Our Sacred Stories with Ariel Patricia

We’ve all had them . . . those mystical glimpses into the consciousness beyond our five senses. In a sacred moment, a flash of truth or taste of grace moves through us. Our world expands and something is revealed, illuminated, felt. We go back to our daily lives, yet something essential has changed. Transcendent experiences like these are becoming so increasingly common that it makes sense to finally claim and honor the next level of consciousness we’re expanding into. Sharing grounded wisdom and our intimate encounters with this greater reality, the Common Sentience book series open hearts, affirms our innate essence, and transforms our world. Rev. Ariel Patricia joins us to talk about our sacred stories and why it’s important that we share them now.
Rev. Ariel Patricia is Founder and CEO of Sacred Stories Publishing and Media. She felt the calling to found Sacred Stories after a series of events changed the course of her life (we’re going to ask her about that). Since then, she has been on a heart-based mission to help others tell and share their own stories of transformation to a global audience. Ariel Patricia is ordained as an interfaith minister, author of two books, and co-author of three. She is a sought-after keynote speaker and pioneer in subjects related to our evolving consciousness.