Story of Our Time

The Story of Our Time with Robert Atkinson

We are witnesses to the dying of an old world, and the birth of a new one. A profound transformation is underway; a global community with a consciousness of oneness is emerging. Don’t be distracted by seeming setbacks; hope is our inspiration, and unity our ultimate destination. Robert Atkinson will explain, “How we get there depends upon the stories we live by and the action we take.”

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On This Episode:

5:00 – Spiritual forces are guiding us toward unity

6:00 – The consciousness continuum

10:30 – The urge to understand reality

14:00 – A moment of transformation

18:00 – Year of living deeply

21:00 – We are a storytelling species

32:00 – A new chapter is emerging

34:30 – Stages of evolution

37:00 – A cycle of renewal

38:00 – Spiritual springtime

50:00 – Unconditional love

Robert_Atkinson_530554537.jpgRobert Atkinson, Ph.D., author, educator, and developmental psychologist, has published nine books, including the 2017 Nautilus Book Award winner The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness; Mystic Journey: Getting to the Heart of Your Soul’s Story (2012); The Gift of Stories (1995); and, Year of Living Deeply: A Memoir of 1969 (2019). He is an internationally recognized authority on life story interviewing, a pioneer in the techniques of personal mythmaking and soul-making, a member of Evolutionary Leaders, professor emeritus at the University of Southern Maine, and director of StoryCommons.

Disaster’s Grief & Beauty

Grief and Beauty in the Wake of Disaster with Trebbe Johnson

When the places we love are devastated by human interaction, natural disaster or a combination of the two, it feels devastating and overwhelming. How do we cope? We can mourn what we’ve lost and say goodbye. We can donate money or call our congressional representatives, or we can ignore the damage entirely. However, we can also discover hope, and even beauty, in what remains. Author and Activist, Trebbe Johnson, suggests that the creation of art, ritual and even joy to honor these lost or “wounded” places is not just possible, but is in fact crucial to our collective healing.

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On today’s episode:

What “All Things Connected” means to Trebbe 3:40

Grief and beauty 6:15

Radical Joy for Hard Times 9:40

Waste is an orphan 13:50

Wounded places 16:45

We hurt when the Earth hurts 23:00

What does it mean when we care? 30:00

The gaze 35:05

The gift of beauty 38:55

Creating hope and joy 42:30

What can I do to help? 49:40


Trebbe Johnson is an author and frequent speaker on the relationship between people and nature. Her previous books are The World Is a Waiting Lover and 101 Ways to Make Guerrilla Beauty, and she has won many awards, including the John Masefield Award from the Poetry Society of America and a Telly Award for a video made for the UN on the 20th anniversary of Earth Day. She has led workshops, retreats, and rites of passage programs internationally since 1995, such as a retreat in an old-growth clear-cut forest, a ceremony at Ground Zero after September 11, and a walk in weapons testing grounds at Eglin Air Force Base. In 2009, Johnson founded the non-profit organization Radical Joy for Hard Times, dedicated to finding and making beauty in wounded places. She regularly speaks at a variety of events, from the Stephens College Commencement to the Parliament of the World’s Religions to the Sierra Club. Johnson is a contributing editor at Parabola Magazine and an active member of the Wilderness Guides Council, the Florence Shelly Stewardship Committee, and SCAN (Susquehanna Clean Air Network). She lives in rural northeastern Pennsylvania.

Life and Technology

Balancing Life and Technology in a Digital World with Doreen Dodgen-Magee

The transition to the digital age is affecting our bodies, brains, relationships and self-image. Technology is now a constant in our daily lives, and increasingly science is showing how it impacts us in ways that no one could have predicted. Doreen Dodgen-Magee shows us how to take control back from our devices so that they become tools for our health and happiness instead of screens that hold us captive.

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doreen_d_magee__435174974.jpgDoreen Dodgen-Magee, PsyD, is a psychologist with over twenty-five years of experience working with individuals and groups in Portland, Oregon. She also maintains a national and international speaking docket and is followed online where she posts challenges for living moderately with tech and wildly in embodied spaces. Doreen’s main passion is engaging people about how the new digital landscape is shaping humanity. She also is a nationally recognized gun violence prevention activist.

Wired for Connection

We Are Wired for Connection with Dr. Julie and Remy Smith

We’re wired for connection. A growing body of research shows that our need to connect is as fundamental as our need for food, water, and shelter. Connection is essential to our survival and resilience. We are part of an interconnected, inseparable reality—an undivided whole—and our brains are literally wired for social connection. There are real benefits in consciously living out this reality – from health, happiness, and longevity – to witnessing miracles!

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On Today’s Episode

A unified living system :30

The science of resilience 5:40

Connection in the digital age 9:30

Growing up with with technology 12:45

Life through our devices 22:50

Health, happiness, and connection 30:00

Social isolation and mental health 35:15

The power of community 40:00

Researching intentions 46:30

No substitute for face-to-face connection 52:40


Remy Smith is a producer at Empower Radio, and he graduated from Specs Howard School of Media Arts in 2012. His favorite quotes include, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro”, and “If you do what you love for a living, it doesn’t feel like work at all”. He’s also a proud daddy.

Igniting Feminine Power

Igniting Feminine Power with Sherryl Lin

Recent events have stirred a fierce feminine power that has been dormant in many women. Women innately have the capacity for deep creative love and compassion, but also are feeling overwhelming grief, anger and even rage. How can we use these qualities to be a strong, creative force for good? How can we ignite women to participate in and even lead radical cultural change? Dr. Julie and Sherryl Lin muse into this topic and hopefully light a few fires.

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On today’s episode:

Radical cultural change 3:10

A story on the importance of voting 8:20

A world where women are in charge 15:15

Trusting women’s intuition 27:00

Tapping into higher wisdom 34:00

Stop, drop, and roll with it 39:50

Maintaining focus 48:45


Sherryl Lin has vivid memories of being a young child with a pure, loving heart who knew that everything was possible. She knew that she had intuitive abilities back then, but being that there was no one to explain to her what she was experiencing she shut that part of herself down. Sherryl Lin was always interested in spirituality and spent much of her early adult life looking for the next teacher or guru who, she was certain had the answers she was looking for. Everything shifted when, through a series of mystical, awakening experiences, Sherryl Lin began to remember her connection to Higher Levels of Consciousness and her abilities accelerated at an exponential rate.

As a Master Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Medical Intuitive Healer, she reads the energy beneath your words, working deeply at the cellular level as a Spiritual Conduit, bringing you back into alignment with the truth of who you really are. Sherryl Lin will help you move to the next level in all areas of your life, including your health, business, life purpose, and relationships.

A Pep Talk with Humanity

A Pep Talk with Humanity with John Viscount

You open the morning paper, turn on the radio or T.V., and what do you experience? You log-in to social media and a plethora of emotions and opinions storm your field of awareness. You can eloquently remain in the peaceful sanctuary of your higher mind no matter what the world presents. John Viscount shares wisdom and practices that transcend the obstacles of our daily lives. His life and work begin with promoting the kind in humankind and these times call for more kindness. Listen in for a compassionate and loving “pep talk” for us all.

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John Viscount is the Founder of the Peace Entertainment Project (PEPSTAR) and Co-Founder of, which is gathering one billion signatures for a proposed United Nations Global Resolution that establishes peace departments in governments worldwide. He is also a filmmaker, playwright, composer and author of “Mind What Matters. A Pep Talk for Humanity.” John began writing as a delivery system for the helpful teachings that cured him of cluster migraine headaches that he suffered with for 16 years. Their nickname was appropriately, “suicide headaches” and The American Medical Association called these headaches one of the worst pains known to humankind. He eventually turned to spiritual teachings that helped him change the way he thought and turn his mind into an ally. Once the headaches were healed, he began writing to share the perspectives that had been so helpful to him so others could benefit. Those perspectives and teachings are featured in all his work including his book, his award-winning film, “Admissions” and his upcoming film, “The Principle” which tackles cyberbullying. John has also created dramatic scripts which address societal challenges such as human trafficking, racism, homelessness, opioid addiction, PTSD, the global water crisis, universal free health care, climate change, the homeless children of La Paz, Bolivia, terminal illness, divorce, bereavement and teenage suicide. John also has a full slate of for-profit feature films and television series, in addition to original music he has created for these commercial intellectual properties. For more information, please contact his manager, Trish Reilly at You can also visit

Don’t Push Snooze!

Don’t Push Snooze with Sherryl Lin

Women are waking. Recent events have stirred a fierce feminine power, that in many women, has laid dormant within. What are women to do with mixed emotions of deep creative love and compassion, and overwhelming grief, anger, and even rage? Many are still gripped with the dark hidden forces of toxic shame. How can we use this time to be a strong, creative force for good? Sherryl Lin says “The alarm clock went off and we’re not pushing the snooze button this time. We are rising up, fully awake and ready to move into action.”

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On this episode:

Our actions and our inaction 3:05

Starting to speak up 6:35

This isn’t a political conversation 10:40

What are we going to do now? 15:40

Claiming our authentic voice 22:35

An oppurtuniy to rebalance 30:10

A softer solution 36:20

Resigning from the nice girls club 42:05

We are all on the same team 49:00


Sherryl Lin has vivid memories of being a young child with a pure, loving heart who knew that everything was possible. She knew that she had intuitive abilities back then, but being that there was no one to explain to her what she was experiencing she shut that part of herself down. Sherryl Lin was always interested in spirituality and spent much of her early adult life looking for the next teacher or guru who, she was certain had the answers she was looking for. Everything shifted when, through a series of mystical, awakening experiences, Sherryl Lin began to remember her connection to Higher Levels of Consciousness and her abilities accelerated at an exponential rate.

As a Master Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Medical Intuitive Healer, she reads the energy beneath your words, working deeply at the cellular level as a Spiritual Conduit, bringing you back into alignment with the truth of who you really are. Sherryl Lin will help you move to the next level in all areas of your life, including your health, business, life purpose, and relationships.

Comedic Activism

Comedic Activism with Brent Bishop

Are you ready for a positive, creative approach to the barrage of troubling events and negative news? Just Sayin’! is a comedic Public Service Announcement series created by writer/director Brent Bishop, featuring actors, comedians, athletes, and public figures speaking out on the issues that matter most to them. Here’s a fun alternative that gets the message out about equality, justice, care for the environment and more.

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On this episode:

The illusion of seperation 3:00

Every voice matters 8:25

Calls to action 16:45

Simple engagement 20:30

Having fun while making change 28:10

Finding artists and building community 32:40

Changing hearts and minds 41:30

Playing to your strengths 48:40

Brent_Bishop_170788131.jpgBrent Bishop is an LA-based film director and animator. His work merges beautiful visuals with humor and positive messages. He is the director/creator of the new Just Sayin’! Comedic PSA series in which comedians, actors, athletes, and public figures speak out on the issues closest to their hearts. 

A New Story of Climate Change

A New Story of Climate Change with Charles Eisenstein

It’s time for a new vision that radically reframes our predicament and our approach to climate change. Charles Eisenstein argues that many of the proposed solutions to climate change rely on the same thinking that brought us to the crisis, and cannot move us forward. Eisenstein asserts the solutions lie in a new understanding of ourselves and our relationship to each other and the natural world—one that relies on what he calls “interbeing.”

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On this episode:

  • What All Things Connected means to Charles 2:30
  • A man lost in a maze 5:22
  • The story of interbeing 9:21
  • A fresh perspective on climate change 15:00
  • The new story 22:40
  • The core truth of climate change 29:10
  • A narrative of love 32:55
  • The power of beauty 38:38
  • Your inner climate 44:38
  • How to heal the world 49:30



Charles Eisenstein is a speaker and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. His viral short films and essays online have established him as a genre-defying social philosopher and countercultural intellectual. Eisenstein graduated from Yale University in 1989 with a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy and spent the next ten years as a Chinese-English translator. He was recently interviewed by Oprah Winfrey on SuperSoul Sunday, July 16, 2017. He is the author of The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, Sacred Economics, and The Ascent of Humanity, and now Climate–A New Story.

Dreaming the World into Being

Dreaming the World into Being with Dr. Alberto Villoldo

The shamans of the Andes believe that each of us is given a fragment of the sacred dream to hold and express in our own way. When we forget that we carry an essential and necessary part of the sacred dream, we begin to spiral into disarray, our personal dreams become nightmares, and our lives collapse into chaos. Dr. Alberto Villoldo describes how we can get back in touch with the sacred dream, focus on what is real—and important—in our world, and become fully aware of the possibilities available to us for a better future.

In this episode:

  • The nature of time 4:00
  • Embracing the sacred dream 9:00
  • The way of the luminous warrior 11:00
  • Defining the sacred dream 15:00
  • Hold the infinite possibilities 19:00
  • Part of a larger dream 25:00
  • It has to begin with you 30:00
  • Truth, beauty, and love 34:15
  • Dreaming the world into being 42:30
  • How to live in the flow 48:00

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By his mid-20s Alberto Villoldo was the youngest clinical professor at San Francisco State University. He was directing the Biological Self-Regulation Laboratory, investigating how energy medicine could change the chemistry of the brain. One day in his laboratory, Alberto realized that his research had to get bigger instead of smaller, that he was looking out of the wrong end of the microscope. He needed to find a system larger than the neural networks of the brain. Many others were already studying the hardware – Alberto wanted to learn to program the mind to create psychosomatic health. He is the author of several books, including The Heart of the Shaman: Stories & Practices of the Luminous Warrior