Empowering the World One Listener At a Time

Empowering the World One Listener At a Time with Remy Smith

Wayne Dyer said, “My goal is not to be better than anyone else… but to be better than I used to be.” Over the ten years of Empower Radio broadcasts, we have found inspiration, information, wisdom, healing and support that has empowered us to be better than we used to be. Tune in as Dr. Julie and her producer, Remy Smith, pay tribute to Brent Carey and Empower Radio’s Tenth Anniversary (with a few surprise guests).

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Practical Tools for Growing #Elder, Not Older

Practical Tools for Growing Elder, Not Older with Ron Pevny and Katia Petersen

As we approach the later chapters of our lives, we have choices that make a big difference in our experience of life, as well as a big difference in the world around us. Join us as we explore a plethora of practical tools and daily practices to grow “Elder” with unique passion, a strong sense of purpose and continued healthy development.

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Katia Petersen PhD is currently the President of Petersen Argo Inc. a Transformational Education company, and brings decades of experience as a psychotherapist, educator, author, and Emmy award recipient for outstanding educational programming. She is known for her remarkable ability to touch and open the hearts of individuals in dynamic and healing ways, and is in demand as a motivational speaker, master trainer and coach.

As Executive Director of Education at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, she led her team in the translation, design, and delivery of evidence-based methodologies that build leadership and self-efficacy skills. Her experiential work, including the Worldview Explorations and Conscious Aging programs, are designed to shift one’s perspective on life, creating new possibilities for how we interact with one another and the world around us, while re-igniting our sense of purpose and meaning.

Dr. Petersen’s work focuses on systems change, collaborative processing, power of story, and transformation. An experienced dialogue practitioner, she draws upon a wide range of emergent processes that support effective group work including: World Cafe, Theory U, Appreciative Inquiry and Social Emotional Wellness.

Katia’s passion resides in creating safe and effective spaces for individuals and groups to recognize and increase their capacity to create change.


Ron Pevny, M.A., has for forty years been dedicated to assisting people in negotiating life transitions as they create lives of purpose and passion. He is Founding Director of the Center for Conscious Eldering, based in Durango, Colorado, which presents Conscious Eldering workshops and weeklong retreats at retreat centers across North America. He is author of Conscious Living, Conscious Aging: embrace and savor your next chapter, published in 2014 by Beyond Words/Atria Books. Ron is also a Certified Sage-ing® Leader, and has served as the host/interviewer for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 Transforming Aging Summits presented by The Shift Network.

Looking for Enlightenment in All the Wrong Places

Looking for Enlightenment in All the Wrong Places with Matthew Ferry

Are you open to redefine #enlightenment? Many desire the experience of Oneness and go to great lengths to achieve it. Perhaps you are a spiritual seeker who has developed a disciplined spiritual or religious practice and experienced fleeting moments of utter bliss. Others magically experience non-ordinary states of consciousness without even trying. What if enlightenment is more of a mindset that you can develop than a random, serendipitous breakthrough in consciousness? Matthew Ferry will challenge you to shift your perspective and develop enduring, enlightened prosperity.

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Matthew Ferry is a spiritual teacher, executive life coach and Founder of Matthew Ferry International, LLC. Ferry works with Wall Street clients and helps them transform stress into creativity and resourcefulness by using “The Rapid Enlightenment Process.” His process helps people get their mind to go quiet, to transcend their survival mind and achieve an enlightened state. Ferry is also the author of “Quiet Mind Epic Life” an international best-seller in three categories in seven countries. He challenges readers to reach their highest potential in mind, body, and business.

Facebook: facebook.com/matthewferry 

Twitter: twitter.com/matthew_ferry

Instagram: MatthewFerryQuietMind

Stress Management for an Evolving World

#StressManagement for an #Evolving World with Sherryl Lin

According to the American Psychological Association, most Americans are suffering from moderate to high levels of #stress and 44% report that their stress levels have increased over the past 5 years. With the #evolution of #consciousness, #climate change, increased technology, radical cultural change, and the global transition we’re in, our stressors are changing and life is different than ever before. Join Sherryl Lin and Dr. Julie as we explore new strategies for evolutionary times. do you find deep, meaningful connection? Today we’re going to explore stress management for the conscious evolutionary.

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Sherryl Lin has vivid memories of being a young child with a pure, loving heart who knew that everything was possible. She knew that she had intuitive abilities back then, but being that there was no one to explain to her what she was experiencing she shut that part of herself down. Sherryl Lin was always interested in spirituality and spent much of her early adult life looking for the next teacher or guru who, she was certain had the answers she was looking for. Everything shifted when, through a series of mystical, awakening experiences, Sherryl Lin began to remember her connection to Higher Levels of Consciousness and her abilities accelerated at an exponential rate.

As a Master Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Medical Intuitive Healer, she reads the energy beneath your words, working deeply at the cellular level as a Spiritual Conduit, bringing you back into alignment with the truth of who you really are. Sherryl Lin will help you move to the next level in all areas of your life, including your health, business, life purpose, and relationships.

Conscious Eldering as the Pinnacle of Life

#Conscious Eldering as the Pinnacle of Life with Katia Petersen and Ron Pevny

Life calls us to continually grow beyond who we have been into the person we have the potential to be. And this invitation doesn’t cease when we hit 70, 80 or even 90 years old. It’s time to shift into a conscious aging model and embrace the pinnacle of life. Help shift negative beliefs and cultural stereotypes about the useless elderly to a worldview that honors and cherishes the elder.

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Katia Petersen PhD is currently the President of Petersen Argo Inc. a Transformational Education company, and brings decades of experience as a psychotherapist, educator, author, and Emmy award recipient for outstanding educational programming. She is known for her remarkable ability to touch and open the hearts of individuals in dynamic and healing ways, and is in demand as a motivational speaker, master trainer and coach.

As Executive Director of Education at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, she led her team in the translation, design, and delivery of evidence-based methodologies that build leadership and self-efficacy skills. Her experiential work, including the Worldview Explorations and Conscious Aging programs, are designed to shift one’s perspective on life, creating new possibilities for how we interact with one another and the world around us, while re-igniting our sense of purpose and meaning.

Dr. Petersen’s work focuses on systems change, collaborative processing, power of story, and transformation. An experienced dialogue practitioner, she draws upon a wide range of emergent processes that support effective group work including: World Cafe, Theory U, Appreciative Inquiry and Social Emotional Wellness.

Katia’s passion resides in creating safe and effective spaces for individuals and groups to recognize and increase their capacity to create change.


Ron Pevny, M.A., has for forty years been dedicated to assisting people in negotiating life transitions as they create lives of purpose and passion. He is Founding Director of the Center for Conscious Eldering, based in Durango, Colorado, which presents Conscious Eldering workshops and weeklong retreats at retreat centers across North America. He is author of Conscious Living, Conscious Aging: embrace and savor your next chapter, published in 2014 by Beyond Words/Atria Books. Ron is also a Certified Sage-ing® Leader, and has served as the host/interviewer for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 Transforming Aging Summits presented by The Shift Network.

Living Deeply

Living Deeply with Robert Atkinson

Robert Atkinson takes us on a thoughtful and rewarding mythic journey that is equal parts inward and universal. What happens when a contemplative heart uncovers timeless patterns as they unfold in life? 1969, was a year that shaped a generation with the lunar landing and Woodstock. The archetypal lessons gleaned are just as relevant today as they were 50 years ago. Listen in as Atkinson shares his Year of Living Deeply.

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Robert Atkinson, Ph.D., author, educator, and developmental psychologist, has published nine books, including the 2017 Nautilus Book Award winner The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness; Mystic Journey: Getting to the Heart of Your Soul’s Story (2012); The Gift of Stories (1995); and, Year of Living Deeply: A Memoir of 1969 (2019). He is an internationally recognized authority on life story interviewing, a pioneer in the techniques of personal mythmaking and soul-making, a member of Evolutionary Leaders, professor emeritus at the University of Southern Maine, and director of StoryCommons. www.robertatkinson.net.

Sustainable Harmonious World

Sustainable Harmonious World with Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr.

Discover the foundation for the process of healing and developing ourselves (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually), our human relationships (personal, social, political, economic, and cultural) and our interrelationship with all life on Mother Earth. This conversation with Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. will give insight into the way we must work together as one and what we must protect and cherish in order to co-create a sustainable and harmonious world that works for all.

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Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. is an enrolled member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations and is an internationally recognized leader in human, community, and economic development.

During the past 50 years, Chief Lane has worked with Indigenous Peoples from the Americas, Micronesia, South East Asia, China, India, Bhutan, Hawaii, and Africa. He served 16 years as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada (1980-1996).

In 1982, Chief Lane founded the Four Worlds International Institute (FWII). As well, Phil is Chairman of Four Directions International and Compassion Games International.

Chief Lane has been the recipient of multiple awards and recognition. He was the first indigenous person to win the prestigious Windstar Award, presented annually on behalf of the late John Denver and the Windstar Foundation. In 2000, he received the Year 2000 Award for Freedom and Human Rights are given by the Swiss Foundation. Other winners of this award include Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, the Dalai Lama, Lord Yehdi Menuhin, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, and Yevgeni Velikhov, Vice President, Soviet Academy of Sciences.

In 2008, Chief Lane received the Ally Award presented by the Center for Healing Racism. Particular emphasis for this award was for his dedicated work, for more than 19 years, as one of the key Indigenous leaders in the resolution of Canada’s Residential School issue, which involved the sexual, physical, cultural, psychological, and emotional abuse of thousands of Aboriginal children in Canada. The process resulted in a more than $4 billion settlement for Residential School survivors.

Forward-Leaning Leadership

Forward-Leaning Leadership in Transformational Times with Giles Hutchins

The time has come. The world of leadership and organizational development is transforming before our eyes. Leaders either learn to cross the threshold and thrive in these transformational times or they struggle, stress and strain with out-dated approaches, methods and mind-sets. Crossing the threshold while keeping the wheels on the road is THE challenge of our time for what Giles Hutchins refers to as “Future-Fit Leaders.”

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On today’s episode:

:15 – What “All Things Connected” means to Giles

5:45 – Rethinking the old ways

10:55 – The wounds of seperation

16:00 – Why is nature important to us?

20:45 – Opening corporate leaders to nature

30:30 – Leadership for small and large businesses

37:55 – The ego-soul dynamic

45:20 – Midwifing the new

52:55 – Trust in life


Giles Hutchins is a pioneering practitioner, keynote speaker, adviser and executive coach at the fore-front of a [r]evolution in leadership consciousness and organizational development. He applies consciousness raising modalities, deep-dive nature immersions, embodiment work, ancient wisdom tradition insights, future-fit organizational development approaches, and cutting-edge research on leadership consciousness. In these transformational times, Giles Hutchins stimulates the head-space and heart-knowing for forward-leaning leaders and organizations to become vibrant, purposeful and future-fit.  He is the author of several books including The Nature of Business (2012), The Illusion of Separation (2014), Future Fit (2016) and Regenerative Leadership (2019). Previously Giles was Business Transformation Lead with KPMG Consulting and more recently Global Head of Sustainability Solutions for Atos the IT service multinational, he is co-founding partner of Regenerators and Biomimicry for Creative Innovation, Chair of the Future Fit Leadership Academy, and advisor to a number of forward thinking institutions. His latest TEDx talk at Wycliffe College, UK is entitled [R]evolution: Separateness to Connectedness and you can follow his blog at www.thenatureofbusiness.org.

Living in Flow

Living in Flow with Sky Nelson-Isaacs

When we live in “flow”, a state of activity in which we align with our purpose and values, balancing our personal good with the greater good, we make choices that invite synchronicity. Cultivating flow can empower us individually and help make our world a better place. The cosmos is designed to bring us meaningful, synchronistic experiences in response to the choices we make. Are you ready to live in flow? Explore the physics behind synchronicity with Sky Nelson-Isaacs.

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SKY NELSON-ISAACS is a physics educator, speaker, author, and musician. He has a masters degree in physics from San Francisco State University, with a thesis in String Theory, and a BS in physics from UC Berkeley. Nelson-Isaacs has dedicated his life to finding his own sense of purpose, beginning as a student of the Yogic master Sri Swami Satchidananda when he was less than five years old. His writing on topics like flow comes from integrating this experience into his life. He brings together the connection between synchronicity, physics, and real life using research and original ideas. As an active researcher in quantum foundations, his research is supported through grant funding from a private foundation. An educator with nine years of classroom experience, with experience in industry as a software engineer, Nelson-Isaacs is also a multi-instrumentalist and professional performer of award-winning original musical compositions. You can follow Sky on social media via his Twitter and Facebook.