With Tricia McCannon & Tiffany Barsotti
“By attuning our hearts to love, we can connect to our Higher Self, open to our angels, and awaken as evolving citizens of the universe,” says Tricia McCannon, author of Angels. What does that mean, really? Join us for a fascinating conversation where we explore the spiritual wisdom and scientific insights around angels with Tricia and subtle energy researcher, Tiffany Jean Barsotti, Ph.D.. We’ll explore how to access this real human potential and what angels can teach us about the true nature of reality and our place in it?

Guest: Tricia McCannon is the author of the bestselling book ANGELS: Personal Encounters with Divine Beings of Light, a book in the Common Sentience series. A renowned clairvoyant, historian, author, and teacher, Tricia has traveled the world in search of answers to the greatest Mysteries of the Ages. As a dedicated researcher and mystical symbologist, she is known as “the Mysteries Expert.”

Guest: Dr. Tiffany Jean Barsotti is a researcher of subtle energy and biofield therapies. She’s published her work in prominent integrative medicine journals and books and presented her work at numerous venues including the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The Science of Consciousness Conference, and the Science and Nonduality Conference. Her most recent work examines the effects of sacred objects on the human biofield. Her recent book is titled The Biology of Transformation: The Physiology of Presence and Spiritual Transcendence.