Choosing Earth(Part Two)

In Part Two of Choosing Earth, Duane Elgin shares the foundations of the Great Transition as a pathway forward—a beautiful, meaningful and valiant path of radical, prescriptive change that can consciously move us toward healing and wholeness. He’ll share a plethora of inspiration, encouragement, and tangible ideas and suggestions. You will feel encouraged and supported to CHOOSE EARTH and be a part of the radical solutions

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Duane Elgin is an internationally recognized author, speaker, educator, and citizen-voice activist. His books include The Living Universe, Promise Ahead, Voluntary Simplicity, and Awakening Earth. He received Japan’s Goi Peace Award in Tokyo in 2006 in recognition of his contribution to a global “vision, consciousness, and lifestyle” that fosters a “more sustainable and spiritual culture

Black SON Day

Black SON Day with Dr. Marty K Casey

On August 9th, 2020, exactly six years after 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, a day of remembering and healing will take place throughout the world. The murder of George Floyd on May 25th of this year shocked the world. It brought a new focus to the longstanding patterns of senseless acts of violence in the U.S., and inspired the urgency to change the culture that has permitted it. A variety of community programs and organizations have been founded to draw attention to the problem. To connect these community programs, Black SON Day was created by Dr. Marty K. Casey, founder of UnGUN Institute, to globalize these initiatives.

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Dr. Marty K. Casey, is a member of the Actors Equity Association (AEA) since 2006, and Founder and President of Show Me Arts Foundation, the first arts organization formed immediately following the unrest of Ferguson Missouri. Marty’s success has been acclaimed by numerous awards, interviews and acknowledgments including being featured on Beyoncé.com and recognized by this highly acclaimed artist for her work in the community. Marty currently serves as the St. Louis Regional Network leader for the National Association of Black Female Executives in Music & Entertainment®.

Amongst other career highlights, Marty sang the National Anthem for an audience of 30,000+ fans. She also completed a 12-year successful run as a national touring actress for Menopause: The Musical. In 2018, she was inducted into the United Nations as the first female Goodwill Ambassador of Peace in the Midwest. She received her first Honorary Doctorate and became an Ambassador for Shine Ministries Orphan children in Uganda, Africa. Marty has also written and produced a one woman show which was sponsored by AARP in February 2020 and sold out a 302-seat theater in Brooklyn, NY. She was given 2 standing ovations. She has written a 7-day self-help guide instructing individuals to journal their inner thoughts to help them tap into their own personal success. She is an Actorvist: A person with acting skill campaigning social change from the stage!

Amplify Love for Radical Transformation

Amplify Love for Radical Transformation with Sherryl Lin

We are all called to “BE the Change” in these times of whole-systems breakdown and radical transformation on the planet. Conscious Evolution is inviting us to question everything we thought knew and open ourselves to our deepest innate capacities with new ways of understanding and being. The painful wounds of separation are presenting to be healed and we, as agents of Love, are the remedy. Join Dr. Julie and Sherryl Lin in an invitation to amplify Love for radical transformation.

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Sherryl Lin has vivid memories of being a young child with a pure, loving heart who knew that everything was possible. She knew that she had intuitive abilities back then, but being that there was no one to explain to her what she was experiencing she shut that part of herself down. Sherryl Lin was always interested in spirituality and spent much of her early adult life looking for the next teacher or guru who, she was certain had the answers she was looking for. Everything shifted when, through a series of mystical, awakening experiences, Sherryl Lin began to remember her connection to Higher Levels of Consciousness and her abilities accelerated at an exponential rate.

As a Master Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Medical Intuitive Healer, she reads the energy beneath your words, working deeply at the cellular level as a Spiritual Conduit, bringing you back into alignment with the truth of who you really are. Sherryl Lin will help you move to the next level in all areas of your life, including your health, business, life purpose, and relationships.

Exploring World Unity

Exploring World Unity with Ben Bowler

The global pause caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is uniting the world in new ways. Our opportunity to foster a genuine movement towards global unity has never been greater. Together, we are co-creating a new story and a more beautiful future for Earth and all its inhabitants. As we seek greater unity, some ask, “Is unity even possible?” Perhaps our inherent unity—our innate wholeness—is the only remedy for our times. Join Ben Bowler from Unity Earth as he invites that unity to shape our future, inspire radical hope, and catalyze deep transformation.

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Ben Bowler is the Executive Director of UNITY EARTH, a global network building a worldwide movement for unity and peace. In 2006 he and his wife Jildou moved to Thailand to volunteer along the Thai-Burma border. In 2008 they founded Blood Foundation together, a NGO focusing on education projects. In 2008 Ben founded Monk for a Month in Chiang Mai offering men and women the opportunity to experience Thai temple life and temporary ordination. In 2010, Ben launched Muslim for a Month in Turkey offering guests a first-hand experience of Turkish Islam and Sufism, underneath the spiritually inclusive banner of Rumi. A year later, he launched World Weavers, offering spiritual immersion programs in Tibetan India, Nepal, Cambodia and Ethiopia. In October 2015, at the Parliament of World’ Religions, Ben launched, an online platform aimed at countering religious fundamentalism, relativism and western materialism. Since then he has worked to build UNITY EARTH into a global platform that can support and empower the many grassroots movements working towards unity and peace in the world.

Building a Better World in Your Backyard

Building a Better World in Your Backyard with Paul Wheaton

The list of global problems is massive and overwhelming. When confronted with such significant problems, our first instinct is to tell the bad guys to stop being bad. Paul Wheaton believes the reason we see so many people angry is because they genuinely care. But they seem to get stuck at being angry. He says that if you spend a tiny fraction of that time doing the things mentioned in Building a Better World in Your Backyard, your global positive impact will be a thousand times greater.

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Paul Wheaton, dubbed The Duke of Permaculture by Sepp Holzer and Geoff Lawton, is an author, producer, Certified Advanced Master Gardener, and tyrannical ruler of two online empires. After a successful career as a software engineer in aerospace, Paul became obsessed with everything permaculture. He has created hundreds of youtube videos, hundreds of podcasts and written dozens of articles. You can find all of it at

Healing the Racial Divide with Love

Healing the Racial Divide with Love with Pato Banton and Antoinette Rootsdawtah

Racism and racial injustice can no longer be ignored. It’s time to heal the wounds and trauma of racial divide. But how? If these times call for greater love, how do we turn that love into practical, tangible, and real healing steps for humanity? Listen in as renowned Grammy-nominated reggae musicians, and ordained minsters, Pato Banton and Antoinette Rootsdawtah, discuss healing the racial divide with Love.

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Minister Pato Banton & his wife Antoinette Rootsdawtah are both world renowned and grammy nominated reggae musicians; Ordained Minsters for Christ Michael; Students, Teachers & International Ambassadors of The Urantia Book; Recipients of the “Unity Earth ~ Keepers Of The Flame Award”; Officially Appointed “Goodwill Ambassadors of the Golden Rule”; official members of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, a dynamic and visionary project of the Source of Synergy Foundation; Members of the global United Religions Initiative and recent recipients of the “URI Hermes Award” for creative collaboration and communications with other Cooperation Circles around the world.


Most recently Pato was invited to the Los Angeles City Council Chambers and presented with the “Caribbean Cultural Heritage Award” in recognition of his ability to use music as a tool to engage diverse communities with a Message of Love! The State Of California Senate also awarded Pato with the “Las Rosas Honors” in recognition of his contribution to the arts and culture of the Caribbean and Central American Communities, jointly creating a richer and more diverse culture in the City of Los Angeles and the State of California.

Now based in Southern California, they continue to record and tour the world extensively, while simultaneously serving as a Teachers to their Fans, Friends & Spiritual Family”. Click here to stay in touch with Pato and learn more about his Global Ministry.

Wholeness is the Medicine of Our Times

Wholeness is the Medicine of Our Times with Jude Currivan

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has completely shifted our understanding of ourselves and the interconnected reality we live in. This global wake-up call has created a unifying pathway to embody wholeness, expand unity awareness, and generate large-impact sustained change. We have a unique opportunity to fundamentally transform all of our outdated and dysfunctional social systems with a deeper understanding of wholeness. Upgrading to a WholeWorld-View provides an inclusive and practical approach to collectively generate solutions to the current complex challenges. It empowers us with agency and the ability to respond at personal and collective levels: to evolve how organizations work, how we address global problems, and communicate and cooperate across diverse cultures. Join  Dr. Julie and cosmologist, Dr. Jude Currivan for this powerful exploration.

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Dr. Jude Currivan, is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist and author. She was previously one of the most senior business women in the UK, as CFO and Executive Board Member of two major international companies. She has a Master’s degree in Physics from Oxford University specializing in quantum physics and cosmology, and a Doctorate in Archaeology from the University of Reading researching ancient cosmologies. She has traveled to nearly 80 countries, worked with wisdom keepers from many traditions, and been a life-long researcher into the scientific and experiential understanding of the nature of reality. The author of 6 books, the latest being The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation and winner of a 2017 silver Nautilus book award in the category of science and cosmology, she is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle and lives in Wiltshire, England.

Peacebuilding and Codes for a Healthy Earth

Peacebuilding and Codes for a Healthy Earth with Dot Maver

The National Peace Academy‘s understanding of peace is shaped by the definition contained in the Earth Charter: “…peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part.” Building peace begins with the interdependent and dynamic interrelationships between and among all organisms and their surroundings in a living system, and requires that we actively strive to establish right relationships with Earth and its ecosystems. Learn how to build peace with Codes for a Healthy Earth and Peace Activist, Dot Maver.

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Dorothy J. Maver, Ph.D. is an educator and peacebuilder whose keynote is inspiring cooperation on behalf of the common good. Dot is a co-founder of the Global Silent Minute, the National Peace Academy USARiver Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding, and Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures of Peace. She also co-facilitates monthly webinars focusing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Dot is co-author of the book Conscious Education: The Bridge to Freedom; is a Fellow with the World Business Academy; a board member with Lifebridge Foundation and Garden of Light; and serves on the International Cities of Peace Advisory Council, the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence Advisory Board, the Shift Network Summer of Peace Wisdom Council; and is an advisor for Compassion Games. From 2005–2007 Dot served as Executive Director of The Peace Alliance and Campaign for a US Department of Peace, and prior to that she was the National Campaign Manager for Kucinich for President 2004. In the world of fast-pitch softball Dr. Dot is known for her revolutionary fast-pitch hitting technique, The Maver Method: Secrets of Hitting Success.

The Next Step in Evolution

The Next Step in Evolution with James Redfield

A series of fictional books captured the interests of millions in the early 90s. Two of the books landed on the New York Times Bestsellers list for a combine total of 74 weeks. The spiritual lessons and truths are timeless and beg to be revisited in these important, transformative times on the planet. James Redfield invites you to open your perception, find your guidance, and discover why you’re really here. He encourages you to open yourself to the possibility that there is something more—right here in front of your eyes: “The guidance within evolves the world toward a Heaven that is already here. To know this is to know our destiny.”

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James Redfield was 43 when he published The Celestine Prophecy. He has been keenly interested in human spirituality all of his life. Born on March 19, 1950, he grew up in a rural area near Birmingham, Alabama. From an early age, he was motivated by a need for clarity about spiritual matters. Brought up in a Methodist Church that was loving and community-oriented, he was nevertheless frustrated by a lack of answers to his questions about the true nature of spiritual experience.

As a young man, he studied Eastern philosophies, including Taoism and Zen, while majoring in sociology at Auburn University.

He later received a Master’s degree in counseling and spent more than 15 years as a therapist to abused adolescents. During this time, he was drawn into the human potential movement and turned to it for theories about intuitions and psychic phenomena that would help his troubled clients. All along, Redfield was forming ideas that would eventually find their way into The Celestine Prophecy. In 1989, he quit his job as a therapist to write full-time, synthesizing his interest in interactive psychology, Eastern and Western philosophies, science, futurism, ecology, and history.

Using an adventure parable approach that has been called “part Indiana Jones, part Scott Peck,” The Celestine Prophecy created a model for spiritual perception and actualization that resonated with millions of people and focused on the mysterious coincidences that occur in each of our lives. Disdaining the spotlight himself, Redfield proclaimed in The Celestine Prophecy that each of us must intuit his own spiritual destiny.

As he writes in The Celestine Vision, his non-fiction title published in 1997, “The actual writing of The Celestine Prophecy occurred from January 1989 through April 1991 and was characterized by a sort of trial-and-error process. Quite amazingly, as I remembered earlier experiences and wrote about them, lacing them into an adventure tale, striking coincidences would occur to emphasize the particular points I wanted to make. Books would show up mysteriously, or I would have timely encounters with the exact sort of individuals I was attempting to describe. Sometimes strangers would open up to me for no apparent reason and tell me about their spiritual experiences.”

After the self-published book was brought to the attention of Warner Books through a perceptive sales rep, Warner Books bought the rights and published the hard cover edition in March 1994. The book quickly climbed to the #1 position on the New York Times bestsellers list. It remained on that list for more than three years, joined by The Tenth Insight, which built upon the Nine Insights revealed in the first novel. The two books spent a combined 74 weeks on the New York Times list, making James Redfield the best-selling hard cover author in the world in 1996, as cited in BP Report (January 1997).

In October 1997, James Redfield was awarded the highly prestigious Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Senate at the XXIII Pio Manzu International Conference in Rimini, Italy. Pio Manzu is a nongovernmental arm of the United Nations headed up by Mikhail Gorbachev.

In the spring of 2000, James joined Millard Fuller, founder of Habitat For Humanity, as the only two recipients of Humanitarian of the Year honors from their alma mater, Auburn University. Two months later, he was honored by the International New Thought Alliance with another Humanitarian of the Year award.

The Celestine series of adventure parables continued in 1999 with the publication of The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight (Warner Books). Set in modern day Tibet, Redfield continued the inspiring journey of The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight—carrying readers to a new adventure in a sacred place where truths that can affect all of humanity await. In 2002, James joined author Michael Murphy and filmmaker Sylvia Timbers in a collaborative work entitled God and the Evolving Universe (J.P. Tarcher).

In March 2004, James Redfield was honored by the Wisdom Media Group with the World View Award for engaging the discussion on the nature of human existence and for his ongoing efforts and contributions to the bettering of humanity.

The fourth and final book in the Celestine series, The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision, was published by Grand Central Publishing (formerly Warner books) in February, 2011.

James is embarking on the Celestine Prophecy Tour… take a look and see if he will be in a city near you

The New (Post Pandemic) Normal is Regenerative

The New (Post Pandemic) Normal is Regenerative with Giles Hutchins and Laura Storm

The world won’t go back to normal. That normal wasn’t working. The New World calls for evolved leadership—a regenerative leadership—based on the Logic of Life and rooted in the wisdom of nature. This new regenerative paradigm is about becoming more creative, authentic, purposeful, compassionate, and more in tune with life—the life within us and the life all around us. Join authors Giles Hutchins and Laura Storm in this enlightened conversation.

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Giles Hutchins is a pioneering practitioner, keynote speaker, adviser and executive coach at the fore-front of a [r]evolution in leadership consciousness and organizational development.  He applies consciousness raising modalities, deep-dive nature immersions, embodiment work, ancient wisdom tradition insights, future-fit organizational development approaches, and cutting-edge research on leadership consciousness. In these transformational times, Giles Hutchins stimulates the head-space and heart-knowing for forward-leaning leaders and organizations to become vibrant, purposeful and future-fit.  He is author of four books … and the most recent with co-author Laura Storm, is Regenerative Leadership: the DNA of life-affirming 21st century organizations.


Laura Storm is the Founder of Regenerators and has spent her entire career working in the intersection between organizational development, sustainability, climate change policy and innovation. She has started and led multiple international organizations focused on the global transformation to sustainability – including Copenhagen Climate Council and Sustainia. She has been awarded the title “Worldchanger” by Greenbiz, named one of the 30 leading women within sustainability and regeneration by Sustainable Brands, is selected by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader, a World Economic Forum Sustainability Expert and serves on many Boards. She co-authored the much-praised book Regenerative Leadership – the DNA of life-affirming 21st century organisations.