Healing with Compassion

Healing Each Other and the Earth Through Compassion with Jon Ramer

Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest is a community engagement experience that invites people around the world to inspire one another to reveal and promote acts of compassion that better our lives, our communities, and all life on the planet. When Jon Ramer, founded Compassion Games and began “playing” in 2012, he had no idea how it would catalyze fun and creative ways to care for ourselves, each other and the earth. Playing together has changed the world and transformed the lives of millions through service projects, random acts of kindness, and Compassion Missions.

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On This Episode:

7:30 – You don’t need to religion to have compassion

11:00 – The most compassionate city in the world

13:30 – 4 steps to the compassion games

15:00 – Reveal as well as inspire

16:00 – Play for peace

21:00 – Strive together, co-opetition

22:00 – The people with the least tend to give the most

29:00 – Survival of the kindest

31:30 – Compassion for yourself can often be the hardest

33:00 – World Interfaith Harmony Week

42:00 – A 24 hour wave around the world

49:00 – Infinite games

51:00 – The future is borderless


Jon Eliot Ramer is an American entrepreneur, civic leader, inventor, and musician. He is a co-founder of several technology companies and the designer of several Deep Social Networks that led to making Seattle the first city in the world to affirm Karen Armstrong’s Charter for Compassion. This birthed the International Campaign for Compassionate Cities. There are now over 450 cities around the world that have started similar campaigns. In 2012, Ramer conceived of and produced the “Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest” in response to a challenge from the mayor of Louisville, Kentucky to other cities to outdo Louisville’s compassionate action as measured by hours of community service. In 2018, Ramer co-founded SINE (Synergized Impact Network Exchange), a collaborative community that fuels collective empowerment and unprecedented unified action. SINE makes synergy happen.

Transfiguration of the Planet

Transfiguration of the Planet with Andrew Harvey

Kabir is far more than a poet; he is a universal initiatory field, as expansive as Rumi and as embodied, radical, and ferocious as Jesus. He is the voice of the evolutionary truth and its piercing love, and we never needed to hear him more. Can Kabir provide evolutionary guidance for the transfiguration of our planet, like he does for the transfigured human? Listen in as Andrew Harvey shares an enlightened blueprint.

[Click Here to Listen]


After authoring more than 30 books, Andrew Harvey, Rumi scholar, mystic, and founder of Sacred Activism, is releasing what may be his consummate work, Turn Me To Gold: 108 Poems By Kabir. Born in India and deeply influenced by its mystic traditions, Andrew became enraptured not only with the exquisite spiritual illumination he discovered in Kabir, but the poet’s grounding relevance to our troubled times.

Power to Transform Yourself and the Planet

Your Power to Transform Yourself and the Planet with Michael Reccia

Do you want to make a positive and instant difference to the way you live and to the way things are in the world? At a time when society has never before been so violent, materialistic and selfish, our guest today brings inspiration and wisdom that will remind you that you have the power to make a difference. What you believe you create. Therefore, the better world you long for is attainable for yourself, for your children, and for every single soul on this planet.

[Click Here to Listen]


Trance medium Michael G. Reccia believes that the true purpose of spirit communicators is not only to supply evidence of life after death but also to offer a blueprint for a better life before death by providing highly spiritual perspectives that can make a vital, positive difference to the individual and to the planet. Joseph, Michael’s communicator, is a highly-evolved spirit who is deeply worried about the present state of mankind. Joseph’s books offer all the information needed to transform ourselves and our world before it is too late.