husband, David, have three adult children.

The World We Have Created

The World We Have Created…


“The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. If we want to change the world we have to change our thinking… no problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” ~ Albert Einstein

See The World Anew…

Systems and structures are failing. The world we created with the belief that “we are separate” from Creator, the Cosmos, Earth and all its inhabitants, including ourselves and the rest of Humanity, will no longer sustain us as a species. This mythology, this narrative, the story of separation, does not serve our one planetary body. Our future depends on a fundamental change to a new way of thinking—a whole-systems understanding of the conscious Universe that is more in alignment with the true nature of reality.
Saying that, a deeper level of our multidimensional reality exists beyond our ability to articulate. Once we wake to this reality, once we embody our inherent wholeness and understand ourselves “as consciousness itself” (Dr Jude Currivan), we begin to understand that the future is not fixed and we don’t have to create more of the same.

We Live in a Co-Creative, Responsive World of Possibilities

Let us wake to the truth of who we are and continually deepen our understanding of reality. Let us develop our innate capacity to participate in the unfolding of the conscious Universe and co-create a new healthy world built with heart and wholeness! We’ve got this!

“We don’t have consciousness. We are consciousness.” ~ Jude Currivan

Shamanic Wisdom, Healthy Earth

Shamanic Wisdom, Healthy Earth with Robin Tekwelus Youngblood

Beliefs and principles of indigenous eco and earth-based spirituality have long served to wake humanity to the responsibilities of stewarding a healthy Earth. By honoring the connection between all beings and assisting all creatures to live in balance and harmony, we have the capacity to create whole-systems health. Join Robin Tekwelus Youngblood as we explore the deeper wisdom in Codes for a Healthy Earth.

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Robin has been a member of the Seven Generations World Wisdom Council, which organized multicultural Wisdom Gatherings in several countries. She is also a founding member of Grandmothers Circle the Earth, and helps establish Grandmother Circles and Councils wherever she travels.

Since 2012, Robin has circumnavigated the earth three times, sharing teachings and ceremonies. As a graduate of Barbara Marx Hubbard’s “Agents of Conscious Evolution” training, Robin is a Guide for the Wheel of Co-Creation, a method of working with others to co-create sustainable lifestyles that honor Mother Earth and All Our Relations.

You can find Robin at www.churchoftheearth.org, on Facebook. Robin is author of “Path of the White Wolf, An Introduction to Shamanism” with Sandra D’Entremont, as well as several music CDs. For the last several years, Robin has taught online Shamanic Courses. If interested, please email her at whitewolfclanmother@yahoo.com

Co-Creating a Healthy Earth

Co-Creating a Healthy Earth with Katharine Roske

Imagine a co-creative culture dedicated to the health of Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. We are co-creating a world that more accurately reflects our vision, values and expanded awareness, and a culture that is more loving, joyful and fulfilling. As we consciously aligning with Spirit, Nature and the true essence of ourselves, we have the innate capacity to co-create whole-systems health. Katharine Roske will explore Codes for a Healthy Earth and our co-creative potential.

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As a social architect holding an integrated vision for a co-creative planetary culture, Katharine, together with her husband, Makasha has lived her life at the evolutionary edge.  Since her early twenties she has been guided by the inquiry:  “ As we awaken to a vaster experience of the nature of consciousness, how is this expressed in every aspect of life?  How must all systems transform in order to truly embody the values and virtues we hold sacred?”  

Katharine’s journey over the past 5 decades has been an expression of new possibilities in integral education, gentle birthing, health and well being, youth empowerment and women’s spirituality.  She has facilitated programs internationally in the principles and practices of co-creation, is co-author with Carolyn Anderson of The Co-Creator’s Handbook 2.0., and a partner in Living Co-Creation www.livingcocreation.com. 

1996 Katharine co-founded Hummingbird Community in northern New Mexico as a living laboratory for conscious evolution, co-creation, and regenerative living.  She is currently Co-Executive Director of Hummingbird Transformational Living Center www.hummingbirdtlc.org whose purpose is to be an inter-generational experiential learning center in dynamic relationship with the wisdom of the natural world.  As a co-founder of her family’s youth organization, Earth Guardians, www.earthguardians.org Katharine is committed to inter-generational partnership in the raising of consciousness and shifting of culture.