Living Your Divine Genius

Living Your Divine Genius (part one) with Adam Hall

In his true adventure journey from Santa Barbara, CA to Peru, the twilight world of ascended guides and the deepest depths of his soul, Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve, Adam imparts The Thirteen Universal Wisdom Teachings, and his Genius Process for integrating them into your life. This process enables you to shed the layers of ego, pretentiousness, false beliefs and values that separate you from the Divine Genius, your authentic creative, loving and abundant life force. In part one we take a deep dive into the first four wisdom teachings. 

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Adam C. Hall is committed to helping individuals unlearn the beliefs, behaviors, and habits that shield them from discovering their Divine Genius, the key to acknowledging and activating their true Divine selves. In his new book Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve, Adam shares the 13 Universal Wisdom Teachings and the Genius Process that lead to his transformation, discovered on the extraordinary journey that took him from the shores of Santa Barbara, CA to the jungles of Brazil and Peru. He is passionate about sharing this information with the world.

An author, speaker, futurist, social architect, impact investor, advisor and conservationist—27 years as a CEO & serial entrepreneur– Adam began his professional career as a self-described Earth Conqueror, ultimately turning to the role of EarthKeeper. He was the founder of three successful real estate development companies, before personal and professional devastation forced him to reevaluate everything in his life.

Ultimately, he began to integrate a deeply spiritual and more authentic and natural approach, becoming a trained shaman, and teacher of The Course of Miracles. It was then he chose to focus on creating a company that protected the planet, and particularly open space at risk of development. As the CEO of Renaissance Capital, Adam raised

$1.5+ billion in capital investment to rescue and conserve premiere natural landscapes. He spent two decades as an impact investor dedicated to the quadruple bottom line: People, Planet, Profits with Purpose — and founded of the EarthKeeper Alliance. He also contributes to replanting the earth through the organization 8 Billion Trees.

Committed to helping others get in touch with their innate power for personal, professional, and planetary transformation, Adam has 10 years of experience as an Inner Wealth Advisor and Inner Leadership Consultant, helping people enrich their Inner and Outer Wealth Portfolio by integrating Science, Spirituality and Success. Says Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D, world-renowned shaman and CEO Four Winds: “Adam is a business genius, and has the wings that carry you to places few people dream of.”

Adam has dedication himself to fostering Conscious Evolution, Business and Culture over the past two decades. Though his books — Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve and the first book in his autobiographical trilogy The EarthKeeper, Undeveloping the Future— his 40 keynotes and the more than 60 radio and television show interviews he has done, Adam continues to seek ways to elevate consciousness.

Today he is the founder/CEO of the Genius Studio, creator of the Genius Process and works particularly with accomplished men who are seeking more contentment, alignment and personal meaning in their lives.

Have You Seen the Light

Have You Seen the Light with Jacob Liberman

Many of our verbal expressions illustrate the countless ways in which light manifests in our everyday lives. When we feel inspired we say we had a “flash of insight”. When someone is smart, we say they are “brilliant”; and when they have changed their beliefs or thinking, we say they have “seen the light”. When we speak of a new idea, we might say a “light bulb went off”. “Lighten up”, and listen to this “enlightened” conversation with Jacob Israel Liberman.  Dr. Liberman will reflect a new way of “seeing” the “light of God” within you and undoubtedly inspire you to create a “Luminous Life”.

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Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness, and the author of numerous books, including Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living. Originally trained as an optometrist and vision scientist, his life changed in 1976 after the miraculous healing of his eyesight, leading him to a deeper understanding of light and the science of life

An internationally respected public speaker, Dr. Liberman shares his scientific and spiritual discoveries about light as the divine spark that guides our life’s journey, entwining us with the unseen architect of all that is. He has addressed more than 2,000 live audiences worldwide and has been endorsed by award-winning artists, Hall of Fame athletes, and luminaries in science, spirituality and medicine. 

Dr. Liberman is the author of two other seminal books on light and vision, and the developer of the first FDA-cleared medical device for vision improvement. His years of clinical research and direct experience have led him to a new philosophy of life that can be implemented by anyone at home, resulting in profound transformation that is rapid, significant, and permanent.

Waking Up in 5D

Waking Up in 5D with Maureen St. Germain

Are you called to co-create Heaven on Earth? Maureen St. Germain says heaven is really the fifth dimension and you’ve probably already experienced it. She says the fifth dimension is not a place we are going, but instead a vibration we are becoming. Maureen will help you develop a connection with your Higher Self, increase your sensitivity to dimensional signatures, and learn how to consciously choose 5D, where love is the governing force. Join us for this riveting conversation.

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Maureen J. St. Germain has had a lifelong interest in the Akashic Records, which resulted in her being granted access to this dimension that has been off limits to most of humanity for millions of years. Founder of Akashic Records International, she is an extremely accurate Akashic Records Guide and instructor.

Maureen’s newest book Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimesional Transformation provides tools and teachings to guide you in the transition from the polarized mindset of the 3rd dimension to the joy and love of 5th dimensional vibrations. It explains how to recognize the 5D experiences you’ve already had, identify the differences between 3D linear thinking and 5D multidimensional thinking, and turn 3D viewpoints around to expand your perception of what is possible. Waking Up in 5D includes exercises to protect your energies, especially while sleeping, and Sacred Geometry meditations to open yourself to higher frequencies. It reveals how to develop a Higher Self connection, increase your sensitivity to dimensional signatures, and consciously choose 5D, where love is the governing force. We are all transitioning from the narrowly-focused and polarized awareness of the third dimension and waking up to the higher vibrations and abilities of the fifth dimension. Each of us has already experienced 5D: Think about your most memorable and uplifting experiences of the recent past–where everything went well, interactions were harmonious and loving, and all felt blissful and happy–that’s 5D. In this ascension manual Maureen explains how to shift your energetic patterns and choose to permanently anchor yourself in the joy, love, and kindness of 5D.

Creating Luminous Spaces

Creating Luminous Spaces with Maureen Calamia

Nature heals. It has a restorative power. Being in nature can create a calm homeostasis and reestablish balance in our body, mind, and spirit. Spending time in nature can lower our heart rate and blood pressure, reduce stress, enhance focus, and boost our immune system. Nature can activate higher consciousness and induce enlightenment and oneness experiences. So why do we live in houses, work in buildings, and spend so much time with technology all day long? Maureen Calamia says we can create luminous space by tapping into the wisdom of the Five Elements and restore our bond with nature, both in our inner nature and our outer world, which is vital for greater joy and peace in our lives.

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Maureen K. Calamia is a thought leader and progressive illuminator in transforming homes and clients lives through the inspiration of nature, biophilic design, and feng shui. She is author of Creating Luminous Spaces which empowers others to discover and nourish their True Nature in their inner and outer spaces. A yogi for twenty years, she has appeared on News12, and has written for Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, MindBodyGreen, and Thrive

Visit Maureen at

Connecting with Source Energy

Healing the Whole Self/Connecting with Source Energy with Lars Muhl

What motivates us? How do we create a balance between thoughts, words, and actions? How do we align ourselves in relation to our higher self and become the universal light beings we are meant to be? Lars Muhl will teach us how to shed ego, fear, and blame, and thereby open the gateway so that we may connect and work with source. We’ll focus on a spiritual practice created 2500 years ago by the Essene mystery school. Its purpose is to heal the whole self by connecting each individual with source energy.

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Lars Muhl is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and healer. He is the founder and chairman of the humanitarian organization Hearts and Hands, and together with his wife Githa Ben-David, co-founder of the Gilalai Institute of Energy and Consciousness in Denmark. Lars has been listed as one of Watkins Books’ 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. His books have been translated into 16 languages and consistently feature in the bestseller lists of his native Denmark.

Indigenous Wisdom for Spirit-Based Change

Indigenous Wisdom for Spirit-Based Change with Sherri Mitchell

Indigenous Attorney and Activist, Sherri Mitchell, says we all come into this world with a set of instructions. These instructions guide us toward our highest purpose. They lead us to the essential truths that live deep within us. This truth is encoded in our DNA. It is embedded in our genetic memory. It vibrates within us on a cellular level. Every element of life carries this vibration. Every living being has its own vibrational tone. When these tones are combined, they form the voice of creation. If we learn to listen closely, we can begin to hear that voice and allow it to guide our steps through life. Then we can begin to attune our daily actions with our higher purpose and become who we were meant to be.

[Cick Here to Listen]

Sherri Mitchell was born and raised on the Penobscot Indian reservation. She received her Juris Doctorate and a Certificate in Indigenous People’s Law and Policy from the University of Arizona’s James E. Rogers College of Law. She is an alumna of the American Indian Ambassador program, and the Udall Native American Congressional Internship program. She is the Founding Director of the Land Peace Foundation, an organization dedicated to the global protection of indigenous rights and the preservation of the Indigenous way of life. Sherri has been deeply committed to cultivating and renewing the traditional and ceremonial practices of her people. She has worked in many capacities over the past 30 years helping to highlight and advance the position of Wabanaki peoples. Sherri has been a longtime advisor to the American Indian Institute’s Traditional Circle of Indian Elders and Youth and was a program coordinator for their Healing the Future Program. Sherri is also the co-host of Love (and revolution) Radio, a syndicated radio program that highlights stories of heart-based activism and revolutionary spiritual change.  She is the author of Sacred Instructions.

His Last Breath

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Before my first child was born, I keenly remember the moment when I desperately felt like giving up.  Not managing my pain well, I wanted the unbearable process to stop.  I literally wanted to quit, pack up and go home.  However, it was a blessed event that was irreversible and forever life-changing.  There was no stopping the process once it had started.  The only way out was through.

Contractions in my lower back, coupled with my first-time-mom fear-of-the-unknown, made it nearly impossible to relax and surrender into childbirth.  After pushing for over two hours, the doctor finally asserted he was stepping in to use forceps and assist in the delivery.

A few minutes later, our son was delivered and took his first breath.

Sitting by my father’s bed, I witnessed his laboring.  Cycles of shallow breathing, weakened pulse, and peaceful pauses, were interrupted with what felt like excruciating labor pains.  Wincing and moaning, he journeyed through an endless rhythm of contractions as he prepared to leave his body.  At the moment we thought he was delivered into the peaceful embrace of death, another wave of un-surrendered life had him laboring for enough breath to get him through the next contraction.

Flashes of that moment – giving birth so long ago – grabbed my attention.  I saw my father in an arduous dance within the portal of death, managing his own labor and delivery.  I recognized myself sharing his fatigue and resistance.  He had labored for hours.  Fear of the unknown lingered in the room. With compassion, I wanted the process to stop.  In my discomfort, I prayed for a quick and easy delivery.  I observed myself in my own self-induced-suffering, not wanting him to suffer.  But I knew this was another one of those blessed events that was irreversible and forever life changing.  He had to go through it.  I could choose to experience his death in a limited state of separation, resistance and pain; or I could shift my reality and open to the expansive, sacred knowing of this BLESSED MOMENT.

I paused, took a deep breath, and tuned-in to the resonant love in the room.  I called on my higher self and quickly discovered a cosmic harmony within the life cycle of birth and death. My Essential Self witnessed this eloquent process and myself within it. The mystical doors of the Universe opened, as I experienced the tremendous grace and deep meaning in the Holy process.  Instead of fear, pain and suffering, I found peace.  I was handed a precious gift and consciously chose to claim and receive it.  I stepped through my own portal of embodied consciousness and became fully present.  Surrendering, I relaxed into the process and became one with it.

Death was my father’s journey.  We all wanted to be there for him to support and comfort him.  We desired a peaceful resolution.  However, this was his delivery and only he could labor through the process and move through the transcendent birth/death canal.  This was work of the soul.  He, alone, had to go through this narrow portal to deliver himself.

The Hospice nurse, Lisa, in her palliative wisdom, intuited the same thing.  She kindly invited us to step away and rest in another room for a while, allowing my dad to fully expand into his sacred work.  We were all there with loving intentions to support him in the process.  Yet, our roles as wife and daughter perhaps kept him in a place of resistance and emotional interference, keeping him in his earthly role as husband and father.  It was time for him to release himself and give birth to the celestial role of his greater essence.

Her gentle suggestion was the perfect healing balm.  The short time of physical separation, assisted in his ability to relax and surrender. Having us step away allowed a Heavenly Mid-wife, with divine forceps, to step in and assist.  He let go, moved through the portal, and finally found peace.

A few minutes later, my dad was delivered and took his last breath.

Love Whispers from My Dad

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On this Valentine’s Day, I sit beside my father’s hospital bed at 3:30 a.m.  He sleeps restlessly through the pain in an incoherent state of tolerance.  I put my hand on his hand, and without missing a beat, in his sleep, he whispers, “I love Yaaahz.”  He softly winces and moans then becomes quiet again.

In the middle of the family room, he is bundled under layers and layers of blankets, hand-stitched quilts, and crocheted throws, with his left foot hanging out of the covers on purpose.  I’m sitting on a folding chair next to his bed with my own layers of pajamas, a sweater, and a vest.  We are both warm and uncomfortably cozy, under the circumstances.  Through his irregular breathing, wincing and moaning, whether asleep or lucid, he continues to whisper messages of love: “I love you, oh how I love you.” Moans of pain, his cough, and the sweet sound of his love-whispers become a new kind of clock, marking time as it passes in the middle of the night.

He wakes himself up with a loud, grimacing noise.  I put my hand on his shoulder and he quiets down.  Gently, the sound of the Home Oxygen Concentrator and a loving presence, rocks him back to his shallow rest, but not before he sends out more love, “Ahhh… I loves ya, Jules.”

“I love you too, Dad.” I quietly reply.

In the darkness, with the dim light of my computer, I reflect on what a beautiful Valentine this is.  I am soaking in the bittersweet, merciful love of his last days. I am communing in the grace-filled resonance as he creates discordant music with his breath.  This love is infinitely real and deep, delivered in a delirious container of pain.  The benevolent moment is so precious.

A whimper, then a loud groan brings me back into the moment.  It’s time to roll over.  We work together to find a comfortable position on his left side, prop pillows in the perfect places, and rearrange the covers.  “How’s that, dad?”

“Oh, its good… its good until its not,” he says and quietly drifts back into the feverish abyss of his restless reality.  The whispers, moans, and cough continue into the early morning hours.  And time passes…

He wakes again with an unpleasant howl, “OH-Oooohhh-OH!” then quietly, “I love you, honey.”

“I love you too, Dad.  Can I get you something for the pain?” I ask.

“Oh, no…  I’m okay.  It hurts more everywhere than anywhere.”  He answers in his kind way, then turns to me, “Why don’t you go lay down in the recliner and try to get some sleep?”

I reply, “I’m okay, Dad.  I’m sitting here writing love letters on my computer.”

“Ah… that’s good! Real, real good,” He replies with enthusiasm, “I LOVE YOU!”

“I know, Dad.  I love you too.” I whisper in gratitude.  And time passes…

Living Expression of Namaste

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I met a Sudanese refugee this week that immigrated to the United States for work.  He is an amazing man.  I’ll call him “Steven.”  Among the many humbling and gracious words he spoke, what shined most is his deep faith in God and enduring love for ALL people.  He said he “vehemently” believes in doing things that “bring greatness” to the lives of others as well as himself.  Steven is thankful to God for granting him many gifts and abilities, especially using them for “doing right things for others.”  This brave and radiant young man gets up every morning with a smile on his face, knowing that God is always with him.

Three powerful themes emerged from my conversation with this migratory, luminous messenger.  From his own words, first, we are not restricted by anybody or anything except our own choices.  Second, a loving gracious God exists and “resides in us, with us, beside us, around us, and among us,” no matter what our race, religion, culture, gender, or life circumstances.  And third, serving the one human body of God and individuals in our local communities can bring abundant JOY!

After meeting this delightful new acquaintance, I headed to our lake house, which is a few miles from a community that has a significant new population of Sudanese and Hispanic immigrants.  I stopped at the local big box “Super Store” for a few grocery items.  When I arrived, I felt different.  As I looked around, I saw “Steven” everywhere.  I walked up and down the aisles and couldn’t get the smile off my face.  I was beaming with the grace-filled lessons of Steven’s love and joy.  My heart was expanded and with each and every immigrant I saw, it grew even more with love, compassion, and joy.   And then, something amazing happened.

As I was gathering my items and looking around, a young Sudanese child made eye contact with me, smiled, and waved.  With surprise, my heart leaped out of my chest and I felt the presence of our shared divinity and joy.  It felt like a deeply sacred moment.  There were no words between us, just a profound, yet brief surreal connection.  We needed no words.  We saw each other.  I walked off dazed and intoxicated with the lessons of Steven stirring in my heart.

A few minutes later, in the next aisle over a family passed by.  Not paying much attention, I was looking at my list when a young Hispanic girl pulled her hand away from her mom, and shouted loudly to get my attention, “Hi!”.  I made eye contact with her, returned a smile, and said, “Hi!”

Seriously?  Again?  It was as if both kids were reaching out to me to share a soul moment.  I was filled with gratitude.  There was a familiar knowing among us.  Our brief eye contact felt like an eternity of deeper seeing and recognition.  I began to feel a universal oneness with everyone in the super store.  I looked around with gentle compassion and curiosity. What was happening?

When life couldn’t get much sweeter, a third young Caucasian child laying on her daddy’s shoulder, lifted her head just a few feet from mine, grinned from ear to ear, and with the light of recognition in her eyes, greeted me with an adorable and engaging, “Hi!” I was enchanted as I stood soaking in the mystery of this unbelievable experience.

I thank Steven.  His palpable love, joy, and heart for service, created a beautiful resonant field that ignited something in me.  I believe the same gracious God, and divine spark, which resides within Steven, resides within me, and within all people, including the three children I met at the super store.  Maybe, the three children simply recognized it sooner than I did, and reached out in remembrance to reconnect in a beautiful living experience of Namaste.


[The definition of Namaste (pronounced na, ma, stay) is both a physical gesture and a spoken spiritual salutation, which is the recognition of the divine spirit (or soul) in another by the divine spirit in you.  The word Namaste translates simply to “I bow to the divine in you.”]

(Image found with SCiAF, Scotland’s Aid Agency

My Two Birthdays

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“Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever, and we’ll meet now and then when we wish, in the midst of the one celebration that never can end.” ~ Richard Bach

I have two birthdays.  No, I wasn’t born at midnight.  I was born on my sisters first birthday, so I thought — December 16, 1962.  Every year I would share my birthday, birthday cake, and birthday presents with my sister.  And for the first fifteen years of my life, that was my day — well, our day.  Then on December 15th when I turned 15, my dad called to wish me “Happy Birthday.”  He told me that my birthday was really the 15th and my mom wanted it on the 16th because it was “cute.”  Hmmm…  I asked my mom and she continued to profess the 16th.  And, so began the two-birthday conundrum.

In my early twenties, I needed a passport so I got my birth certificate.  It said, “December 16, 1962.”  So there — it was settled.  I was born on December 16th.  For the next several years I celebrated the 16th and my dad continued to call me on the 15th.  Then one day in my early 30’s, my mom gave me the hospital certificate where they put your foot prints in ink.  It was typed December 16, 1962, but the nurse signed it in green ink, December 15, 1962.  At this point, I was really confused.  I asked my mother again and she continued to profess the 16th.

Years went by and the two-birthday dance continued, until one day my mother called on December 15th.  She wanted to bring over a birthday gift.  I told her it wasn’t my birthday yet.  She agreed on the phone and brought the gift to my house.  She sat down and quickly said, “Okay, it’s time that I tell the truth.  You really were born on the 15th, but the hospital messed up and put the 16th on your birth certificate, so we just kept it that way.”

So… yeah.  Two birthdays.  One is my REAL BIRTH day, and the other is my LEGAL birthday.  It’s been the 16th on every legal document since I was born.  But the story doesn’t end there…

Several years later, my youngest sister called me and asked what my birth certificate said.  When I told her, she said, “You aren’t going to believe this!”  She got a copy of HER birth certificate and it had the wrong day!  She has celebrated January 9th all of her life and her birth certificate said January 8th!  True story.

So, what are the lessons to be found?  Well, after years of having everyone “forget” a too-close-to-Christmas birthday, getting combined birthday/Christmas gifts at Christmas, sharing the day with my sister, and years of disillusion and confusion about the date, I decided to claim both days and CELEBRATE LIFE!  I discovered that I could feel bad about my “lack” of birthday, or I could feel joy and great abundance by making the best out of a goofy situation!  I choose to celebrate life and all the bountiful blessings in the chaos.  And, I choose to celebrate me and birth a new sense of self-love.  Every year since I found out the truth, I have my own little private birthday celebration that lasts for 48 hours!  I gave birth to a new sense of self and learned how to love, honor, and cherish me (and all my imperfections) more completely.