A Deeper Kind of Revolution

A Deeper Kind of Revolution with Charles Eisenstein

The urgent and complex global challenges we face will not be resolved from within the same systems and consciousness that created them. Many of the proposed solutions to climate change rely on the same thinking that brought us to the crisis, and cannot move us forward. Charles Eisenstein suggests the ecological crisis is calling us to a deeper kind of revolution. Its strategy involves restoring what the modern worldview and its institutions have rendered nearly extinct: our felt understanding of the living intelligence and interconnectedness of all things.

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Charles Eisenstein is a speaker and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. His viral short films and essays online have established him as a genre-defying social philosopher and countercultural intellectual. A graduate of Yale, he is the author of The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, Sacred Economics, The Ascent of Humanity, and Climate: A New Story.

Many Cultures, One Human Family, Healthy Earth

Many Cultures, One Human Family, Healthy Earth with Ben Bowler

Imagine an intercultural, intergenerational and interfaith collective joining forces to amplify the impact of all people and groups working to make the world a safer and more inclusive place. Ben Bowler and his team at Unity Earth weave threads of unity within the colorful diversity of the human family and the ecosystems that sustain us. Listen is as Ben talks about Codes for a Healthy Earth and how it fosters that unity and peace across the planet.

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Ben Bowler is the Executive Director of UNITY EARTH, a global network building a worldwide movement for unity and peace. In 2006 he and his wife Jildou moved to Thailand to volunteer along the Thai-Burma border. In 2008 they founded Blood Foundation together, a NGO focusing on education projects. In 2008 Ben founded Monk for a Month in Chiang Mai offering men and women the opportunity to experience Thai temple life and temporary ordination. In 2010, Ben launched Muslim for a Month in Turkey offering guests a first-hand experience of Turkish Islam and Sufism, underneath the spiritually inclusive banner of Rumi. A year later, he launched World Weavers, offering spiritual immersion programs in Tibetan India, Nepal, Cambodia and Ethiopia. In October 2015, at the Parliament of World’ Religions, Ben launched 1GOD.com, an online platform aimed at countering religious fundamentalism, relativism and western materialism. Since then he has worked to build UNITY EARTH into a global platform that can support and empower the many grassroots movements working towards unity and peace in the world.

The Vitality Code

The Vitality Code with Shelley Ostroff

The Vitality Code is a term for Nature’s primary code and principle of self-organizing and self-regulating thriving living systems. For humans to thrive the entire planetary ecosystem must thrive. As we self-organize in alignment with the Vitality Code we learn to attend to all parts of the biosphere (people, animals, rivers, soil, social systems, ecosystems, climate etc.), ensuring that each receive precisely what they need to play their unique role in our interdependent Web of Life.

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Shelley Ostroff (PhD) is an author, activist, artist, leadership consultant, and social entrepreneur focused on initiating and supporting whole-system healing processes on a global level. She is the founder of  togetherincreation.org and 7days-of-rest.org, platforms and initiatives dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.

Codes for a Healthy Earth

Codes for a Healthy Earth with Shelley Ostroff

The urgent and complex global challenges we face will not be resolved from within the same systems that created them. Today, people of all cultures and ages are rising up around the world to demand a fundamental transformation of how we organize ourselves as a species. Citizens of Earth are uniting around a whole-system healing framework that effectively supports citizen-led self-organizing at the local and global levels. Join us the first riveting conversation in a series about Codes for a Healthy Earth: Cultivating Peace with All of Life.

[Click Here to Listen]


Shelley Ostroff (PhD) is an author, activist, artist, leadership consultant, and social entrepreneur focused on initiating and supporting whole-system healing processes on a global level. She is the founder of  togetherincreation.org and 7days-of-rest.org, platforms and initiatives dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.