How to Become One with All Life

How to Become One with All Life with Julie Krull

The new energies on the planet are helping us evolve. As a collective, the consciousness lens is widening and we’re grounding the truth of who we really are. We’re growing and evolving as a species, recognizing we are, indeed, ONE planetary body—one planetary superorganism. Dr. Julie shares 12 traits to help us navigate conscious evolution and nurture our innate capacity to live for the good of the whole.

[Click Here to Listen]

Money is an Energy Game

Money is an Energy Game with Madeline Gerwick

Money is energy and your bank account is a reflection of your energetic money imprint. Madeline Gerwick says there’s a way for you to prosper and thrive; that change comes from within and you are the driver of your own success. Imagine shifting your relationship with money, a shift that enables you to create with ease and joy, leaving behind “working hard,” struggle and drama. The bottom line is that you can shift your money patterns AND your bottom line.

[Click Here to Listen]


Madeline C. Gerwick is an internationally recognized, business, economic, and personal astrologer, speaker and author. She has a BA degree with honors in economics, and she’s listed in several Who’s Who books, including Who’s Who in the World. She annually writes The Good Timing Guide: Time Codes for Success, and the Good Timing Newsletter, which accompanies it. She also co-authored The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology, available from Penguin Group and she recently co-authored Money Is an Energy Game. She’s a contributing author to the business anthology, Einstein’s Business: Engaging Soul, Imagination and Excellence in the Workplace, which includes chapters from Oprah, Steve Jobs, Steven Covey, Robert Kiyosaki, Scott Peck, Tom Peters, Thomas Moore, Mark Victor Hansen and many more.

Madeline began teaching prosperity principles in 2002 with the introduction of the course, Eight Keys to the Ultimately Prosperous Business. She hosted her own national, weekly radio show for over five years on Cosmic Connections with Madeline as part of The Dr Pat Show. She’s now heard the first Friday of each month on Her combined talents in business astrology, economics and prosperity training provide you with a new view of the economy and ways to prosper with the Universe.

Her company, Polaris Business Guides, is a metaphysical, consulting and training firm which guides organizations and individuals to prosper by working in harmony with the Universe.