Regenerative Health, Regenerative Earth

Regenerative Health, Regenerative Earth with Yan Golding

The urgent and complex global challenges we face will not be resolved from within the same systems that created them. Hundreds of millions of people and millions of groups are working on countless regenerative and compassionate solutions. Throughout this vast and diverse global movement there is a growing recognition that we already have the knowledge, skills, ideas, technologies and resources to effectively address all our escalating crises. Our primary challenge is to align and organize effectively for whole-system healing and transformation. With the deep wisdom within Codes for a Healthy Earth, citizens are uniting around a whole-system healing framework that effectively supports citizen-led self-organization at the local and global levels to realize our shared needs and aspirations for a healthy Earth.

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For over 20 years Yan Golding has been researching and playing in the fields of conscious personal and cultural evolution. In 2003 he co-founded an ecovillage in South Africa where he lived and worked for 8 years. Yan has taught permaculture and ecovillage design, and has initiated a transition town in Portugal. He is passionate about discovering and cataloging regenerative and systemic solutions and innovations. Since 2010 Yan has devoted himself to supporting the global transformation movements towards unity and trans-disciplinary collaboration for transitioning our dysfunctional social systems.

Since 2015 he has co-initiated and stewarded United Earth, Synergy Hub, Global Solutions Day and A Solutions Revolution. Yan also played a coordinating role in the initial international expansion of Extinction Rebellion. He is currently serving as co-creator and co-steward of Together in Creation7 Days of Rest and Codes for a Healthy Earth.

Feminine Consciousness, Healthy Earth

Feminine Consciousness, Healthy Earth with Clare Dubois

Feminine consciousness, wisdom and leadership are vital ingredients in humanity’s evolution into a “restorer species.” Women, in sisterhood, are poised to take collective action for the environment, for Earth and all her inhabitants. Clare Dubois, Founder of TreeSisters, shares when we experience our natural and Nature-connected selves, through embodied wholeness, we can’t help but care deeply for the health and healing of the planet.

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Clare Dubois is the founder of She is an Earth-loving social entrepreneur and inspirational speaker with two decades experience coaching business leaders and creating behaviour change processes within the personal growth sector. In her own life, her aim is to reclaim balance, to revel in freedom and health and to be ‘walking permission’ for those who are fed up of being held back, and just want to have a go.

Saving Animals, Healing Earth

Saving Animals, Healing Earth with Andrew Harvey

We cannot live in harmony with the whole of creation without understanding and healing our deepest sacred relationship with the animals. The Divine has willed the birth of an embodied, divine humanity in love with and protective of the natural world. Andrew Harvey invites us to open our eyes, hearts, and souls to the divine animal within.

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Authoring more than 30 books, Andrew Harvey is Founder Director of the  Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability. Sacred Activism is a transforming force of compassion-in-action that is born of a fusion of deep spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion, with wise radical action in the world. The large-scale practice of Sacred Activism can become an essential force for preserving and healing the planet and its inhabitants.

Peace with All Life

Peace with All Life with Sailesh Rao

Imagine a radically inclusive, equitable human society that is in harmony with a thriving natural world. You are invited to wake to the notion that compassion for all life is infinitely sustainable. Sailesh Rao talks about compassion and the Codes for a Healthy Earth: Cultivating Peace with All Life.

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Sailesh Rao is the Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. As a systems specialist with a Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford, Sailesh worked on the Internet communications infrastructure for twenty years after graduation. In 2006, he switched careers and became deeply immersed, full-time, in the spiritual and environmental crises affecting humanity. He is the author of Carbon Dharma… and Carbon Yoga… He is also the Co-Executive Producer of the trilogy of documentaries, The Human Experiment, Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, and What The Health, which explore the systemic causes of human and environmental ill health and of the documentary, The Compassion Project.

Healthy Earth: From Codes to WholeWorld-View

Healthy Earth: From Codes to WholeWorld-View with Jude Currivan

Whole-systems health begins with a shift in worldviews from separation and fear to unity and love. Tune into the wisdom of Cosmologist, Jude Currivan, as she talks about linking up and lifting up—how the Codes for a Healthy Earth support the embodiment of a Whole World-View.

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Dr. Jude Currivan, is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist and author. She was previously one of the most senior business women in the UK, as CFO and Executive Board Member of two major international companies. She has a Master’s degree in Physics from Oxford University specializing in quantum physics and cosmology, and a Doctorate in Archaeology from the University of Reading researching ancient cosmologies. She has traveled to nearly 80 countries, worked with wisdom keepers from many traditions, and been a life-long researcher into the scientific and experiential understanding of the nature of reality. The author of 6 books, the latest being The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation and winner of a 2017 silver Nautilus book award in the category of science and cosmology, she is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle and lives in Wiltshire, England.

Healing the Earth

Healing the Earth with MiraMichelle and Jeevan

The urgent and complex global challenges we face will not be resolved from within the same systems that created them. Today, people of all cultures and ages are rising up around the world to demand a fundamental transformation of how we organize ourselves as a species. Join MiraMichelle and her 18-year old son, Jeevan, as we talk about the radical promise within Codes for a Healthy Earth.

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MiraMichelle was born to an English mother and an African/Native American father, she was raised in two distinctly different cultures and this reality has given her a great ability to understand, appreciate and to be a living bridge between worlds. She is a shaman, spiritual teacher, author, speaker, healer, ceremony facilitator and consciousness midwife for the emerging new age. Her 18-year-old son, Jeevan, has witnessed his mother’s work up close, and observed the life changing effect it has on people. He now joins his mother in supporting the work and steps into his own path of creating a healthy Earth.

A Deeper Kind of Revolution

A Deeper Kind of Revolution with Charles Eisenstein

The urgent and complex global challenges we face will not be resolved from within the same systems and consciousness that created them. Many of the proposed solutions to climate change rely on the same thinking that brought us to the crisis, and cannot move us forward. Charles Eisenstein suggests the ecological crisis is calling us to a deeper kind of revolution. Its strategy involves restoring what the modern worldview and its institutions have rendered nearly extinct: our felt understanding of the living intelligence and interconnectedness of all things.

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Charles Eisenstein is a speaker and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. His viral short films and essays online have established him as a genre-defying social philosopher and countercultural intellectual. A graduate of Yale, he is the author of The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, Sacred Economics, The Ascent of Humanity, and Climate: A New Story.

Many Cultures, One Human Family, Healthy Earth

Many Cultures, One Human Family, Healthy Earth with Ben Bowler

Imagine an intercultural, intergenerational and interfaith collective joining forces to amplify the impact of all people and groups working to make the world a safer and more inclusive place. Ben Bowler and his team at Unity Earth weave threads of unity within the colorful diversity of the human family and the ecosystems that sustain us. Listen is as Ben talks about Codes for a Healthy Earth and how it fosters that unity and peace across the planet.

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Ben Bowler is the Executive Director of UNITY EARTH, a global network building a worldwide movement for unity and peace. In 2006 he and his wife Jildou moved to Thailand to volunteer along the Thai-Burma border. In 2008 they founded Blood Foundation together, a NGO focusing on education projects. In 2008 Ben founded Monk for a Month in Chiang Mai offering men and women the opportunity to experience Thai temple life and temporary ordination. In 2010, Ben launched Muslim for a Month in Turkey offering guests a first-hand experience of Turkish Islam and Sufism, underneath the spiritually inclusive banner of Rumi. A year later, he launched World Weavers, offering spiritual immersion programs in Tibetan India, Nepal, Cambodia and Ethiopia. In October 2015, at the Parliament of World’ Religions, Ben launched, an online platform aimed at countering religious fundamentalism, relativism and western materialism. Since then he has worked to build UNITY EARTH into a global platform that can support and empower the many grassroots movements working towards unity and peace in the world.

The Vitality Code

The Vitality Code with Shelley Ostroff

The Vitality Code is a term for Nature’s primary code and principle of self-organizing and self-regulating thriving living systems. For humans to thrive the entire planetary ecosystem must thrive. As we self-organize in alignment with the Vitality Code we learn to attend to all parts of the biosphere (people, animals, rivers, soil, social systems, ecosystems, climate etc.), ensuring that each receive precisely what they need to play their unique role in our interdependent Web of Life.

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Shelley Ostroff (PhD) is an author, activist, artist, leadership consultant, and social entrepreneur focused on initiating and supporting whole-system healing processes on a global level. She is the founder of and, platforms and initiatives dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.

Codes for a Healthy Earth

Codes for a Healthy Earth with Shelley Ostroff

The urgent and complex global challenges we face will not be resolved from within the same systems that created them. Today, people of all cultures and ages are rising up around the world to demand a fundamental transformation of how we organize ourselves as a species. Citizens of Earth are uniting around a whole-system healing framework that effectively supports citizen-led self-organizing at the local and global levels. Join us the first riveting conversation in a series about Codes for a Healthy Earth: Cultivating Peace with All of Life.

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Shelley Ostroff (PhD) is an author, activist, artist, leadership consultant, and social entrepreneur focused on initiating and supporting whole-system healing processes on a global level. She is the founder of and, platforms and initiatives dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.