Shamanic Wisdom, Healthy Earth

Shamanic Wisdom, Healthy Earth with Robin Tekwelus Youngblood

Beliefs and principles of indigenous eco and earth-based spirituality have long served to wake humanity to the responsibilities of stewarding a healthy Earth. By honoring the connection between all beings and assisting all creatures to live in balance and harmony, we have the capacity to create whole-systems health. Join Robin Tekwelus Youngblood as we explore the deeper wisdom in Codes for a Healthy Earth.

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Robin has been a member of the Seven Generations World Wisdom Council, which organized multicultural Wisdom Gatherings in several countries. She is also a founding member of Grandmothers Circle the Earth, and helps establish Grandmother Circles and Councils wherever she travels.

Since 2012, Robin has circumnavigated the earth three times, sharing teachings and ceremonies. As a graduate of Barbara Marx Hubbard’s “Agents of Conscious Evolution” training, Robin is a Guide for the Wheel of Co-Creation, a method of working with others to co-create sustainable lifestyles that honor Mother Earth and All Our Relations.

You can find Robin at, on Facebook. Robin is author of “Path of the White Wolf, An Introduction to Shamanism” with Sandra D’Entremont, as well as several music CDs. For the last several years, Robin has taught online Shamanic Courses. If interested, please email her at