“All we need is love,” instructs John Lennon’s famous lyrics. The sentiment is incredibly moving today as we enter this holiday season as well as this pivotal time in history. Love is a unifying force that can improve the quality of life on earth, ignite planetary healing, and create global oneness.
There are many definitions of love, but let’s discuss the universal, altruistic love that is shared by most faith-based organizations. Love is central to many religions, as in the phrase, “God is Love.” Love is the ultimate grace and blessing where most do see eye to eye. This love is a divine link that can bind us together and the redeeming force that can reconcile the hearts of humanity.
In the Bahá’í faith, love is the light that guides in the darkness, the living link that unites God with man, that force that assures the progress of every illumined soul. Bahá’í’s believe love reveals, with unfailing and limitless power, the mysteries latent in the universe.
The Dalai Lama said, “Love, compassion and tolerance are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” In Buddhism, love is unconditional and requires considerable self-acceptance. They believe this is quite different from “ordinary” love, which is usually about attachment and rarely occurs without self-interest. Instead, it refers to detachment and unselfish interest in the welfare of others.
In the Jewish tradition followers are encouraged to show mercy, love, and compassion to their brother and, as the Torah commands, love God “with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.” In the Christian faith, there are numerous references from “love your enemies” to the greatest commandment: love one another. It is said, “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.”
Sufism explains the essence of God as love and the Sufi path is a path of love. Love is to see what is good and beautiful in everything. The aim is to be accepted as a lover by the Beloved God. Love encompasses the Islamic view of life as universal brotherhood that applies to all who hold faith.
Love is an inter-faith, universal virtue. This magnificent and beautiful imperative is swelling and pulsing within the hearts of humanity. There is a collective awakening stirring within us and contributing to a global shift in consciousness. The conclusion? We are ONE. Therefore, love ONE another.
Be a part of the global shift. From, and through, the love of your divine source, start with yourself. This love is a critical key to healing the planet. Self-acceptance and unconditional love for oneself is foundational. You cannot love God or others completely without loving yourself first. It doesn’t work that way. In loving yourself completely, you will activate a healing resonance greater than yourself and prepare the way for all other love.

Rumi wrote, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Love yourself and you open the floodgates for universal, altruistic love to permeate every cell of your being and every corner of the universe. You pave the way to “Love your enemies.”
There’s a visceral yearning inside each of us to love. Take a few minutes everyday and focus on universal love with the intention of increasing your energetic field of love. Breathe into your heart and allow it to expand… open… and guide you. Direct your attention to your heart and rest in the awareness of universal LOVE.
Next, imagine sending love to your loved ones, neighbors, community, and expand this field of love to all beings on our planet. Include all races, religions, and those different from you. And, yes, include any “enemies” you may have. This powerful intention will assist you to embody universal love. And, there’s another benefit to this practice: all sacred wisdom and guidance comes from this place! You are building your soul’s navigation system.
“All we need is love!” Today is a great day to allow your heart to embrace this world with all its amazing beauty, diversity, and need. We are called to deeply love those who are different from ourselves. It’s time to break down the walls that divide us, love one another, and BE in the heart of God. Kahlil Gibran, writes, “When you love you should not say, “God is in my heart,” but rather, “I am in the heart of God.” Come join in the co-creative path of love… I’ll meet you in the heart of God where we will unite and ignite loving peace on earth!