Voice of Water

Voice of Water with Angelique Rodriguez

When we unite across nations and cultures to prioritize the restoration of the planetary Waters and Water-cycle, we will activate an exponential healing process that will swiftly and dramatically benefit all of humanity and all of Life. This conversation with Water Facilitator, Angelique Rodriguez, is the first in a series highlighting 2021 as World Water Year and the beautiful work of many Water Guardians around the world who have dedicated their lives to the protection and reverence of Water on behalf of all of Life.

[Click Here to Listen]

Angelique Rodriguez calls herself a water facilitator and currently works with individuals and groups facilitating a deeper understanding and development of a personal relationship with the water we are, and the water around us.

Honoring Foundations of Life

Honoring the Foundations of Life with Shelley Ostroff

Imagine a world where we join hearts with people on every continent to connect in stillness, compassion and dedicated action for intentional planetary healing. Now is that time! If you share a commitment to protect and honor the foundations of life, listen in as we focus on earth, water, fire, air, climate, biodiversity, and the web of life with Shelley Ostroff.

[Cick Here to Listen]


Shelley Ostroff (PhD) is an author, activist, artist, leadership consultant, and social entrepreneur focused on initiating and supporting whole-system healing processes on a global level. She is the founder of www.togetherincreation.org and www.7days-of-rest.org, platforms and initiatives dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.

Finding the Source

nature waterfall free wp

The water was disappearing more and more all the time.  Our sacred backyard sanctuary had a leak.  The pond needed to be filled every couple of days.

We put the pond in ourselves in 2004.  We really didn’t know what we were doing.  We researched for years and decided to go ahead with our limited knowledge and experience.  We ordered a kit, rented a backhoe, and followed the instructions.  It turned out beautifully and we enjoy it immensely.  The Koi and gold fish are maturing and the water plants need little care.  But that “limited knowledge and experience” piece does come back to haunt us.

There are two important steps the instructions did not cover adequately. First, how important sealing the main seam is!  Second, they never mentioned that the liner needed to be fitted inside the waterfall spill-over.  We paid careful and diligent attention to the main seam when we sealed it.  I believe it is a waterproof seam serving us well.  But the other issue with the waterfall spill-over has caused us grief.

We knew we had small amounts of water leaking around the waterfall, but feared a much bigger problem.  It seemed like a daunting task to tackle the leak.  Surely it would require de-construction and re-construction.

One Saturday I was working in the gardens – weeding, moving plants, and playing with the stone around the pond – when I noticed moving water where it wasn’t supposed to be.  Outside of the waterfall and creek a small trickle of water was discovered.  I began moving rock, pulling mint plants, and clearing out roots of a reed that sucks water from the pond.  Slowly but surely I made my way up to the source of the leak.  There, before my eyes, water was emerging from a place I never imagined.

I vacillated between joy and hesitation.  Would this be a simple fix or a major de-construction project?  And then, two simple solutions quietly emerged.  First, we could carefully work with the liner and simply re-route the water back to the pond.  Or second, we could fill the hole with concrete; creating a dam or plug, and hopefully the source of the leak would re-route itself down the waterfall.  If you know the temperament of moving water, the second option could be risky and wasn’t likely a viable solution.  So, I began working with the liner to catch and re-route the leak.

I expected the worst.  Fixing the leak seemed like such a big project.  But I was delightfully surprised to find a gentle little stream of water where it wasn’t supposed to be.  For now, the liner has been manipulated to re-route the water and it seems to be a manageable solution.

There are times in my life when I experience energy leaks.  Finding the source means two  things to me.  First, it is important for me to understand where my leak originates.  Where and why am I loosing energy?  Finding that source helps me address the issues and move back into wholeness.  Second, finding my Source, my center, the spiritual essence of who I really am, is a powerful daily practice.  This Source is an abundant stream of powerful energy that fuels my life.  This infinite Source of love and light can heal any leak, wound, block, or congestion, and move me into right relationship with myself and the world around me.  Having an intimate and infinite relationship with my Beloved Source illuminates dark shadows, ignorance, and self-doubt.  This constant companion is so life-affirming!

So, when something is out of balance and I’m feeling low, all I need to do is be still, go within, and find that Source… She leads me beside the still waters.  She restores my soul!