Radical Healing for Yourself & the Planet

The world is in need of radical healing. Cultural and planetary healing are interdependent and interconnected with our personal healing. For you to thrive, the entire planetary ecosystem must thrive. As we create the conditions to restore the well-being of all Life on Earth, we must consider our own radical healing as part of it. Dr. Julie invites you to contemplate a personal journey into radical healing for yourself and the planet.

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Radical Personal, Collective & Planetary Healing

We are the generation entrusted with the most pressing challenges of our millennia. To effectively address the diverse challenges requires a quantum leap forward in our ability to come together, cooperate, and coordinate our efforts to protect life on Earth—all life on Earth. Our health and the health of all species requires us to return to a deeper wisdom, rooted in our inherent wholeness—our fundamental interconnectedness, and reclaim our role as co-stewards of the intricate Web of Life.

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Dr. Shelley Ostroff is an author, leadership consultant, and planetary activist focused on initiating and supporting whole-system healing processes on a global level. She is the founder of Together in Creation7 Days of RestCodes for a Healthy Earth, World Water Law, and World Water Year 2021, all platforms and initiatives dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.

Global Cooperation, Peace & Freedom

The Global Silent Minutewas launched on December 21st, 2019 as a once-only event to create a planetary pause to recalibrate Humanity to its true destiny within the Universe. In recognition of its restorative, revitalizing impact, Global Silent Minute has continued as a daily practice. 2020 was the year in which this daily rhythm was anchored throughout the planet. In the face of global challenges, to meet together daily for one minute of silence – the exact same minute everywhere – enables us to harness the power of cooperation on both sides of the veil for global cooperation, peace and freedom. Join Dot Maver, Founder of the Global Silent Minute, for this uplifting conversation.

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Dr. Dot Maver is an educator and peacebuilder whose keynote is inspiring cooperation on behalf of the common good. Dot is a co-founder of the Global Silent Minute and is a founder and board member with the National Peace Academy USAGlobal Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures of Peace the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding. and Garden of Light. Her work in education, politics and grassroots community organizing is focused on applied peacebuilding utilizing a shared responsibility and shared leadership model. She is a speaker and facilitator focusing on the spirit of cooperation and creating the conditions for a Culture of Peace.

Revisioning Activism

In a time when millions of citizens have hit the streets to protest for or against something, in an attempt to bring change to the most critical issues facing humanity, David Bedrick invites us to look at a different kind of activism. “It’s an activism born more from the mind and heart than marching feet. It’s expressed not by a megaphone or signs but through teaching, writing, and facilitating dialogue. An activism that embraces our individual and collective shadows rather than opposing them or fighting against them.”

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David_Bedrick_1_109570273.jpgDavid Bedrick is a speaker, attorney and author of Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology and Revisioning Activism: Bringing Depth, Dialogue, and Diversity to Individual and Social Change.  His new book is You Can’t Judge a Body by Its Cover: 17 Women’s Stories of Hunger, Body Shame and Redemption. David is the founder of the Santa Fe Institute for Shame based Studies where he teaches and works with individuals around the world.

Choosing Earth(Part Two)

In Part Two of Choosing Earth, Duane Elgin shares the foundations of the Great Transition as a pathway forward—a beautiful, meaningful and valiant path of radical, prescriptive change that can consciously move us toward healing and wholeness. He’ll share a plethora of inspiration, encouragement, and tangible ideas and suggestions. You will feel encouraged and supported to CHOOSE EARTH and be a part of the radical solutions

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Duane Elgin is an internationally recognized author, speaker, educator, and citizen-voice activist. His books include The Living Universe, Promise Ahead, Voluntary Simplicity, and Awakening Earth. He received Japan’s Goi Peace Award in Tokyo in 2006 in recognition of his contribution to a global “vision, consciousness, and lifestyle” that fosters a “more sustainable and spiritual culture